Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Monica McLean denies Ford prepped her on polygraph exams

Reported here:

“I have NEVER had Christine Blasey Ford, or anybody else, prepare me, or provide any other type of assistance whatsoever in connection with any polygraph exam I have taken at anytime,” Monica McLean said in a statement Wednesday.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for September 2018

Grand Rapids, Michigan, Climate Update for September 2018

Max temp 90, Mean Max temp 89
Min temp 40, Mean Min temp 37
Av temp 66.1, Mean Av temp 62.7
Precip 5.93, Mean precip 3.57 (quack quack, another gullywasher)
Cooling Degree Days 135, Mean CDD 76, Season to date 983, Mean Season to date 690

The cooling season to date as measured by CDD is now 42% warmer than the mean to date. Season to date 2018 is now 7th warmest on record for total CDD. The warmest year on record was 1921 with 1200 CDD. The 2nd warmest year on record was 1931 with 1061 CDD. It is highly unlikely that 2018 will finish warm enough to crack the number two spot but will be firmly in the top ten warmest years by CDD. There have been five months in a row in 2018 with max temps in the 90s, the first time that has happened since 1991.

Ford's ex-boyfriend isn't simply a case of he said, she said: He names Monica L. McLean, whom Ford prepared for a polygraph test

I'm sure the Senate Judiciary Committee, or the FBI, is following up on her to corroborate the boyfriend's sworn testimony.

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Smells like teen perjury

Ex-boyfriend of Christine Ford contradicts much of her sworn testimony in new letter in evidence

The New York Times makes us relive high school with Brett Kavanaugh

Here, where nothing in particular jumps out except the thought that the biggest problem for many Americans is that they remain teenagers.

Supreme Court Justice Ruth Buzzi Ginsburg passed out at State of the Union after drinking too much

Beto O'Rourke is also pre-qualified for opprobrium from the #MeToo movement

Politico quotes him from 1991, here:

“Basically, the show documents the life of Will Rogers, the ‘lassoing fool,’ who rose from being an insignificant side show attraction to one of the more prominent political pundits and cultural statesmen in our history. Yet it is produced and directed in such a showy, glitzy, and ultimately, tacky manner, that one cannot help feeling disgusted throughout the show. Keith Carradine in the lead role is surrounded by perma-smile actresses whose only qualifications seem to be their phenomenally large breasts and tight buttocks.”

The Democrat answer to Ted Cruz is having a tough week.

Beto O'Rourke is pre-qualified to be the next drunken senator to say No to the Brett Kavanaughs of the world


NBC thinks it can edit things out of existence and no one will notice, you know, like Matt Lauer, or Leon Trotsky

Employers have loved all the extra, cheap female labor since the 1960s: Median weekly real earnings for all are up just 0.12% per year since 1979 . . .

. . . but were still flat as recently as 2014 (35 years)

Why we drink

Monday, October 1, 2018

Cool, Brett Kavanaugh got in a bar fight in 1985

This guy's a fighter yesterday, today and forever!

Meanwhile, the pantywaists say it shows he doesn't have the temperament to be a judge, ignoring his decade plus on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals, where he's done just fine thank you very much.

Confirm Kavanaugh.

Kavanaugh was involved in bar brawl at Yale

Yet another lying story from NBC omitting how Ramirez first called Kavanaugh's friends for weeks trying to get dirt on him

Hey Mark Levin, it doesn't help that fools like Donald Trump called Ford credible

Trump set the narrative, sorry to say . . . again.

Rachel Mitchell's verdict is simply drowned out by that.

We need a better leader.

The new puritans at CBS News flatly lie about Kavanaugh's testimony

"Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh has repeatedly said that he was legally allowed to consume beer as a prep school senior in Maryland."

That's a flat out lie. Kavanaugh never testified that he was "legally allowed".

He copped to drinking beer while under age, that's all, and that seniors were legal . . . at the time about which he testified.

That's how every under age drinker gets it to this day.

Hillary needs to get out there and campaign for Democrats