Friday, August 5, 2016

Clinton is +7 in IBD poll, same as she was in April . . .

. . . but she was +12 in March.

Ex-Republican libertarians are obsessed with screws and dicks

Hey Reince Priebus, the House Freedom Caucus won't endorse Paul Ryan either, so lay off the Donald

From the story here:

Not a single member of House Freedom Caucus leadership opted to endorse House Speaker Paul Ryan in his contentious August 9 primary race against Wisconsin businessman Paul Nehlen.

Breitbart News reached out to House Freedom Caucus leadership board members and caucus spokesmen including Reps. Jim Jordan, Mick Mulvaney, Mark Meadows, Steve Pearce, Jeff Duncan, John Fleming, Matt Salmon, Scott Garrett, and Raul Labrador.

Breitbart News asked the members multiple times whether they planned to make an endorsement in the race. Not a single member chose to endorse Ryan.

Hillary Clinton has the billionaire vote all sewed up, full steam ahead for the crony capitalist status quo

Just a reminder about the polls rocking the nation to start August 1988

Dukakis: 54%
Bush: 37%

Thursday, August 4, 2016

Hey Levin, your either "with us" or "against us" tyrant was George Bush

So Clinton is +3 in the Economist poll to begin August

Over the 4th of July she was +5.

So Clinton is +4 in the Reuters poll in early August

In the same poll over the 4th of July she was +11.

So Clinton is +10 in the FOX poll to begin August

She was +11 in the same poll in March.

So Clinton is +15 in the McClatchy poll in August 2016

A year ago in the same poll she was +16.

So Clinton is +9 in the NBC poll in August

She was +11 in it in April.

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Hillary is a total and complete dipshit, calls for raising taxes on the middle class

The story here has the video, and says it must have been a slip of the tongue.

Uh huh.

Booted from committee by Boehner, now voters boot anti-Trumper Rep. Tim Huelskamp entirely

Former House Speaker John Boehner famously booted Freedom Caucus members Tim Huelskamp, Justin Amash, Walter Jones and David Schweikert from House committees late in 2012 for not cooperating with leadership.

Now voters in Kansas have booted Huelskamp entirely by defeating him in his Republican primary. The three-term congressman lost to a challenger by 13 points and 13,500 votes.

Politico reports that the US Chamber of Commerce and the Ricketts family spent heavily to defeat Huelskamp, who had the temerity to vote against several versions of farming legislation which were more important to Kansas voters than the ideological reasons Huelskamp gave.

The same ideological reasons made Huelskamp anti-Trump, but that did him no good with the also anti-Trump Ricketts family.

Michigan primary turnout yesterday was 19.1% of registered voters

According to the Michigan Secretary of State, 1.405 million votes were cast in primary races yesterday out of 7.36 million registered through the end of July, just 56% of those cast in March.

2.5 million turned out on March 8th in the presidential primary, about 34% of registered voters, smashing an all-time record for a presidential primary set in 1972 at 1.9 million. In excess of 1.33 million of those 2.5 million votes in March were cast for Republicans vying for the presidential nomination finally secured by Donald Trump after Ted Cruz lost in Indiana.

In presidential elections since 1972, turnout nationwide has averaged 74% of those registered but just 53% of the voting age population.

Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Obama trades cash for Americans held by Iran, but Trump is unfit to be president

That didn't take long: Brad Marshall is out at the DNC along with Communications Director Luis Miranda

Reported here:

The CEO of the DNC, Amy Dacey, is stepping down, as are communications director Luis Miranda and chief financial officer Brad Marshall, the DNC announced in a statement.

Tyler Cowen, soulless libertarian, epitomizes what's wrong with America, thinks there's a positive side to Chinese cheating and slave labor which must be considered

I expected to hate [Peter Navarro's] "Crouching Tiger: What China’s Militarism Means for the World," but instead I found it to be an intelligent discussion of the problems likely to result from a more assertive China. That said, Navarro does not come close to demonstrating his opening prediction that future war with China is “very likely.” In contrast, his "The Coming China Wars" is mostly a series of emotional diatribes against the Chinese government, opening with charges of cheating and slave labor and never much considering the positive side of Chinese economic growth.

DNC's CEO Amy Dacey resigns, when's CFO Brad Marshall going to go?

From the story here:

In one widely criticized leaked email, DNC CFO Brad Marshall appears to write about a plan to question Sanders’s religion at a campaign event in Kentucky or West Virginia. Dacey wrote “AMEN” in response. 

Limbaugh renews contract, supposedly takes pay cut

Story here.

Republican coward won't face the voters: Rep. Richard Hanna is retiring, announces he'll vote for Hillary