Saturday, November 9, 2019

Scott Greer is correct: Sessions endorsed Trump in February 2016 while the pack of weasels led by Rush Limbaugh was still all-in for Ted Cruz in March

Sessions' endorsement in February meant Trump had more Senate support than either Ted Cruz or Bernie Sanders at the time. With Jeb Bush throwing in the towel also in February, the entire establishment GOP was melting down so bad over Trump that many establishment Republicans saw Cruz as the only way to stop Trump and possibly throw the nomination into a brokered convention.

No one, by the way, gaslights better than they do.  It's the secret of their success.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

While we weren't looking we just had bank failures two, three and four of 2019: Two on October 25 and one on November 1

Louisa Community Bank in Louisa, KY, failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $4.5 million.

Resolute Bank in Maumee, OH, failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $2.2 million.

City National Bank of New Jersey (“City National”) in Newark failed costing the FDIC Deposit Insurance Fund $2.5 million.

As of June 30, 2019 there were 5,303 institutions in the FDIC system.

What's stunning is this woman's lack of self awareness

Monday, November 4, 2019

Trump never threatened Ukraine but Joe Biden sure as hell did

John Solomon: Hunter Biden's Ukrainian gas firm pressed the US to end corruption allegations one month before Joe Biden forced firing of prosecutor overseeing case

Nationals Team Trump #MAGA #KAGA #kegger :/

NSC staffer Alexander Vindman isn't just a Ukrainian-American, he's a partisan Democrat who ridiculed America, according to two fellow soldiers

Hickman’s Oct. 31 tweets continue below in paragraph form for easier reading:
He was apologetic of American culture, laughed about Americans not being educated or worldly, & really talked up Obama & globalism to the point of (sic) uncomfortable.
He would speak w/the Russian Soldiers & laugh as if at the expense of the US personnel. It was so uncomfortable & unprofessional, one of the GS [civil service]employees came & told me everything above. I walked over & sat w/in earshot of Vindman, & sure enough, all was confirmed.
One comment truly struck me as odd, & it was w/respect to American’s falsely thinking they’re exceptional, when he said, “He [Obama] is working on that now.” And he said it w/a snide ‘I know a secret’ look on his face. I honestly don’t know what it meant, it just sounded like an odd thing to say.
Regardless, after hearing him bash America a few times in front of subordinates, Russians, & GS Employees, as well as, hearing an earful about globalization, Obama’s plan, etc., I’d had enough. I tapped him on the shoulder & asked him to step outside. At that point I verbally reprimanded him for his actions, & I’ll leave it at that, so as not to be unprofessional myself.
The bottom-line is LTC Vindman was a partisan Democrat at least as far back as [2013]. So much so, junior officers & soldiers felt uncomfortable around him. This is not your professional, field-grade officer, who has the character & integrity to do the right thing. Do not let the uniform fool you…he is a political activist in uniform. I pray our nation will drop this hate, vitriol & division, & unite as our founding fathers intended!
Thomas Lasch, Hickman’s boss at the time, corroborated his story on Twitter. 

More here.

Like we're going to take Milo Yiannopoulos' word for it that that's Richard Spencer's voice

"The tape's contents have been independently verified by three separate sources."

Sure, sure they have.


Saturday, November 2, 2019

He was born to be out of it

MSNBC April 2018: Nancy Pelosi insisted impeachment had to be bipartisan

Now she says she didn't say that.

NYC $2.75 fare-evaders are so poor they spell it "fair"


Warren calls Biden a Republican on healthcare, Biden campaign responds: "Warren was a Republican until she was 47 years old"

“Democrats are not going to win by repeating Republican talking points and by dusting off the points of view of the giant insurance companies and the giant drug companies who don't want to see any change in the law that will bite into their profits,” [Warren] said. “If anyone wants to defend keeping those high profits for insurance companies and those high profits for drug companies and not making the top 1 percent pay a fair share in taxes and not making corporations pay a fair share in taxes, then I think they're running in the wrong presidential primary.”


Elizabeth Warren wants to cancel your health insurance culture AND your income tax culture and replace them with socialism

[T]his time, a wholesale government takeover of health insurance would actually be a step toward socialism, which is still viewed more negatively than positively by Americans overall. “You don’t win with a message of socialism in a swing state like Florida,” said Bill Nelson, a former Florida senator and Biden surrogate.

More here.

OK Boomer Obama is trending

Guy tries Elizabeth Warren's new healthcare calculator, makes a million dollars!

Only 2% . . . because liberals invented an identity for a minority which rhymes with Kleenex

Elizabeth Warren's ridiculous health care calculator has no box to check for 24 million Americans who privately buy their own health insurance off-Obamacare Marketplace and not through an employer

Friday, November 1, 2019

Legacy: Since Bill Clinton left office, mouth cancer rates have doubled!

54,000 diagnoses annually, and 13,500 deaths per year in the US, about one every hour.

