Saturday, June 11, 2016

NYT: Tens of thousands of American workers lose their jobs to H-1B temporary visa abuse by American employers, some start to speak up

Does anyone read The Times on Saturday?

According to federal rules, temporary visas known as H-1Bs are for foreigners with “a body of specialized knowledge” not readily available in the labor market. The visas should be granted only when they will not undercut the wages or “adversely affect the working conditions” of Americans. But in the past five years, through loopholes in the rules, tens of thousands of American workers have been replaced by foreigners on H-1B and other temporary visas, according to Prof. Hal Salzman, a labor force expert at Rutgers University.

Now remember class: Expenditures on taller fences only work to protect the president, not the American people

Thursday, June 9, 2016

Wow, first time ever surveyed by Rasmussen by telephone

It took almost nine minutes.

Lots of questions about gender and sexuality, nothing about Trump or Clinton.


Obama drives sales of firearms over 141 million with half a year left in his tenure: About 51,000 everyday he's been president!

Obama's Justice Sotomayor is the total and complete racist Americans should be worried about

New York Times transcript of 2001 Sotomayor speech, here, where she says physiological differences may and will make a difference in the administration of justice and make decisions better:

Whether born from experience or inherent physiological or cultural differences, a possibility I abhor less or discount less than my colleague Judge Cedarbaum, our gender and national origins may and will make a difference in our judging. Justice O'Connor has often been cited as saying that a wise old man and wise old woman will reach the same conclusion in deciding cases. I am not so sure Justice O'Connor is the author of that line since Professor Resnik attributes that line to Supreme Court Justice Coyle. I am also not so sure that I agree with the statement. First, as Professor Martha Minnow has noted, there can never be a universal definition of wise. Second, I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life.

Senate Republicans Alexander, Bond, Collins, Grahamnesty, GreggTARP, Lugar, Martinez, Snowe and Voinovich voted to confirm her, 68-31.

Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The only way Hillary hasn't clinched it is if ordinary delegates were awarded strictly proportionally by popular vote

Clinton has won 56.7% of the total primary popular vote, and Sanders 43.3%.

So if you award ordinary delegates according to that ratio, Clinton gets 2297 and Sanders 1754, both of which fall short of the 2382 needed to win.

But then there's those darn 712 superdelegates . . ..

Divide those up the same way and Hillary clinches it with 2701, and Sanders still falls short with 2062.

As things stand Clinton actually gets 2184 plus 571, Sanders 1804 plus 48.

Sanders remains the plausible alternative if the FBI recommends charges against Hillary, but that's about it.

Hey Paul Ryan, I got your textbook racism right here!

Trump cleans up, sweeps California, New Jersey, Montana, New Mexico and South Dakota averaging 74% of the popular vote

Global cooling in Grand Rapids, Michigan, in my lifetime

Mean average temperature 1892-1956: 48.2 degrees F

Mean average temperature 1956-2015: 48.0 degrees F

Monday, June 6, 2016

David Somebody thinks he has to explain why he's not running for president

And you thought Trump was a narcissist.

Dilbert creator Scott Adams uncovers the bloodthirst causing Hillary Clinton's chronic cough

This past week we saw Clinton pair the idea of President Trump with nuclear disaster, racism, Hitler, the Holocaust, and whatever else makes you tremble in fear. ... [O]nce you define Trump as Hitler, you also give citizens moral permission to kill him. And obviously it would be okay to kill anyone who actively supports a genocidal dictator, including anyone who wrote about his persuasion skills in positive terms. (I’m called an “apologist” on Twitter, or sometimes just Joseph Goebbels). 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Conrad Black: Trump evicting the entire leadership of the Republican Party is unique in US history

The current very strong El Nino now extends to 14 months, averaging 1.5 on the index

We now have three back to back periods of 1.9, 1.6 and 1.1 on the index, indicating the El Nino is winding down rapidly from its high point in November-December-January at 2.3.

Year over year, abnormally dry conditions and worse have been reduced by El Nino rains from 50.73% of the country at the end of May 2015 to 31.82% of the country now, an improvement of just over 37%. Central and southern California remains hard hit.

Grand Rapids, MI, reported temperature anomaly for May 2016 was +1.7 degrees F

Temperature averaged 60.4 degrees F, according to the preliminary monthly climate data for May 2016 in Grand Rapids, MI. The cumulative reported total anomaly year to date rises 1.7 from +7.3 last month to +9.0 degrees F in May. Using the full NOW data set going back to 1892, however, the cumulative temperature anomaly for the first five months of 2016 is +15.9 degrees F. 

Snowfall was only a trace in May, still totaling 61.1 inches to date, but now 4.9 inches below the long term mean average of 66 inches, with one month left in the measuring period.

Heating degree days (HDD) in May at 206 were 18.25% below the long term normal for the month. The long term mean expected HDD to date would be 6663. Actual HDD to date were 5596, 16% below normal, thanks to the El Nino, with one month left in the measuring period.

It is notable that neither this El Nino nor any other since 1950 has come close to producing the warm winter Grand Rapids experienced in 2011-2012 when the heating degree day measurement hit an all time record low of 5253. Placeholders two and three for warmest winters by HDD after 2011-12 were 1920-21 at 5520 and 1931-32 at 5619. 2015-2016 looks set to join the list, however, of the top five warmest winters by HDD.

Friday, June 3, 2016

Paul Ryan mistakenly thinks Donald Trump exists to serve Congress' agenda when it's the other way around

Big spending establishment Speaker Paul Ryan voted for Cromnibus

House Republicans are helping shape that Republican vision by offering a bold policy agenda, by offering a better way ahead. Donald Trump can help us make it a reality.

If Americans wanted Congress' agenda the Congress would have a higher approval rating than 18%.

Trump's rating by contrast is 33% in May. 

San Jose's mayor Sam Liccardo projects a safer city for Democrats only, not for Donald Trump and his supporters

An angry mob pelted eggs, tomatoes, and bottles at the [Trump] spectators—as well as the police, who tried (and failed) to maintain some semblance of order. Other Trump supporters were set upon and punched. One was left with blood streaming down his face. ... "At some point Donald Trump needs to take responsibility for the irresponsible behavior of his campaign," the [Clinton Democrat] mayor said.

More here.

Just 38,000 jobs added in May, fewest since September 2010: 3-month average fizzles to 116,000 monthly

Way to go, Brownie!

Story here.

Thursday, June 2, 2016