Sunday, August 7, 2016

So Clinton is +8 in the ABC poll in early August, but at the end of June she was +12

Showing once again that Clinton is not surging after the debacle in Philadelphia.

Seven months into 2016, the climate in Grand Rapids, MI, has been 6% warmer and 24% wetter than average, thanks to the now ended El Nino

Average temperature year to date: 49.58 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 46.62.
Departure from normal: +2.96, or +6.3%.

Average of maximum temperatures monthly year to date: 76.28 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 73.57.
Departure from normal: +2.71, or +3.7%.
July had 8 days 90+ degrees. June, 6 days.
Mean annual maximum temperature is 95.
Maximum temperature so far in 2016 is 93.

Average of minimum temperatures monthly year to date: 23.14 degrees F.
Mean year to date: 21.14.
Departure from normal: +2, or +9.5%.
There have been no days below zero so far in 2016.
Mean annual minimum temperature is -7.
Minimum temperature so far in 2016 is 1.

Cooling degree days year to date: 557.
Mean year to date: 423.
Departure from normal: +134, or +31.7%.

Heating degree days year to date (January -- June): 3762.
Mean year to date: 4226.
Departure from normal: -464, or -11%.

Snowfall year to date (January -- June): 55.1 inches.
Mean year to date: 43.3 inches.
Departure from normal: +11.8, or +27.3%.

Rainfall year to date: 23.57 inches.
Mean year to date: 19.69.
Departure from normal: +3.88, or +19.7%.

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Very strong El Nino ends with June 2016 as 3 month average through July falls to 0.2 on the index

The El Nino was 15 months long averaging 1.43 on the index, coming right in between the 1997-98 very strong El Nino which was 13 months long and averaged 1.56 on the index and the 1982-83 VSE which was 15 months long and averaged 1.33.

Gold Star mom thinks it's OK for the Khans to politicize their son's sacrifice and Trump just has to take it

From the story here:

Kristine Schellhaas, the wife of a Marine and author of "15 Years of War," said many people "love Trump for his brash, call-it-as-he-sees-it rhetoric, but this time, Trump’s gone too far in the eyes of the military members and their families."  

"As a mother who lost her son, I know the feeling of being unable to talk about his loss. I too have felt like Mrs. Khan, unable to find the words to describe the chasm in my heart that will never heal. To set her up and ridicule her as a Gold Star mom is cruel," she said.
"This isn’t about being Republican or Democrat, it’s about being a human being with a moral compass. Trump has gone too far and he’s lost a lot of military supporters because of it. He owes the Gold Star community and Khan family an apology," she said.   

The white vote decreased by 2 million 2008-2012

Fewer than 500,000 votes total from four states, Florida, Virginia, Ohio and New Hampshire, kept Romney from victory in 2012.

From the story here:

. . . Trump might need a smaller surge of 3 million white men to show up at the polls.

That’s not out of the question, considering that the white vote decreased by 2 million voters between 2008 and 2012 — a drop analysts attributed to Romney’s lack of appeal with the working class. 

Republicans say the drop-off in white working class voters was the worst in deep red states that Romney won easily, but it also affected the tally in Ohio, a pivotal battleground.

Friday, August 5, 2016

Trump caves to the establishment, endorses Paul Ryan of Wisconsin

Story here.

Next time you need money, Donald, ask Paul. He pays for the $400 bottles of wine at dinner, mine cost $4.

Good luck with that!

The LA Times is worried Obama will finish his term without an Authorization for Use of Military Force in Libya against ISIS

For the LA Times the appearance of tyranny after two years of executive action is unacceptable while the fact of it is unmentionable.

Not discussed here.  

Clinton is +7 in IBD poll, same as she was in April . . .

. . . but she was +12 in March.

Ex-Republican libertarians are obsessed with screws and dicks

Hey Reince Priebus, the House Freedom Caucus won't endorse Paul Ryan either, so lay off the Donald

From the story here:

Not a single member of House Freedom Caucus leadership opted to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in his contentious August 9 primary race against Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen.

Breitbart News reached out to House Freedom Caucus leadership board members and caucus spokesmen including Reps. Jim Jordan, Mick Mulvaney, Mark Meadows, Steve Pearce, Jeff Duncan, John Fleming, Matt Salmon, Scott Garrett, and Raul Labrador.

Breitbart News asked the members multiple times whether they planned to make an endorsement in the race. Not a single member chose to endorse Ryan.

Hillary Clinton has the billionaire vote all sewed up, full steam ahead for the crony capitalist status quo

Just a reminder about the polls rocking the nation to start August 1988

Dukakis: 54%
Bush: 37%

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hey Levin, your either "with us" or "against us" tyrant was George Bush

So Clinton is +3 in the Economist poll to begin August

Over the 4th of July she was +5.

So Clinton is +4 in the Reuters poll in early August

In the same poll over the 4th of July she was +11.

So Clinton is +10 in the FOX poll to begin August

She was +11 in the same poll in March.

So Clinton is +15 in the McClatchy poll in August 2016

A year ago in the same poll she was +16.

So Clinton is +9 in the NBC poll in August

She was +11 in it in April.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hillary is a total and complete dipshit, calls for raising taxes on the middle class

The story here has the video, and says it must have been a slip of the tongue.

Uh huh.

Booted from committee by Boehner, now voters boot anti-Trumper Rep. Tim Huelskamp entirely

Former House Speaker John Boehner famously booted Freedom Caucus members Tim Huelskamp, Justin Amash, Walter Jones and David Schweikert from House committees late in 2012 for not cooperating with leadership.

Now voters in Kansas have booted Huelskamp entirely by defeating him in his Republican primary. The three-term congressman lost to a challenger by 13 points and 13,500 votes.

Politico reports that the US Chamber of Commerce and the Ricketts family spent heavily to defeat Huelskamp, who had the temerity to vote against several versions of farming legislation which were more important to Kansas voters than the ideological reasons Huelskamp gave.

The same ideological reasons made Huelskamp anti-Trump, but that did him no good with the also anti-Trump Ricketts family.