Thursday, October 27, 2016

Boston Globe says Trump travels twice the distance Clinton travels, takes fewer days off, but Hillary criticizes Trump for taking time off to dedicate his new hotel

He’s racked up more than 276,000 miles since he officially announced he was running for president on June 16, 2015. She’s tallied 256,000-plus miles since April 12, 2015, when she formally announced her candidacy.

In recent weeks, Trump has traveled considerably more miles — about double the distance Clinton has logged.

Trump has also taken fewer days off from traveling, according to the National Journal data. He’s traveled on just over half the days since he announced he was running. She’s traveled on about 39 percent of days since throwing her hat in the ring.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Claes Ryn shoots one across Rod Dreher's bow

He comes as close as a Catholic can to recommending that conservatives stand and fight.

Meanwhile a certain Presbyterian has been hard at it already since June 2015.

His name is Donald John Trump.

Catholics are late to the party, again.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Hey Bernie: "Disgraced" in the summer, former DNC chair Washerwoman Schultz flies on Air Force One with Obama in October

Rod Dreher wrote a book about Dante but can't seem to place the liar Hillary in any circle of hell

E-mail from Hillary's Chief of Staff Cheryl Mills to John Podesta shows conspiracy to cover up evidence of Obama's knowledge of Hillary's private server

. . . apart from showing that Obama brazenly lied to the public when he said he knew nothing about Hillary's private server arrangement.

Here: "Obama has emails from Hillary which do not say".

Rush Limbaugh's memory of 1980 is terrible

He just said the unemployment rate in 1980 was in the double digits, but it wasn't.

In 1980 the unemployment rate averaged 7.2%. In July it peaked at 7.8%.

That hurt a lot because it had been as low as 5.6% in 1979. 

Two weeks to Election 2016 Real Clear Politics polling averages have Clinton beating Trump 333-205 in the Electoral College

With two weeks to go to Election 2016 the Real Clear Politics polling averages have Clinton beating Trump 333-205 in the Electoral College matchup. Hillary has regained momentum in the polling in the last week, up from winning 321-217 last week.

The basic map has Clinton at 272 this morning, already winning, and Trump at 126, with 140 EC votes as toss-ups.

Based on the polling advantages this morning in the toss-ups, Clinton wins NV, AZ, NC and FL with an average lead of 2.95 points, bringing her to 333 EC votes.

Trump wins TX, IA, OH, ME-2 and GA with an average lead of 3.66 points, bringing him to 205 EC votes.

Hillary has 10 states which only lean in her direction. In 9 of these her average lead is 7.3 points (there is no average shown for CT). These are already counted in her 272 EC total this morning. Trump has 4 states only leaning in his direction. His average lead in these is 6.2 points. These are already counted in his total of 126.

Libertarian Gary Johnson continues to poll at 6.0 on average, more than off-setting Clinton's 5.4 lead over Trump (39.9) in a four-way match up including Stein (2.2). But only in CO, NM, MN and NH do Johnson's averages total in excess of Clinton's leads this week. Clinton clearly has made small gains in her own right in OR, WI, MI, PA and VA as voters come to realize this election is binary. Rasmussen and IBD show Clinton only at +1, however, in the four-way match up nationally. 

In a two-way match up IBD also shows Clinton +1, as does the LA Times. Gravis has Clinton and Trump tied in one of the few polls of registered voters, 74% of which vote on average since 1972.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Consider the source

Rod Dreher blames the Republican rank and file who voted for Trump for the coming "mess"

Reminds me of Rush Limbaugh blaming the so-called four million Republicans who stayed home in 2012 for Romney's loss.

Yeah, like it's all of a sudden a government of the people, by the people and for the people when we lose, but the rubes never get the credit when we win.

Meanwhile the guys with the microphones and the high profile blogs get off scot-free.

"[T]he bitterness and spite among Republican regulars is going to blind them to their own role in creating this mess." 

The Republican Party is finished, and Frank Luntz knows it

Well, I have been to 26 states now. I will probably make it to 30 before the election is over. And it means that there is no coming together.

And I think it’s going to be very challenging for the GOP, because you have got some Trump voters who are unwilling to vote for a Republican for Senate or Congress as a way to send a message to the establishment, and you have got some independents who want to vote Republican for the Senate and the House, but won’t because they’re too connected to Donald Trump.

With only 17 days to go, I have not seen an election like this, where there is so much intraparty battles going on . . ..

Sunday, October 23, 2016

Dump all the yoga pants in Boston Harbor, preferably while being worn

Story here.

China's new "Internet Plus" seen as a resurgence of the totalitarianism of the Cultural Revolution

From the story here:

“China is moving towards a totalitarian society, where the government controls and affects individuals’ private lives,” said Beijing-based novelist and social commentator  Murong Xuecun. “This is like Big Brother, who has all your information and can harm you in any way he wants.” ...

Lester Ross, partner-in-charge of the Beijing office of law firm WilmerHale, says the rules are designed to stop anyone “stepping out of line” and could intimidate lawyers seeking to put forward an aggressive defense of their clients. He sees echoes of the Cultural Revolution, in which Mao Zedong identified “five black categories” of people considered enemies of the revolution, including landlords, rich farmers and rightists, who were singled out for struggle sessions, persecution and re-education.

New Black Five: Rights lawyers, underground religion, dissidents, internet leaders, the disadvantaged

Trump can still win this thing if his supporters don't lose heart and Americans can be convinced not to vote for the criminal alternative, Hillary Clinton

Consider the consensus of polling controlled by the pro-Democrat, liberal media interests as represented by the Real Clear Politics polling average today.