Jennifer Rubin, "conservative" WaPo blogger, knows nothing about the staying power of old men with heart disease

Buh bye Beto

NSC staffer Alexander Vindman suspected of being source for whistleblower tried to alter Ukraine call transcript

Makes you wonder what job Joe Biden is promising the whistleblower in his administration

These people are as crooked as the day is long.

Ridiculous US House under Pelosi opens impeachment inquiry yesterday, goes on vacation for two weeks

That's how important, serious and grave impeachment is to Democrats.

Whistleblower was sent packing from the White House in 2017 because he was believed to be the leaker plaguing the administration at the time

Once again it's all about personnel, which continues to bite Trump in the ass.

Fire the sons of bitches already!

Whistleblower coordinated with Democrat Adam Schiff ahead of time and lied about it to Inspector General

Nancy Pelosi's ridiculous impeachments

NSC official Tim Morrison: Trump-Ukraine phone call transcript accurately and completely reflects the substance of the call

“I want to be clear, I was not concerned that anything illegal was discussed,” former NSC Senior Director for European Affairs Tim Morrison testified today, according to a record of his remarks obtained by The Federalist.

More here.

Paul Sperry identifies so-called whistleblower, links him to DNC Ukraine colluder Alexandra Chalupa, puts her at Obama's White House in November 2015, much earlier than previously admitted

And Ciaramella worked with a Democratic National Committee operative who dug up dirt on the Trump campaign during the 2016 election, inviting her into the White House for meetings, former White House colleagues said. The operative, Alexandra Chalupa, a Ukrainian-American who supported Hillary Clinton, led an effort to link the Republican campaign to the Russian government. “He knows her. He had her in the White House,” said one former co-worker, who requested anonymity to discuss the sensitive matter.

Documents confirm the DNC opposition researcher attended at least one White House meeting with Ciaramella in November 2015.  She visited the White House with a number of Ukrainian officials lobbying the Obama administration for aid for Ukraine. ...

In his complaint, the whistleblower charged that the president used “the power of his office to solicit interference from a foreign country in the 2020 U.S. election.”  Specifically, he cited a controversial July 25 phone call from the White House residence in which Trump asked Ukraine’s new president to help investigate the origins of the Russia “collusion” investigation the Obama administration initiated against his campaign, citing reports that “a lot of it started with Ukraine," where the former pro-Hillary Clinton regime in Kiev worked with Obama diplomats and Chalupa to try to “sabotage” Trump’s run for president.

More here.

Full time employment is still abnormally low in the eighth year of painfully slow recovery

On an average basis through October 2019, just 50.37% of civilian noninstitutional population works full time.

A simple return to the rate of 51.3% which still prevailed throughout 2008, before the black communist got elected and scared employers half to death, would mean almost 3 million more working full time at current population level than do.

It took Reagan only three years to dig out of similar depths to which we sank in 2009, 2010 and 2011, but here we are in the eighth year of recovery and can't crack 50.5%.


Climate update for Grand Rapids, Michigan, October 2019: Really wet and not so hot

2019 in Grand Rapids, Michigan, is already the 11th wettest year on record through October, displacing 2018 from that rank.

Precipitation to date is already 44.71 inches when long term mean to date is just 29.48 inches.

On the summer heat front 2019 was nothing like 2018, which was the 7th warmest summer on record.

Cooling Degree Days to date come in at 742 compared with the long term mean to date of 699, about 6.2% above the mean. The record hot summer was in 1921 with 1200 CDD, with the record cool summer in 1992 with just 316 CDD. 2018 CDD came in at 1003.

On the winter cold side of things, while 2018-19 was utterly normal (6722 vs. mean 6705), the 2019-20 season is starting off with Heating Degree Days over 12% below the mean. Most of that was due to September average temperature exceeding the mean average by 3.6 degrees F. Long term mean HDD in September is 134 but came in at just 45.

Grand Rapids, MI, Climate Update October 2019

Max temp 77, mean max 79
Min temp 31, mean min 28
Av temp 50.2, mean av 51.3
Precip 7.13, mean 3.03
CDD 8, mean 9
CDD to date 742, mean to date 699
HDD 459, mean 424
HDD to date (July-Oct) 512, mean to date 585
Snow 0.3, mean 0.4

Grand Rapids, MI, Climate Update September 2019

Max temp 88, mean max 88
Min temp 48, mean min 37
Av temp 66.4, mean av 62.8
Precip 7.32, mean 3.6
CDD 92, mean 76
HDD 45, mean 134

The House impeachment inquiry, which is already being conducted in secret and restricts Republican involvement, was finally authorized but on entirely partisan grounds, by Democrats

232 YEAS (all Democrats plus Justin Amash, the libertarian nutjob from my district in Michigan), 196 NAYS (194 Republicans plus 2 Democrats), and 4 NOT VOTING (3 Republicans plus 1 Democrat:  A personal family emergency, the death of a father, and the call of military duty kept the three Republicans away from the vote; the lone Democrat not voting is recovering from surgery).

YEAS included sexual predator Katie Hill of California, who formally resigns her seat in the US House as of today, and candidate for president Army Major Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii.