Wednesday, July 6, 2016
Tuesday, July 5, 2016
James Comey has never cared about the law, just the outcome
He actively worked to overturn the will of 7 million Californians who lawfully passed Proposition 8, and now he's added intent to a statute that doesn't contain it in order to exonerate Hillary Clinton's many violations of the law.
"I'm sorry, officer, I didn't mean to speed, jump the curb, hit that mailbox and kill the postman."
"Oh, well, then no problem, you're free to go!"
In other words, same sex marriage and a Hillary presidency must be the outcome.
FBI director James Commie announces there will be NO CHARGES against Hillary Clinton, David Petraeus is just chopped liver
Politico reported here just minutes ago.
David Petraeus,
Hillary 2016,
James Comey,
Foreign Policy pinhead Fredrik deBoer erupts with reverse racism against whites, feigns concern over increase in white suicides to slam gun ownership
Evidently the same self-loathing white guy featured here for whom more neoliberalism isn't an option and FDR was just another affluent bastard who short-circuited socialism. It's always about the guns, isn't it, because the guns in the hands of the people stop commies like this from taking power. And hey, thanks to Foreign Policy and Business Insider for giving this creep a forum. deBoer must laugh to himself at how easy it is to subvert the country.
[W]hite Americans overall continue to enjoy significant advantages over black and Hispanic Americans in metrics like unemployment, college completion rate, and incarceration rate, which is not surprising in a country that still suffers from immense and structural white supremacy.
But this does not change the fact that white workers without college degrees have seen their overall quality of life eroded in a variety of ways that almost certainly contribute to the suicide rate. For example, as a New York Times story on the report points out, unmarried men have dramatically higher suicide rates, and divorce rates are strongly tied to income and education, with those in lower income brackets and educational levels suffering from far higher rates.
Why white Americans are so much more likely to commit suicide than black, Hispanic, and Asian Americans, whose rates are less than half that of white Americans, is something of a mystery.
This might paradoxically be part of the legacy of white privilege: Because white Americans have traditionally enjoyed greater affluence and cultural prestige than people of color, they might take unemployment, poverty, and their attendant indignities as harder to stomach. ... Owning a gun is one of the most powerful predictors of suicide risk overall.
Monday, July 4, 2016
Sunday, July 3, 2016
Grand Rapids, Michigan, has just logged its third warmest winter ever in terms of heating degree days in 2015-16
June 2016 is over and the data are in.
From 1892 Grand Rapids, Michigan, has just experienced its third warmest winter ever in terms of heating degree days for the winter measuring season ending in June. When we have fewer heating degree days here up north that means lower demand for heat during the typical eight month long period when heating is needed.
Mean heating degree days for the season from the beginning of the record to date now average 6713, but in 2015-16 Grand Rapids logged just 5617, a whopping 1096 below the long term mean, about 16.3% fewer heating degree days than normal. In my case that translated into a natural gas consumption reduction of about 10% compared with most winters I have experienced.
The warmest winter on record was actually quite recent and unrelated to an El Nino as now. In 2011-12 just 5253 heating degree days were logged in Grand Rapids. Second place belongs to the long ago winter of 1920-21, with 5520 heating degree days.
At the same time that we experienced these warmer conditions snowfall for the season came in only 5.6 inches lower than the long term mean of 66.7, at 61.1 inches.
Last November I predicted much less snow at 47.85 inches and many more heating degree days at 6148, both representing averages of previous observations in Grand Rapids during Very Strong El Nino periods in 1982-83 and 1997-98. But we were this season much snowier and warmer than those averages predicted.
Turning to the year to date categories, rainfall is actually running 1.41 inches above the mean to date of 16.54 inches, at 17.95. This is despite the extremely dry conditions in June which have left our lawns brown.
The cumulative average temperature year to date is running a total of 18.6 degrees F above the long term mean for the six months to date. That's about one tenth of a degree above normal per day to date.
The current Very Strong El Nino after fourteen months is averaging 1.5 monthly on the index. June data is not yet available. The most recent previous Very Strong El Nino averaged 1.56 monthly over thirteen months, in 1997-98.
Saturday, July 2, 2016
Friday, July 1, 2016
Matt Taibbi laments the first successful revolt in ages against one of the two major parties
But choosing a dangerous race-baiting lunatic as the vehicle for the first successful revolt in ages against one of the two major parties will have many profound negative consequences for voters. The most serious will surely be this burgeoning movement to describe voting and democracy as inherently dangerous.
Yeah, don't anger the jailers too much or you won't get any bread with your soup.
Thursday, June 30, 2016
Why do Bush Republicans support Hillary Clinton when even the Manchester Union Leader calls her a lying liar?
Birds of a feather flock together maybe?
From the editorial today, here:
Hillary Clinton lied. ... Hillary Clinton lying is not breaking news. ... For weeks, the administration framed the [Benghazi] attack as a response to a YouTube video, lying to the American people. Hillary Clinton personally peddled that lie to the victims’ relatives. ... She’s counting on the tribalism rife in modern American politics to shield her from responsibility for her blunders and lies. The Obama administration lied about what happened in Benghazi to win the 2012 presidential election. The Clinton campaign is hoping that history repeats itself.
Lois Lerner committed a crime, sending 1.25 million pages of taxpayer returns to Obama's Justice Department
The crime occurred in October 2010, but Obama's Justice Department, which participated in the crime, decided in 2015 not to prosecute Lerner.
It is the most corrupt regime in the history of the republic.
The whole damn lot of them should be in jail, not in office.
Details here.
Rasmussen has Trump +4 over Clinton: 43-39
The tables have turned in this week’s White House Watch. After trailing Hillary Clinton by five points for the prior two weeks, Donald Trump has now taken a four-point lead.
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
George Will leaves Republican Party over Trump: You know, the guy who predicted Mitt Romney to win in a landslide
Look up "tin ear for politics" and you will find George Will's picture: 321 Romney to 217 Obama, reported here November 4, 2012.
He's also a Cubs fan and an atheist, which somehow makes perfect sense: George Will believes in lost causes.
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