Thursday, August 9, 2012

Rosie Agrees: The Market Cheers Bad News, Because That Means More Stimulus Is Coming

Here's Rosie:

It's gotten to the point, he said, where the market actually cheers bad news . . ..

"We're back to the situation where for the stock market bad news is good news, because the good news is that we're going to get more gobs of stimulus to push asset prices higher at least over the near term," he said. "That's a driving factor behind this recovery that we've seen in the stock markets globally in the past month or so."

Top Ten Tax Loss Expenditures 2011 From The Joint Committee On Taxation

10. Exclusion of benefits under cafeteria plans ................................................................$31 billion
10. Exclusion of untaxed Social Security and Railroad Retirement benefits ....................$31 billion
  9. Exclusion of capital gains at death .............................................................................$38 billion
  8. Deduction of state and local government income taxes, sales and property taxes ......$42.4 billion
  7. Pension plan contributions .........................................................................................$42.7 billion
  6. 401 K plan contributions ............................................................................................$48.4 billion
  5. Tax credit for children under 17 .................................................................................$56.4 billion
  4. Earned income tax credit ............................................................................................$59.5 billion
  3. Mortgage interest deduction ........................................................................................$77.6 billion
  2. Reduced rates of tax on dividends and long term capital gains ...................................$90.5 billion
  1. Exclusion of employer contributions for health care, health/long term care insurance.$109.3 billion

Welfare Practised Through The Tax Code Is Liberalism, Not Conservatism

This is why those who call Ronald Reagan a conservative are wrong, because the intent of his tax policies has been all along to practise welfare through the tax code and thereby create a whole class of people at the bottom half in the country who are dependent on the federal government on April 15th, have no stake in policy and thus in politics because they do not pay for it, and are as a result ungrateful, unmotivated to climb higher, and are increasingly a nation apart from the Americans who do pay for it:

"Reagan and succeeding Republicans abolished federal income taxes on the working poor and on what the Left calls the working class, and they almost abolished them on the middle class.

"It began with the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC), which grew out of then-Governor Ronald Reagan's famous testimony before the Senate Finance Committee in 1972. Reagan proposed exempting the working poor from all Social Security and income taxes as an alternative to welfare, with the credit serving as a way to offset payroll taxes for low-income workers. ...

"[B]y 2007, after 25 years of Reaganomics and before President Obama was even elected, the bottom 40 percent of earners, on net and as a group, paid less than 0 percent of federal income taxes, according to official IRS data, as reported recently by the Congressional Budget Office. Instead of paying at least some income taxes to help support the federal government, the federal government paid them cash through the income tax code. That same year, the middle 20 percent, the true middle class, paid less than 5 percent of all federal income taxes."

So Peter Ferrara now, here, defending Romney's tax plan as more of the same.

These policies, now accepted by both Democrats and Republicans alike, have turned Social Security into pure welfare because a large majority of the people eventually receiving it will have effectively received refunds of everything they've put into it long before they start drawing it. Temporary reductions of contributions to Social Security during the recent financial crisis, advocated by Democrats in complete control of the government, have only underscored the point.

If nothing else it is another flip for Romney, who famously characterized himself as an independent and not in the mold of Reagan-Bush during his race for Kennedy's seat in Massachusetts in 1994.

"Look, I was an independent during the time of Reagan-Bush. I’m not trying to return to Reagan-Bush."

Who knows, maybe the flipper will flop after he's elected. Stranger things have happened. After all, many of us on the right feared Obama in 2008 because we thought he was a commie. Little did we know he was a fascist.

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Stephen Prothero Of Boston University Is Biased Against Whites And Christians

The overwhelming majority of bias crimes in the US are racially motivated, and only 20 percent are specifically religious. And of those, fully 65 percent are anti-Semitic in motivation. Just over 13 percent are anti-Islamic, and just under 8 percent specifically anti-Christian.

So says Kate Shellnutt here for The Houston Chronicle.

When it comes to crimes of religious bigotry in America, most of us have to take a number behind the Jews.

CNN blogger Stephen Prothero of Boston University, unfortunately, unhelpfully conflates the racial and religious motivations for bias crimes, and just decides out of thin air and without evidence that Christians and whites are to blame for all of it, here:

When murderers target and kill religious minorities simply because they are nonwhite or non-Christian, something of each of these traditions dies. So we need to redouble our efforts to keep both vibrant.

... [H]ateful invective is a weapon too, and it can be heard not only among white supremacist extremists but also on our mainstream radio and television talk shows.

Last time I checked, Jews are classified as whites. Do they endure the overwhelming number of cases of violence "because they are nonwhite"? Do Muslims attack Jews because Jews are non-Christian? And why do so many acts of violence against Christians come from disaffected Christians? And prejudice from denizens of the American academy?

Stephen Prothero hasn't committed an act of violence, but his bias against Christians and whites is a crime nonetheless, against intelligence.

