Friday, February 5, 2016

Ben Domenech says Trump and Cruz stole Rand Paul's libertarian foreign policy

Here for The Federalist.

But Domenech never mentions how Trump stole something else: attracting hordes of people to his appearances who come from all walks of life, but especially blue collar independents and Democrats.

That's what Rand Paul hoped to do all along, recreating the Republican brand.

Trump is succeeding at what elite libertarians have only been able to dream of politically, but now that they've got what they wished for they want nothing to do with it because Trump is uniting people through a conservative value: patriotic American nationalism.

Rand Paul doesn't get it, and neither does Domenech: Americans are conservative much more than they are libertarian.

As usual, Republicans carry the liberal water for Democrats on social issues

FOX's Frank Luntz was paid over $345,000 by Florida's Republican Party when Marco Rubio was Speaker of the Florida House

Story here, questioning Luntz's objectivity in his current role praising Rubio in the debates.

Luntz was caught in an audio recording in 2013 complaining that conservative radio talkers Rush Limbaugh and Mark Levin were destroying Rubio over the Gang of Eight immigration amnesty bill which Rubio co-sponsored.

It's safe to say that Luntz has been loyal to Rubio for a long time for a reason.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Will the Texas cross be big enough to crucify Donald Trump?

After all, it will be only 210 feet tall.

Story here.

The two candidates with no accomplishments

excels at falling down
excels at mouth breathing

Rush Limbaugh never mentioned the Karl Rove expose of Ted Cruz' lying today

Rush Limbaugh did his best to cover for Ted Cruz today by not mentioning the bombshell story which should persuade every honest observer that Ted Cruz is a lying sack of shit.

Real Clear Politics had video of the story here for at least 11 hours already, but Rush wouldn't touch it today.

As far as I can tell, neither did Laura Ingraham, Sean Hannity nor Mark Levin, whose shows I could not listen to in their entirety. However Mark Levin spent considerable time ridiculing Karl Rove in the second half hour for some reason, but you can guess why.

Voicemail left by the Ted Cruz campaign to Iowa precinct captains at 7:29pm caucus night proves Cruz has been lying for the last 48 hours

From the story quoting a voicemail here:

"Dr. Ben Carson will be [garbled] suspending campaigning following tonight’s caucuses." 

According to Breitbart:

"The calls were placed after the Carson campaign had already clarified that Carson was not suspending his campaign. ... [T]he Carson campaign had already clarified at 6:53 p.m. that he was not dropping out."

Jimmy Carter tries to give Donald Trump the kiss of death, preferring him over Ted Cruz

Story here.

Des Moines Register says something smells in the Iowa Democrat Party

From the story here:

“Too many of us, including members of the Register editorial board who were observing caucuses, saw opportunities for error amid Monday night’s chaos.”

Iowa Governor accuses Sen. Ted Cruz and Rep. Steve King of unethical and unfair behavior during Iowa Caucus

“This thing that they distributed on Caucus night saying that Dr. Carson was likely to drop out and his supporters should support Cruz, that is, I think, unethical and unfair,” Branstad said this morning. “I think there’ll be repercussions to that.” Cruz has apologized to Carson, the retired neurosurgeon who finished fourth in the Caucuses on Monday night.

Iowa Congressman Steve King, a Cruz backer, helped spread the drop out rumor and Branstad said King owes Carson an apology. “You know, we have a strong sense of fairness in Iowa,” Branstad said during an interview with Radio Iowa. “Distributing information that was not true about a candidate right at the time people are voting in the Caucuses is an inappropriate thing.”

Republican Iowa Caucus polling was off on average by 23%

Republican Iowa Caucus actual final results v Real Clear Politics poll averages on the day of the election:

Trump: 24.3 v 28.6, overestimated by 17.7%
Cruz:    27.6 v 23.9, underestimated by 13.4%
Rubio:  23.1 v 16.9, underestimated by 36.7%
Carson:  9.3 v   7.7, underestimated by 17.2%
Paul:      4.5 v   4.1, underestimated by 8.9%
Bush:     2.8 v   4.1, overestimated by 46.4%

Average miss for the top six: 23.4%
Average miss for the top three: 22.6% 

Smoking gun: Here's the message Ted Cruz sent to 1500 precinct captains before Iowa voting began

From the story here:

"There are 1,500 precincts. Do the math… If that message cost Carson four votes per precinct to switch to Cruz, then Cruz beats Trump. If he doesn’t switch four, then he loses."

