Saturday, July 16, 2016

Mike Pence was an immigration squish in 2007 who caved to the gay mafia in 2015

This is not Trump surrounding himself with the best.

Detailed here and here.

Friday, July 15, 2016

Germany and France have suppressed the truth about the animalistic brutality of Islamist terrorists in recent incidents

Reported here, if you can stomach it.

Terrorist kills a bunch of fags in a gay nightclub, incompetent FBI finds no evidence he did it because they were gay

And there you have it. These people couldn't find their asses with both hands and a mirror.

Story here.

It takes the LA Times 8 handwringing paragraphs to break the bad news: Trump leads Clinton 43 to 40 in tracking poll

But there's really nothing to see . . .

Meaning of a military coup in a NATO country: The country shouldn't be in NATO

Stories everywhere.

Try here.

Sounds like the military is actually in favor of being a secularized state instead of the late Islamicized state the current government is sympathetic toward.

In which case, OK, but that's not how it's done in NATO.

#Anti-Trump crashes and burns in the rules committee: Can anything good come out of Utah?

An ignominious moment for Sen. Mike Lee of Utah, who suddenly developed a tin ear for politics. Or maybe he's never had an ear for politics?

Story here.

If only 36% finish their college degrees in four years, maybe 64% of those in college don't belong there

The New York Times reported here in 2014:

At most public universities, only 19 percent of full-time students earn a bachelor’s degree in four years, the report found. Even at state flagship universities — selective, research-intensive institutions — only 36 percent of full-time students complete their bachelor’s degree on time.

Meanwhile just 59% finish within six years.

Well then, time to . . . BAN TRUCKS!

Trump tweets this morning that Mike Pence is his choice for VP

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Bart Lower of Ionia, Michigan, is no Republican: In January he was a dues-paying member of the Libertarian Party and actually thought he could be president!

Oh how the mighty are fallen, running for president but six months later running for a lowly state house seat.

As usual The New York Times projects its own ludicrousness onto others

Here, where what's ludicrous is that The New York Times can't bring itself to say that the confessed devotee of Islamic State actually killed the 49 people, who somehow ended up dead:

“Right now, what we want to do is have a good conversation where we calm things down and we talk about solutions,” Speaker Paul Ryan explained in retreating from an issue — the ease with which terrorism suspects can buy guns — that Republicans had vowed to take up after a confessed devotee of the Islamic State last month opened fire in an Orlando nightclub, where 49 people were killed.

Mr. Ryan’s words deserve close inspection. They’re ludicrous. 

CBS/NYT poll has Trump tied with Hilliary 40-40

Heading into the two parties' conventions, the race for President is a dead heat, a change from last month when Hillary Clinton led by six points. Forty percent of registered voters now say they will back Clinton (a dip of three points), while 40 percent will vote for Trump (a bump up of three points). A month ago, Clinton led Trump 43 to 37 percent.

Rasmussen has Trump at +7 over Hilliary

The latest Rasmussen Reports weekly White House Watch survey of Likely U.S. Voters finds Trump with 44% support to Clinton’s 37%.

Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Imagine if Trump had the IRS to go after his critics and opponents

Yeah, imagine.

China's vice foreign minister Liu Zhenmin declares most of South China Sea "China's territory"

Reported here:

Mr Liu insisted that most of the South China Sea, including the Spratly and Paracel island chains, were China’s "inherent territory". He added: "We hope that other countries will not take this opportunity to threaten China and work with China to protect the peace and stability of the South China Sea, and not let it become the origin of a war.”

Jonathan Turley rips Justice Ruth "Buzzi" Ginsburg, agrees with Trump that her statements are unethical and undermine the Supreme Court

[Trump] is right. What she did is not just wrong ethically. It undermines the integrity of the Supreme Court. it's a very serious blow to that court.

A proposed definition of "transvestite" for The Devil's Dictionary

TRANSVESTITE, noun: An utopian; an infantile person for whom the irreducible distinctions of reality are unacceptable and can readily be exchanged in a closet.

The Devil's Dictionary definition of a republic aptly captures the growing absence of law and order in America

In a republic the foundation of public order is the ever lessening habit of submission inherited from ancestors who, being truly governed, submitted because they had to. There are as many kinds of republics as there are gradations between the despotism whence they came and the anarchy whither they lead.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Are millions in America experiencing economic crisis?

If you lost your full-time middle class job in 2008 at the age of 51 and now by the age of 59 have only been able to find part-time work paying you one fifth of that, well yeah, it's a crisis.

Or maybe it's more like being slowly strangled to death because you saved enough before that to last this long, because you wouldn't still be alive to read this had you not. It's the real life version of "the continuing crisis" that used to be mocked in a monthly column at The American Spectator.

Hence our rage. Hence Trump. 

But otherwise, no, everything's just fine, sweetie.

The issue is briefly discussed here and here.

Hague Tribunal rules in favor of Philippines in South China Sea, saying China has never exercised exclusive authority over the waters

China doesn't give a damn.

Story here.