Saturday, March 12, 2016

Friday, March 11, 2016

Only Michael Savage talked on the radio today about the Ted Cruz religion story

And even though he's a Jew, Michael Savage grasped the meaning:

Ted Cruz is a phony because he claims to be a mainstream evangelical when he's really part of the Christian lunatic fringe.

Do we really want such a person in the Oval Office?

That's all.

Rush tries to make the story today about Ben Carson instead of Ted Cruz' religion, throws Carson under the bus for endorsing Trump

CARSON:  Some people said, "But, well, you know, he said terrible things about you; how can you support him?"  Well, first of all, we buried the hatchet.  That was political stuff.  And, you know, that happens in American politics.  The politics of personal destruction and all that is not something that I particularly believe in or anything that I get involved in.  But I do recognize that it is a part of the process.  We move on because it's not about me; it's not about Mr. Trump. It's about America.  And this is what we have to be thinking about.  I have found, in talking with him, that, you know, there's a lot more alignment philosophically and spiritually than I ever thought that there was.

RUSH:  Okay, well, that's... I'm sitting here thinking, "If that's just politics, why are you so upset at Ted Cruz for believing what CNN tweeted about leaving the campaign and heading back to Florida?"  Well, no, I'm just asking.  Well, yeah. "How can you support Trump? He said some terrible things about you." "Well, we buried the hatchet. It's political stuff, you know? That kind of stuff happens in politics."  Well, he must not have forgiven Ted Cruz.  Ted Cruz didn't do anything!  Ted Cruz never said anything like what Trump said about Ben Carson.  But we're not through here.  Carson continued...

Flashback to last June here:

Dr. Benjamin Carson is one of the finest, most accomplished human beings on this planet who has done more for people than most people in politics will ever do.  And he's done it personally, not with other people's money. Dr. Ben Carson is a first-class human being and citizen.  He is exactly the kind of person that you could trust running any government institution.  You would trust him to babysit your kids.  He's just an admirable human being.  He has overcome great odds.  He's brilliant.  He's temperate.  There is everything in the world to recommend about the humanity of Dr. Benjamin Carson, and here he is on CNN today ripped and said it's unfortunate that somebody like Ben Carson will be made to look serious when Trump gets in as the clown. 

Mark Levin's problem is that he's a disciple of a disciple

William F. Buckley, Jr.

Rush Limbaugh talks about anything to avoid the Ted Cruz bombshell story of the day

For a guy who claims to take his daily agenda from the headlines, Rush Limbaugh sure made a point of not talking about them today because the headlines crucify his hero Ted Cruz as the liar Donald Trump has been telling us he is since Iowa.

In the process Rush made an ASS of himself, ultimately comparing Donald Trump to Sean Penn, and even attacking the credibility of Ben Carson, who endorsed Trump this morning.

What a jerk. Previously Limbaugh called Carson, and more than once, one of the finest people alive.

These were easily the most telling three hours about the limitations of one Rush Hudson Limbaugh since his prescription drug scandal years ago.

A truly pathetic performance unworthy of the conservative cause.

Campaigning for Cruz: Limbaugh compares Donald Trump to Sean Penn. Isn't such a comparison a tactic of the left?

He just said Trump admires the strength of the Chicoms putting down the Tiananmen Square freedom movement the way Sean Penn admires the likes of communist strongmen Chavez and Castro.



Here's the money quote:

[Trump] was simply admiring the strength or pointing out what a powerfully strong government can do.  Hey, this is why what's-his-face, Sean Penn, loves Castro.  It's why Sean Penn loved what's-his-face down in Venezuela, Hugo Chavez.  They envied the power.  No question about. 

Rush is willing to jettison conservative principles and cross this line because his loyalty to Ted Cruz is more important than those things are.

Total hypocrite. 

Rush knows Ted Cruz is toast

Rush is doing all but endorsing Ted Cruz on the show today.

National Review joins Mark Levin in endorsing the guy who's been lying about his real religion

Ted's a dominionist, so now we know what's the matter with Kansas (24 delegates)

And Idaho (20 delegates).

So lying Ted Cruz has been misrepresenting himself as a Southern Baptist when he's really a Pentecostal

And a pretty kooky Pentecostal at that:

While Ted Cruz proudly proclaims he is an Evangelical Christian, his campaign takes pains to hide the truth that Cruz and his pastor father, Rafael Cruz are Pentecostal Christians, a fact further hidden by having Ted and Heidi Cruz’s belong to the congregation of First Baptist Church, a Southern Baptist church in Houston, as their home church. ...

Rafael Cruz is a pastor with Purifying Fire International Ministry, although in January 2014, as Ted Cruz was preparing his presidential swing, Rafael Cruz scrapped the group’s website after various blogs began identifying the ministry as rooted in “a radical Christian ideology known as Dominionism or Christian Reconstructionism.”

Dominionism calls on anointed Christian leaders to take over government to make the laws of the nation in accordance with Biblical laws. Rafael Cruz, at the Pastor Larry Huch’s New Beginnings mega-church in Bedford Texas, outside Dallas, on Aug. 26, 2012, in a Dominionist sermon proclaimed his son, Ted Cruz, to be the “anointed one,” a Dominionist Messiah who would bring God’s law to reign.

Some people could sincerely mistake Ted Cruz for having followers who salute him like a Hitler, too

Video here, where they're really "laying on hands".

Hm, Hillary Clinton defender David Gregory's wife Beth Wilkinson is the lawyer for Cheryl Mills and other Clinton aides

David Gregory, quoted here:

"I think there's no reason to suspect that she's even a target in a criminal probe....I thought it was a bit pointed as a question, and I think it was fair for her not to answer."

h/t Chris Plante 


Ted Cruz' dog whistle to the left/liberal consensus, insinuates Trump supporters give him the "Sieg, Heil!"

A new low for Cruz.

From the transcript of the Miami debate last night, here:

CRUZ: ... You know, at Donald's rallies recently, he's taken to asking people in the crowd to raise their hand and pledge their support to him.

Now, I got to say to me, I think that's exactly backwards. This is a job interview. We are here pledging our support to you, not the other way around.

Trump causes a disturbance in the Ministry of Plenty, where "Intel" isn't just a partner but a conjunction

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Trump is smart to ask Republicans to embrace the new voters he's bringing in to the process

He opened the debate with that sentiment, and closed it the same way.

I hope the Republican Establishment is listening.

Trump made a good point about delegates

Getting half, 1,237, to get the nomination is entirely arbitrary.

The primary/caucus system is messy, inconsistent and hardly a level playing field in some respects.

Trump's dim view of gridlock isn't encouraging

Gridlock is built in: It's called the separation of powers.

Ted Cruz is a disgusting liar about Trump rally pledges

Trump doesn't ask people to pledge "to him" but "to vote for him" at the primary.

CNN's asking softball Cuba questions to help boost Rubio

Rubio has the right attitude toward Cuba.

The Miami audience ate it up.

So Ted Cruz is for boots on the ground in Syria against ISIS, too

So the only one of the four who hasn't been for this is Donald Trump, but now he says he will send them in.

Very disappointing.

Previously he was for letting the Russians carry the load.