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Santorum drops out of GOP presidential primary, endorses RUBIO

CNN has the story here.

That tells you what kind of president Santorum would have made: A president who, like Rubio, would have settled for the Gang of Eight amnesty bill because it was all he could get at the time.

Rush Limbaugh can protest all he wants about Rubio giving up his Senate seat as a sign he's not committed to time-serving the establishment. The truth is as president Rubio would disappoint on illegal immigration to the point of destroying the Republican Party and the country as we have known it.

Establishment support for Rubio will now accelerate. The conservative vote will be split between Cruz and Trump.

Rubio will win the nomination like Romney did, through attrition on the right as neither Trump nor Cruz wins enough delegates to secure the nomination just as Santorum and Gingrich and Paul did not.

In this election, Ted Cruz, the illegal immigration flip-flopper, will be Donald Trump's spoiler.

In the immortal words of Mickey Kaus, Cruz is just in it for Cruz.

Sarah Palin accuses Rep. Steve King of being Ted Cruz' dirty little trickster

'Cruz's campaign chairman, U.S. Representative Steve King, is lying, and good for Dr. Ben Carson for calling this out. King, who's previously asked for and received my endorsement, time and resources to support his own election, is still lying about my altruistic support of Mr. Trump, and he's refused to provide any evidence to the contrary. And, this U.S. Congressman actually lied to his own constituents on behalf of Cruz, regarding a good man, Dr. Carson. He told voters Carson was dropping out of the Presidential race immediately before the Iowa caucus, causing a relative uproar inside the process, so the word would spread and he could rack up more votes for his candidate, Cruz. That's a dirty trick. Dr. Carson deserved better. The voters deserved better!'

Trump says skipping the last debate was a mistake, and that he should have had a ground game in Iowa

Statements here.

It was the ground game, that's all. He didn't have one, and others did. The massive turnout proves that.

Taking the battle to FOX remains important, especially when they insult you. Skipping the debate was the right thing to do.

Media remains the enemy.

The howler of the day comes from Pamela Anderson: Intellectuals were at the Playboy Mansion, you know, like politicians

What a train wreck this woman is.

"I loved being at the Playboy Mansion. Intellectuals were at the Playboy Mansion. You were talking to the best artists and musicians and actors and politicians." ... I ask Anderson about rumors she might want to segue into politics one day. “No, I don’t!” she laughs. “Politicians are evil. No, no, no, no, no. Just look at some of Vivienne Westwood’s blogs. Politicians are criminals."... She previously threw her support behind President Obama, but hints at her frustrations as she looks toward November’s election. “I think politicians’ hands are tied a lot of the time,” she says. “I’m a Democrat. You have to vote. I love Bernie, but I don’t think he’ll get the nomination. I still think Hillary has a better shot. I think she’s going to be the President. A female President would be pretty awesome. We need that kind of energy in the world.”

Intellectuals? Politicians? Evil? Criminals? Obama? Bernie Sanders? Hillary? Energy?


Well, at least we know Pamela can read:

Rand Paul drops out of the presidential race to concentrate on reelection to the Senate

Story here.

And so dies his dream of uniting libertarians from all parties, which Donald Trump seems to be doing in spades but people like Rand Paul still don't get.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Override of Obama's veto of Obamacare repeal fails in the US House along party lines

"The result was expected, given that an override would have required Democratic support to succeed, but Republicans praised the vote as showing what could happen next year if their party wins back the White House. The veto override failed by a vote of 241 to 186."

More here. 

Trump live right now from New Hampshire promoting Ann Coulter

Here. Coulter spoke here for about nine minutes.

Stupid white liberals: Our insane leaders are preparing to require women to register for the draft

The Military Times reports here:

The Army and Marine Corps' top uniformed leaders both backed making women register for the draft as all combat roles are opened to them in coming months, a sweeping social change that could complicate the military’s gender integration plans. ...

Navy Secretary Ray Mabus Jr. said there needs to be “a national debate” over what the changes mean, balancing social concerns over the idea of drafting women with the reality of national security and military readiness. ...

“It's my personal view in light of integration that every American physically qualified should register for the draft,” Neller said. Milley echoed those remarks, saying “all eligible men and women” should be required to register.

The faces of the insane:

Sec. Ray Mabus

Gen. Robert Neller
Gen. Mark Milley