What Does Elizabeth Talking Bull Warren Have To Hide In Her Taxes?

Plenty, apparently.

Story here.

You Have Been Warned

"[T]oday’s low interest-rate dynamic is not an entirely stable one. It could unwind remarkably quickly."

-- Kenneth Rogoff, here

North American Death Squad

The Burning Question On The Day After The Michigan Primary Election

Were any of the corporations which voted yesterday in the Michigan primary election actually registered to vote in Michigan?

Single Investor Buys 650 Macomb County Michigan Tax Foreclosures For $4.8 Million

It was a package deal in which every tax delinquent property was sold to the investor, not just the nice ones.

Story with links here.

The buyer wasn't a Wall Street vulture, but now that he's got them he can certainly resell them.

I wonder if there's a fracking angle?

Privatizing The US Postal Service Is A Bad Idea On Mail Fraud And Privacy Grounds

Michael Hiltzik for The LA Times does a pretty good job of presenting the reasons why we shouldn't privatize the US Postal Service, but unfortunately misses an important one: mail fraud statutes come in real handy for felony convictions and long prison sentences for some of society's worst actors.

He draws this comparison on privacy:

Law enforcement can't open your mail without a judge's say-so, and any private individual who tries could face a long sojourn as an involuntary guest of the feds.

But laws governing the sanctity of your email are in their infancy. Actually, that's a gross overstatement: They're positively fetal. Government agencies may not need any warrant at all to read some of your emails. Google, Yahoo, Microsoft and anyone else whose system carries your email can read your messages at whim, with no consequences.

Read his full argument here.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

One More Reason Not To Read National Review

Sarah Palin Still Can't Dress Herself

Who would pick such shoes?! They are disgusting! Lose 'em and try simple black pumps. Or for a little daring, Superman blue pumps to match the shirt. Or red or yellow pumps to match the logo. Or better yet, all three colors in the pumps, like little red Ss on the toes on a yellow field. Something to knit the picture together. And the belt has to go. It cuts her in half. Totally the wrong color which confuses the picture. I dunno, maybe untuck the shirt? Or still OK tucked in w/o a belt? But the shoes! What a train wreck. She looks like a refugee from Chinese foot binding.

Were 20,000 Non-Union Pensions At Delphi Victims Of Geithner At Treasury?

Administration officials have testified otherwise under oath.

The Daily Caller claims to have the goods on Geithner's Treasury Department, here. You know Geithner, the guy who forgot to pay taxes on his IMF salary, but is still the Secretary of the US Treasury Department anyway.

Obama's Financial Fascism At Work At DOJ: Not A Single Prosecution Since 2008

'Between 2002 and 2008, for instance, [the] GAI [Government Accountability Institute] points out how a Bush administration task force “obtained over 1,300 corporate fraud convictions, including those of over 130 corporate vice presidents and over 200 CEOs and corporate presidents.”

'“Clinton’s DOJ prosecuted over 1,800 S&L [savings and loans] executives, senior officials, and directors, and over 1,000 of them were sent to jail,” GAI adds.

'But, despite having “promised more of the same,” especially in the wake of the 2008 financial crisis, the Obama administration’s DOJ has not brought criminal charges against a single major Wall Street executive.'

Read the whole sordid tale here at The Daily Caller, implicating Attorney General Eric

'Holder, Associate Attorney General Tom Perrelli, Associate Attorney General Tony West, Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, Deputy Attorney General James Cole and Deputy Associate Attorney General Karol Mason — who “all came to the DOJ from prestigious white-collar defense firms where they represented the very financial institutions the DOJ is supposed to investigate.”'

The Market Was Already Overvalued In October 2011, And It Still Is

So says Robert P. Seawright, here, and here:

[T]he market remains overvalued and, if anything, somewhat more overvalued than it was last October. As I have been saying for a long time ... – we are (since 2000) in the throes of a secular bear market, subject to strong cyclical swings in either direction. I continue to encourage investors to be skeptical, cautious, and defensive yet opportunistic. I suggest that they look to take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves while carefully managing and mitigating risk, which should remain their top priority.

Seawright presents the case for overvaluation using a variety of metrics, not the least important of which is the Shiller p/e. Long term investors remain skeptical of the present rally based on these metrics.

Nevertheless, the SP500 shot up over 100 points from 1099 between October 3-20, 2011, and is again above 1400 today, a nominal gain of over 27 percent in less than a year. That's a pretty long sucker rally.

Neil Barofsky Calls Geithner And Obama Two-Faced Housing Bailout Liars

'[I]n 2009, $50 billion in TARP funds had been committed to help homeowners through the Home Affordable Modification Program (HAMP), a program that the president announced was intended to help up to 4 million struggling families stay in their homes through sustainable mortgage modifications. Hundreds of billions more were still available and could have been used by the White House and the Treasury Department to help support a massive reduction in mortgage debt. But Geithner avoided this path to a housing recovery, explaining that he believed it would be “dramatically more expensive for the American taxpayer, harder to justify, [and] create much greater risk of unfairness.” Treasury amplified that argument in 2010, after it reluctantly instituted a weak principal reduction program in response to overwhelming congressional pressure. ...

