Monday, August 3, 2015

Trump vaults to 22.2% for first in Real Clear Politics poll average, +9.5 ahead of Walker, +10.0 ahead of JEB

Ben Carson: Because of Trump's candidacy fewer people are talking about my lack of political experience

Yeah, well, because Barack Obama is such a terrible president fewer people are talking about how bad Jimmy Carter was.

Ben Carson, quoted here:

"It’s a tremendous aid because fewer people are talking about my lack of political experience now."

Trump: What Hillary Clinton did was absolutely illegal

Quoted here:

"[W]hat she did was absolutely, in my opinion, illegal and I don't think she's going to be allowed to run if they have a prosecutor who's going to be honorable because if you look at Gen. Petraeus, what he did is nothing compared to what she's done. And his life is in ruins."

Newt Gingrich agrees Hillary Clinton should be in jail already

"She's a disaster because of arrogance and what Trump said was right... If you look at how they treated General Petraeus and you look at what she did with her emails, in any other circumstance she'd be going to jail, not the White House."

EuroGroup president Jeroen Dijsselbloem gets a new name: Lightweight Weaselbloom

Yanis Varoufakis, quoted here:

'In the full transcript published on his blog, Varoufakis also laid into the Eurogroup president, Dutch Finance Minister Jeroen Dijsselbloem, saying he was key to the Greek deal “not just because he is so intellectually lightweight but, primarily, because he is untrustworthy. For example, he chose to lie to me in my first Eurogroup about procedure. It is one thing to disagree with the Eurogroup president. It is quite another thing to have him lie to you about gravely important procedures.”'

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Drudge excludes No. 2 Walker and No. 9 Kasich from headline photo, includes Pataki whose poll numbers don't even register

And Fiorina and Graham don't even poll 1% on average. Where's the love, man?

CO2 is irrelevant to temperature change: Temperature has been in decline since the late Bronze Age 3200 years ago

Atmospheric CO2 remained stable for most of human history before the last 200 years, "hovering between about 275 and 285 ppm". Nevertheless temperatures were much higher in the past than now and have steadily declined over time even as CO2 has just lately risen. 

Trump in first with 20.8% in Real Clear Politics poll average, +7.5 ahead of Walker in second

James Galbraith defends Yanis Varoufakis

“I've never seen anyone work so hard or so selflessly on behalf of his country”.

James K. Galbraith, University of Texas, quoted here on Yanis Varoufakis.

Saturday, August 1, 2015

Maureen Dowd: Hillary's private server a metaphor for the paranoid style

The liberal Pot calling the Conservative kettle black.
Maureen Dowd, here:

"Her strategists worry about surveys showing that voters do not trust her. But her private server is a metaphor for her own lack of trust and a guarded, suspicious mind-set that lands her in needless messes."

July 2015 average temperature anomaly for Grand Rapids, MI is 1.7 degrees F below normal

The July 2015 temperature anomaly for Grand Rapids, MI at 1.7 degrees F below normal means the cumulative anomaly for 2015 increases to 21.4 degrees F below normal from 19.7 degrees F below normal through June and 18.0 degrees F below normal through May.

For a warming planet, we're doing nothing in Grand Rapids this summer to erase the negative average temperature anomaly . . . but there's always August if you are a grower, or hope if you're a warmist.

The total temperature anomaly for 2014 in GR was 30.3 degrees F below normal, a little over 2.5 degrees on average per month.

The significance of that may be lost on you, but here in Michigan a couple of degrees makes all the difference between being Michigan and being Wisconsin. On the other side of Lake Michigan at this latitude, average temperature is historically two degrees colder than here on average. There they are exposed to the cold drying winds which come off the plains in winter. Here we have the warming effect of Lake Michigan in winter as it gives off its heat and the attendant snows, unless it's frozen solid like a brick. And that makes all the difference to berry, grape, apple and other growers who proliferate on the warmer side of the lake and depend on the warmth and the snow cover to protect their plants.

Friday, July 31, 2015

It takes a lunatic to know a lunatic: Rand Paul says Trump supporters have lost their minds

Look who's crazy now.
Seen here:

"I think this is a temporary sort of loss of sanity. But we're going to come back our senses and look for somebody serious to lead the country at some point," he said.


