Tuesday, July 4, 2017

What's not to like this July 4th: Hillary's not president and gasoline averages $2.22 nationally

The American Revolution: Not an upheaval, but a return, a restoration

From the story here:

First, there were those who admired the English constitution that they had inherited and studied. Believing they had been deprived of their rights under the English constitution, their aim was to regain these rights. Identifying themselves with the tradition of Coke and Selden, they hoped to achieve a victory against royal absolutism comparable to what their English forefathers had achieved in the Petition of Right and Bill of Rights. To individuals of this type, the word revolution still had its older meaning, invoking something that “revolves” and would, through their efforts, return to its rightful place—in effect, a restoration. Alexander Hamilton was probably the best-known exponent of this kind of conservative politics, telling the assembled delegates to the constitutional convention of 1787, for example, that “I believe the British government forms the best model the world ever produced.” Or, as John Dickinson told the convention: “Experience must be our only guide. Reason may mislead us. It was not reason that discovered the singular and admirable mechanism of the English constitution…. Accidents probably produced these discoveries, and experience has given a sanction to them.” And it is evident that they were quietly supported behind the scenes by other adherents of this view, among them the president of the convention, General George Washington.

The revolving revolution of 1776

From an op-ed in The Washington Times here:

"This was the object of the Declaration of Independence," [Jefferson] wrote in a letter to Henry Lee in May 1825. "Not to find out new principles, or new arguments, never before thought of, not merely to say things which had never been said before; but to place before mankind the common sense of the subject, in terms so plain and firm as to command their assent, and to justify ourselves in the independent stand we are compelled to take."

In that vein, the "revolution" was conservative and indeed conforms to Edmund Burke's original use of the word with its common meaning of something revolving. A full revolution returns affairs to an original condition.

It wasn't about being original in the sense of being new; it was about telling the world who we are as Americans. "Neither aiming at originality of principle or sentiment, nor yet copied from any particular and previous writing, it was intended to be an expression of the American mind, and to give to that expression the proper tone and spirit called for by the occasion," Jefferson added.

Tens of thousands of refugees stuck in Italy

From the story here:

With France and Switzerland closing their borders to migrants since last year, the tens of thousands in Italy have nowhere to go. The EU came up with a plan to relocate around 160,000 asylum seekers stuck in Italy and Greece but so far only 12,000 have been resettled. Italy says it can no longer be expected to deal single-handedly with the vast number of asylum seekers, most of them economic migrants, streaming across the Mediterranean. ... 

The Italian government has warned that after years of taking in hundreds of thousands of migrants, the country is now at breaking point.

Italy's jobs debacle continues while stupid leaders let in refugees by the millions

From the story here:

Italy's chronic unemployment problem has been thrown into sharp relief after 85,000 people applied for 30 jobs at a bank – nearly 3,000 candidates for each post. ... It is not the first time that huge numbers of young Italians have applied for a small number of posts. When the region of Umbria advertised 94 public administration jobs in 2015, more than 32,000 people applied. A hospital in Milan that needed to recruit 10 nurses was inundated with more than 7,000 candidates.

Remember when Obama boasted of creating 2.1 jobs?

Six years ago at Real Clear Politics:

Employers immediately panicked after Obama was elected, shedding jobs by the millions

From November 2007 through October 2008, there were 19.6 million first time claims for unemployment.

Not good, but nothing like what followed.

Immediately after Obama was elected, the figure jumped by over 52% in November 2008 and never looked back. For the first twelve months after Obama's election, jobless claims jumped by 56% to 30.6 million.

The average per month jumped from 1.6 million per month to 2.6 million.

And in the first eight months since Trump was elected?

The average is 1.1 million per month.

Happy Independence Day!

Monday, July 3, 2017

Rahm Emanuel just lies about economic growth in Chicago: He's presiding over decline, not growth

Cities with reliable, modern mass transit are more economically competitive, have higher productivity, fewer carbon emissions and a better quality of life. And as we have seen in Chicago, mass transit not only connects people to opportunities, it also fuels growth. Modernizing our existing mass transit is one reason Chicago’s economy has expanded faster than the economies of New York and Washington, and faster than the national average for the last five years.