'[T]hree years later, with a tightening presidential election and a Democratic base disillusioned by the government’s abandonment of its promise to help homeowners (less than 8 percent of the funds originally allocated in TARP for foreclosure relief has actually been spent), Geithner and the administration would like to present themselves as having undergone a conversion.'

Read the entire entry here.

The announcement of HAMP is what really got Rick Santelli's goat on CNBC one day in early 2009 and set off a fire storm which coalesced in the outrage of the Tea Party movement. The conservative instincts of the Tea Party movement were and remain opposed to bailouts of homeowners, bankers, car manufacturers, insurers, multinationals like GE, and on and on. Barofsky is probably right that this is nothing more than a cynical political ploy to shore up support among Democrats. But if he's not buying it, who will? 

Monday, August 6, 2012

Bob Brinker Of "Money Talk" Is Wrong: GDP Isn't Growing At An Average Of 1.75 Percent

On his radio program "Money Talk" yesterday Bob Brinker sought to defend recent economic performance as better than the Q2 report of 1.5 percent makes it appear. He accomplished this feat by averaging that number 1.5 with the 2.0 percent reported in Q1, coming up with a little better number, 1.75 percent.

This is wrong and I stated so in a post I have since removed.

I thought Bob Brinker said this for political reasons in the context of the remarks, and in a fit of pique I posted that Bob Brinker is a shill for the Obama regime in doing this, remembering as I am wont that Bob Brinker has stated on the program, among other things that hint of leaning to the Democrats despite calling himself an independent, that Obama's man in the US Senate, Dirty Harry Reid, is "a good man, a good man." Harry Reid is manifestly not a good man, recently using the well of the Senate to innoculate himself for potentially libelous remarks he has made from there against Mitt Romney, a fellow Mormon to Reid no less. Harry Reid has also been the chief instrument of gridlock on Capitol Hill, both now and when Pelosi was Speaker of the House. Just ask her how many bills she sent to him which never received action.

I've removed that post because I think it's possible Bob Brinker made the comments entirely out of ignorance, not from political bias. The reason is that I've realized that I've made the exact same mistake about GDP myself on this very blog, and my bias against Obama didn't keep me from making it. I actually forgot about those errors long after I had improved my understanding of GDP. So even if Bob Brinker did make the statements in order to put Obama's performance in the best possible light, it's also possible Bob Brinker just isn't as smart about GDP as he thinks he is. After all, it is a complicated subject about which very few people really are expert, and if I can make an honest mistake about it, so can he.

So the politics aside, it is impermissible to take the sum of quarterly headline GDP and divide by 2 or 3 or 4 to get an average rate. Each quarterly statement of GDP is already stating the annual rate, that is, the annual rate prevailing during the quarter. That's what the meaning of annualized is. As the quarters roll and the data become more full and complete, the numbers are routinely refined, even many years after we learn of the third and final estimate of quarterly GDP for month x, y or z. GDP is always a work in progress, and even somewhat controversial among the truly expert.

So in the second quarter, the annualized rate of GDP growth is 1.5 percent, not 2 percent, and not 1.75 percent. And that is terrible for everyone, Democrat, Republican and independent alike, because we are all in this together.

At least that is what we would like to think.

Yuval Levin Opens A Window On Obama's American Fascism

Yuval Levin opens a window on Obama's American fascism, noting its assault on the middle ground which separates the individual from The State:

Its approach to the private economy has involved pursuing consolidation in key industries — privileging a few major players that are to be treated essentially as public utilities, while locking out competition from smaller or newer firms. This both ensures the cooperation of the large players and makes the economy more manageable and orderly. And it leaves no one pursuing ends that are not the government’s ends. This has been the essence of the administration’s policies toward automakers, health insurers, banks, hospitals, and many others. ...

The [contraception] rule implicitly asserted that our nation will not tolerate an institution that is unwilling to actively ratify the views of those in power — that we will not let it be and find other ways to put those views into effect (even though many other ways exist), but will compel it to participate in the enactment of the ends chosen by our elected officials. This is an extraordinarily radical assertion of government power, and a failure of even basic toleration. It is, again, an attempt to turn private mediating institutions into public utilities contracted to execute government ends.

Read it all, here.

The Detroit News Attacks Obama's Imperial Presidency, Congress' Servility

"The imperial presidency Obama is building should worry Democrats as much as it does Republicans. This has never been an "end justifies the means" nation. Even if you agree with the outcomes the president is seeking, his running roughshod over the rule of law should be objectionable, because the powers he is claiming will not be forfeited by the next Republican president."

Read it all, here.