This from the guy who imagined the Republican Party was ready to become a more self-consciously libertarian big tent party. Rand Paul is currently running a distant seventh for the Republican nomination with 5.5% support.

Trump in first by 7.1 points in RCP average ahead of Walker, Jeb Bush a distant third

Greek PM Alexis Tsipras proves once again he's a stand up guy, says he directed Yanis Varoufakis to develop Plan B

The Telegraph reports here:

'This morning, Alexis Tsipras has come out in defence of Yanis Varoufakis. The PM has spoken about the plans the former finance minster was in charge of, to look into developing a parallel payments system, in public for the first time. He has confirmed he had full knowledge of the blueprint, and ordered Mr Varoufakis to take charge. But he denies that they amounted to a full blown "Grexit" plan.'

Yanis Varoufakis, the former Finance Minister, previously in parliament had stood up for Tsipras by reluctantly and surprisingly voting Yes to proceed with the EuroGroup Summit plan Tsipras had agreed to in Brussels.

Perhaps now parliament will abandon, as it should, any effort to prosecute Varoufakis who like every other member enjoys immunity.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

Ambrose Evans-Pritchard is rightly exasperated by the oligarchy's attempt to criminalize Yanis Varoufakis

'It has come to this. The first finance minister of a eurozone country to draw up contingency plans for a possible euro exit is under investigation for treason.

'Greece's chief prosecutor is examining criminal charges against a five-man "working group" in the country's finance ministry for the sin of designing a "Plan B", a parallel system of euro liquidity and bank payments that could - in extremis - lead to a return of the drachma.

'It is hard to see how a monetary union held together by judicial power, coercion and fear in this way can have a future in any of Europe's ancient nation states.

'The criminalisation of any Grexit debate shuts off the option of an orderly return to the drachma, even though there is a high probability - some say a near certainty - that the latest EMU loan package for Greece will prove unworkable and precipitate the country's exit from the single currency within a year. As a matter of practical statecraft, this is sheer madness.'

Warren Buffett, the king of contraception funding, thinks women waste their brains having children

Two peas in a pod dedicated to deciding against life.
If you want to know why America is dying, look no further than Warren Buffett, a man at war with human nature, who frankly doesn't care that without fertility there will be no one left to consume.

From the story in Bloomberg, here:

“Buffett alone will give more than all of the other foundations combined in reproductive health,” she said. “We already are this year [2008], and that will continue.” [Judith] DeSarno declined to comment for this article, other than to say, “I am incredibly proud of this work and the dramatic decrease in unintended pregnancies.” ...

Quietly, steadily, the Buffett family is funding the biggest shift in birth control in a generation. “For Warren, it’s economic. He thinks that unless women can control their fertility—and that it’s basically their right to control their fertility—that you are sort of wasting more than half of the brainpower in the United States,” DeSarno said about Buffett’s funding of reproductive health in the 2008 interview. “Well, not just the United States. Worldwide.” ...

In the 1960s, the [Buffetts] set up what was then called the Buffett Foundation, which focused on nuclear disarmament and reproductive health, including helping to fund Planned Parenthood as well as the development of RU-486, the so-called abortion pill. In the late ’70s, the duo entered into an unusual arrangement—they remained married, but Susan moved to San Francisco. 

Trump is now +6.2 points ahead of WALKER as Jeb slips to third in Real Clear Politics average

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Trump widens lead over Bush to +5.8 in RCP average for GOP nomination

Libertarian calls Bernie Sanders a National Socialist because he's not for open borders

"[T]he far left really agrees with the far right about keeping out foreigners. ... Bernie wants to scapegoat immigrants for the failures of wage controls and the welfare state so that people won’t see through his lame socialist agenda. But no warmed over nationalist socialism can replace the creative power of free people." 

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Ronald Reagan was a moderate and a demagogue

According to moderate Bruce Bartlett, here, who voted for Obama at least once:

"Although the far right’s mythology paints the Reagan years as the triumph of their ideas, the truth is that he governed very much in the moderate tradition of postwar Republican presidents. Reagan raised taxes 11 times, gave amnesty to illegal aliens, pulled American troops out of the Middle East, supported environmental regulations, raised the debt limit and appointed many moderates to key positions, including on the Supreme Court. But he skillfully kept his right flank protected by using thundering conservative rhetoric, even as he violated his own stated principles on a regular basis."