With just over 2 weeks to go until the election, Clinton is ahead 47.7 to Trump's 41.9 with an average margin of error of 3.46 points. Consider that this was almost exactly how things looked on August 17 when Trump handed over his campaign to Kellyanne Conway & Co. (Trump 41.2 v. Clinton 47.2). One can complain that Trump hasn't made any progress since then, but the same thing can be said about Clinton.

In view of what we know from Wikileaks demonstrating how the media aren't telling the truth and are simply part of the Clinton campaign, the truth is closer to the possibility of Clinton actually losing to Trump 45 to 44 in the popular vote despite the onslaught of character assassination going on against him, which is the only thing Democrats have going for them. That and the Republican traitors of #NeverTrump.

And that's what the daily tracking polls have been telling us, too, all along.

Rasmussen has consistently shown this to be a one or two point brawl for many months, often with Trump ahead. Same with IBD since the beginning of September. And the LA Times poll is virtually unchanged also since August 17 with Clinton +1 then and Trump +0.3 this morning.

As some headlines have suggested, Trump could win the popular vote and end up losing the election like Al Gore.

The reason is the toss-up states, but also the "leaners". Keep in mind that nationally the consensus of the liberal polling establishment has Clinton winning this by 6 points when it could actually be Trump by +1. In the states presently leaning Clinton her average lead is +7.35 but in her five toss-ups just +3.22. Trump's average lead in his leaners is +6.04 and in his toss-ups +3.25.

The race is much closer than the media which overwhelmingly support Clinton want you to believe.

Saturday, October 22, 2016

Obama boasted Democrat control of voting machines in Ohio in 2008 would help prevent election fraud

What he meant was ensure it.

John McCain lost Ohio by 262,000 votes in 2008, out of 5.722 million cast.

Friday, October 21, 2016

Vote fraud: Four years ago Pew understood what's wrong with America's voter registration system

Keep in mind that McCain lost in 2008 by 1.4 million votes and that Romney lost by fewer than 0.5 million votes in 2012 when reading the following.

Here was Pew in 2012:
  • 24 million or 1 in 8 registrations are significantly inaccurate or no longer valid
  • Approximately 12.7 million records nationwide appear to be out of date and no longer reflect the voter’s current information
  • 12 million records contain an incorrect address
  • Approximately 2.75 million people have registrations in more than one state
  • More than 1.8 million deceased individuals are listed as voters

Debate Three: Hillary's idea of government transparency is giving away America's military secrets to make herself look better

From the transcript here at The Washington Compost:

CLINTON: I -- I find it ironic that he's raising nuclear weapons. This is a person who has been very cavalier, even casual about the use of nuclear weapons. He's...

TRUMP: Wrong.

CLINTON: ... advocated more countries getting them, Japan, Korea, even Saudi Arabia. He said, well, if we have them, why don't we use them, which I think is terrifying.

But here's the deal. The bottom line on nuclear weapons is that when the president gives the order, it must be followed. There's about four minutes between the order being given and the people responsible for launching nuclear weapons to do so. And that's why 10 people who have had that awesome responsibility have come out and, in an unprecedented way, said they would not trust Donald Trump with the nuclear codes or to have his finger on the nuclear button.

TRUMP: I have 200 generals...

Trump uses Al Smith dinner to get out his message against the establishment and their candidate, Hillary Clinton

See him here, and boy did they not like it.

What that was was Trump turning Alinsky against the Alinskyites.

By using the Al Smith venue he went outside the experience of the enemy. He was supposed to be funnier. Instead he was vicious. He used the unexpected event of the period to be unexpectedly less funny than he could have been. Such humor as there was was very good, and proves he's capable of it. He just didn't use it. Instead he chose confrontation.

And what really pissed the opposition off was that they were forced to listen to it, and broadcast it.

Advantage Trump.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Sex roulette: 20 million NEW cases of STDs diagnosed annually in US, but in reality almost one out of three people has an STD and probably multiple STDs

1.5 million cases of chlamydia, 0.4 million cases of  gonorrhea, and 0.024 million cases of syphilis. So what are the other 18.076 million cases, hm?

The YAHOO! story here never tells you.


In addition to the 1.924 million NEW cases mentioned, the additional 18.076 million NEW cases must come from among the 3.71 million current cases of Trichomoniasis (hey, she smells fishy down there), and from the 24.1 million current cases of HSV-2 (genital herpes), and from the 79.1 million current cases of HPV (causing most genital and anal cancers). That's not to mention the 0.908 million current cases of HIV and the 0.422 million current cases of Hepatitis B.

This means that there are in excess of 110 million infections with STDs right now in the United States in at least 79.1 million individuals, which is 25% of the total population and 31% of everyone 16 years of age and older.

Feelin' lucky? 

As Secretary of State to Obama, John F. Kerry, who served in Vietnam, sold out America to Iran: Think what he might have done as president if elected in 2004

To this day Democrat John Kerry thinks the election was rigged against him, as reported here.

Rush Limbaugh: Trump could have been so much better in Debate Three

Well yeah, but that's been the story since Iowa when Trump sided with the ethanol industry against Cruz.

The guy isn't a conservative policy wonk.

If conservative talk radio had any brains they'd have accepted this from the beginning, supported him, and supplied what was lacking.

Instead it's nag, nag, nag all the way to the destination.