Grand Rapids, Michigan, climate update for June 2017

Mean average temperature was 69.5 degrees F in June 2017 in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The mean is 67.6.

The lowest minimum temperature was 46. The mean is 43.

The highest maximum temperature was 93. The mean is 91.

Precipitation was 4.88 inches. The mean is 3.55.

Snowfall was zero. Seasonal snowfall 2016-2017 ends at 60.1 inches. The mean is 66.6.

Heating degree days came to 22. The mean is 54. The season ends with 5635, the fifth warmest on record. The mean is 6703. Seasonal maximum is 7712. Seasonal minimum is 5253.

Cooling degree days to date come to 162. The mean to date is 139. Seasonal maximum is 1200. Seasonal minimum is 316. 

Fake wrestling doesn't exist, you see: Disinformation radio news media keep referring to Vince McMahon in 2007 Trump wrestling video as "a man"

The C-students in the media, all descended from Piltdown Man and with faces made for radio, don't want anyone to make the connection with fake news and maybe laugh at Trump's joke. This is about VIOLENCE against the media dontchaknow!

Ohio Man, Pennsylvania Man, Michigan Man, Asian Man, and Gun Man all get arrested for terrorism according to news reports but have absolutely nothing in common. Hm. What could it be?

And now Vince McMahon is just A Man and can't get no respect!

He might as well be Muslim Man.

Sunday, July 2, 2017

"Ohio Man" is terrorist born in Somalia, trained in Syria

Trump's funniest stunt yet: Mocks fake news with fake wrestling

Better than "only Rosie O'Donnell" and giving out Senator Grahamnesty's phone number.

There's no business like the loan shark business: Federal student loan rates jump 18.4% effective July 1

The 10-year Treasury pays barely 2.3% but the Feds will now gouge students over 93% more than that.

From the story here:

For new loans disbursed from July 1, 2017, to June 30, 2018, undergraduates will pay 4.45 percent. That's an increase from this year's rate of 3.76 percent. ... [Graduate students] will pay 6 percent for a direct unsubsidized loan — which begins accruing interest as soon as the borrower takes out the loan — an increase from 5.31 percent this year. Finally, rates on direct PLUS loans, which both graduate students and parents of undergrads can use, will rise to 7 percent from the current 6.31 percent. ... Last year, the average college graduate owed $37,172, up 6 percent from 2015, according to data from Student Loan Hero. ... Total student debt in the United States is now over $1.4 trillion — the majority of which is from federal loans.

Hey Mark Warner, these are the only Trump words that matter!

I got your frickin' CBO score right here

Government at all levels now costs 36% of GDP.

We can't afford another pencil.

Reuters gets it exactly backwards on $1.42 billion Taiwan arms deal: It pressures China to help on North Korea

Trump is playing chess with China, which has been provoking the free world by building illegal islands in the South China Sea and militarizing them. Arguably Trump needs to move even more pieces in their direction on the board.

China's anger over the U.S. plan to supply Taiwan with weapons risks undermining Trump's attempts to press China to help on North Korea. ... The sales, which require congressional approval, would be the first since a $1.83 billion sale that former President Barack Obama announced in December 2015, also to China's dismay.

Reuters should stick to reporting the news instead of opining about it.

Friday, June 30, 2017

CNBC's Jake Novak says Trump finally came to his senses with Obamacare "clean" repeal tweet

[I]n a tweet Friday morning, President Trump strongly suggested the Republicans just repeal Obamacare and worry about the replacement later. Thank you for finally coming to your senses, Mr. President!

Dan Bongino for Sean Hannity brings on Mark Meadows to talk about Obamacare repeal, and do they discuss Trump's clean repeal tweet?

No. Zip, zero, nada, bupkis.



This is talk radio malpractice.