Saturday, October 27, 2018

The latest poll in IL-6 flips the seat from red to blue by +2

That changes the electoral math from 219-211-5 to 220-210-5, putting the Democrats in control of the US House by a slim majority of three if the election were held today and the voters voted exactly in sync with the very latest poll in every Real Clear Politics "toss-up" congressional district.

218 seats are needed for a majority.

UT-4 remains tied in the latest poll there.

Friday, October 26, 2018

NBC joins CNN as enemies of the people, had exculpatory information on Swetnick claims but sat on it to help Democrats defeat Kavanaugh

[T]his makes three times that the network has been reluctant to run important, high-profile reports related to sexual misconduct.

The DOJ goes nuclear on Trump in the delay game on FISA warrants to cover up FBI wrongdoing, hoping Democrats win the US House in November

From the story here:

In court filings last week the Department of Justice deployed what could be the nuclear option in its latest effort to prevent President Trump from declassifying information regarding FISA warrants used to spy on his campaign aide Carter Page: It is claiming that such a move would interfere with Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation. 

This is the first time the DOJ has explicitly made this argument implying personal peril for the president, since interference could open Trump to charges of obstruction of justice. Until now, the department has argued that declassifying the documents threatened national security.

In the 178-page court document, DOJ officials said they had “determined that disclosure of redacted information in the Carter Page FISA documents could reasonably be expected to interfere with the pending investigation into Russian election interference."

That rationale has heightened suspicions among congressional investigators that the special counsel is being used to prevent the disclosure of possible FBI abuses and crimes committed during the Russia probe. ...

[S]ources told [Real Clear Investigations] that the president and the DOJ are at a standoff. “Trump knows that what’s in those documents clears him of all the collusion stuff,” said a third congressional source, “and it shows the FBI was doing some very bad things.” 
But what’s now keeping Trump from pulling the curtain back on the Russia investigation is the probe itself. “That’s the leverage the DOJ has on Trump,” explained this source. “Nothing on Russia or collusion or anything like that — it’s the actual investigation. If he’s seen to be interfering, they move to obstruction.”

GDP is growing at a rate 66% better under the first two years of Trump than under the last two years of Obama

NJ-3 tilts back to the Republican by +1 in the latest poll as other toss-up races tighten

The math thus shifts from 220-210-5 back to 219-211-5 with Democrats winning the majority by just 2 seats.

Meanwhile CA-10 has tightened from D+5 to D+2.

NY-22 has tightened from D+2 to D+1.

TX-7 has tightened from R+3 to R+1.

What better way for Antifa to discredit the right than by sending "bombs" to prominent Democrats?

Democrats (especially the neoliberal establishment standing in Bernie's way) are Antifa's enemies as much as are Republicans, who together all represent "the system" which these anarchists insist must be overthrown, including Bernie who is an anachronistic nationalist.

Sarah Silverman, specialist in "black comedy", went blackface in 2007 and can't go back (sorry Jimmy Kimmel), worked for NBC just like Megyn Kelly

Back when Jimmy Fallon was a kid, you know, in 2000, it was OK to APPEAR in blackface on NBC, not just talk about it

Reprised here.

Back when Jimmy Kimmel was a kid, you know, in 2000, it was OK to wear blackface and go on to work for ABC

Thursday, October 25, 2018

NBC fires Megyn Kelly, proving once again, as Bertie might say, that liberals are humorless dolts

Latest poll in NJ-3 flips seat to D+2 from R+2

That changes the latest US House math from 219-211-5 in favor of the Democrats to 220-210-5, based solely on the latest poll in each of the 31 toss-up races.

Obama takes credit for the upcoming recession

"So when you hear all this talk about economic miracles right now, remember who started it," he said to thunderous applause and a standing ovation. 

National Review commenter: "American politics is a varitable buffet of stupidity at the moment"

I'd say so, verily verily.

Latest poll tips FL-26 to the Democrat by +1, was previously Republican by +1

That takes the math to Democrats winning the majority 219-211 with 5 seats tied based on the latest poll in each of the 31 toss-ups.

Of the 31 current toss-ups, 10 races are +1 either way and 5 are tied, making 48% of the toss-up races just that close.

Of the 10 races +1, they are evenly split Democrat and Republican.

Polling remains out-of-date in 11 races, or 35% of the toss-ups, dating to September. Of those 6 favor the Democrat plus a seventh race is tied. Just four of these 11 races are +1 with one in the Democrat column.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Gov. Cuomo, NY's version of Hitler, says he got a bomb too when he didn't, hastily deploys 100 National Guardsmen on streets anyway

We have to restrict freedom in order to preserve it!

Reported by NBC here:

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo revealed that one of the packages was addressed to him and sent to his office.

"A device has been sent to my office in Manhattan which we were just informed about and that device is being handled," he said.

But shortly afterward, the FBI said that Cuomo's office had not received an explosive device and a Cuomo spokesman said the package contained computer files on the Proud Boys, a far right hate group some of whose members were recently arrested in Manhattan.

Saying he was acting "out of an abundance of caution," Cuomo later dispatched 100 members of the National Guard to beef up the already tight security at key New York City crossings, the airports, and in the subway system.

Remember when ricin was sent to Trump, Mattis, Wray, Haspel, Wilson and Richardson in early October?

You know, to the president, the defense secretary, the FBI director, the CIA director, the secretary of the US Air Force, and the Chief of Naval Operations from that guy in Utah?

Yeah, me either.

Odd how the media just let that pass into oblivion.

Really odd.

Whoever sent the pipe bombs to Democrats was just following Hillary's logic

Hillary 10/9/18: "You cannot be civil with a political party that wants to destroy what you stand for, what you care about.”

Aww, how come no one ever sends me a bomb?

Best Democrat political ad of the season

Kavanaugh effect evaporates in Rasmussen generic congressional poll, Democrats take 3-point advantage

Democrat 47%
Republican 44%
Other 3%
Undecided 6%

Reported here:

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone and online survey finds that 47% of Likely U.S. Voters would choose the Democratic candidate if the elections for Congress were held today. Forty-four percent (44%) would opt for the Republican. Three percent (3%) prefer some other candidate, and six percent (6%) are undecided.