Wednesday, February 20, 2019

Pattern much?

Repeat offender.

Clueless Statist Greer fetches conservative Hispanic bone tossed by Rush Limbaugh

Rush Limbaugh has done this throughout his career to co-opt the rubes on behalf of the GOPe, this time an alt-righter, probably an Elton John Fan like Rush. Hilarious.

Drudge shades truth about border wall begun in San Diego: It's replacement fencing, bollard type

It has nothing to do with the emergency declaration, which is what the story placement in Drudge's lineup is meant to imply. This is Drudge the partisan.

The AP story also incorrectly calls it a wall. It's bollard fencing. Trump is prohibited from installing a wall by the legislation he just signed.

Construction has begun on the fifth border wall project of Donald Trump's presidency, replacing up to 14 miles of barrier in San Diego, authorities said Tuesday.

The first panels are in place to replace a steel-mesh fence with 30-foot-high steel bollards . . .. The bollards replace a second layer of barrier that worked like a fortress when it was built about a decade ago but is now often breached with powerful battery-operated saws sold in home improvement stores.

Work on replacing a first layer of San Diego barrier is nearly complete, also 14 miles long and made of steel bollards up to 30-feet  high. The old fence, built in the early 1990s, was made of corrugated steel matting used by the military as temporary runways. ... Trump inherited barriers covering about one-third of the border. His administration has awarded $1 billion in contracts to cover 97 miles,  the vast majority of it to replace existing barriers. ...

Trump 2015 called his a wall, Jeb's a fence, a big difference then, now . . . not so much

Trump, before he decided to flop around like a fish on the dock:

Ann Coulter: Trump obviously doesn't care about immigration


Trump -- and those hoping to be invited to the next White House Christmas party -- refers to this as a "deal." Gen. Custer struck a similar "deal" at Little Bighorn. ... The obvious conclusion is that immigration isn't one of the issues Trump cares about. Those are the facts. I know there are people who are tired of hearing it. I'm tired of writing it. But we can't shrink from uncomfortable truths any more than Trump did in 2016.

It takes one to out one: Stephen Miller betrayed us, too

Libertarian Liz Mair's only objection to the border deal was how hard it is on lawful border crossers

But Israel got its money!

The culturally illiterate don't recognize that he's President Norman Vincent Peale

Marc Short back in the White House shows Trump doesn't care about immigration, but the same goes for continued presence of Conway and Schlapp and on and on

When are you people going to wake up and realize Trump has NEVER been serious about immigration?

Immigration is simply a political tool, like abortion, around which to get the rubes to rally.

Trump never intended to do anything serious about immigration in the first place, and his record of delaying and caving right up to the present moment, and all these open borders hires and rehires, simply proves it.

"Finish the Wall" he never started is the slogan, you fools.

We've all been had.

They think we are stupid, and they are right.

There were reliable sources warning before the border deal, but conservative talk radio IGNORED them

Ann Coulter was right on Jan 25, and Trump made her even more right on Feb 15

Donald Trump is a self-hating fool and a wimp, and so is Mr. Missing in Action, Rush Limbaugh

Only a self-hating fool and a wimp would have signed this bill, and only a self-hating fool and wimp would defend the self-hating fool and wimp who signed it. It's like Steve King voting to censure himself.

Donald Trump has proven himself over and over again to be unworthy of being our leader (repeal and replace Obamacare fizzled, tax cuts for corporations not for working stiffs, outrageous federal spending increases, and now a complete cave on immigration, all in two years!), and Rush Limbaugh has proven himself over and over again to be unworthy of being our spokesman for still defending the guy responsible for it, same as ever.

We need people in charge of our movement who have a killer instinct, instead of the lay down and die instinct on display in this disgusting episode of betrayal and talk radio sycophancy.

Terrible Budget Bill Will Be Used Against Trump in 2020:

I read enough of this [border bill] to know that the things in this bill are a giant middle finger to Donald Trump [By signing it Trump gave HIMSELF the finger]. ... This is an Obama-era policy that has been re-implemented in this budget bill [Obviously Trump was just kidding about promising to reverse the two DACA executive orders immediately ... tick tock tick tock 2+years says the clock]. ... And don’t forget, folks, there are a lot of Republicans in on this [Like Donald Trump!]. ... I went back and forth, too, on signing this or not and shutting down [says the lazy ass without principles who could have read everything being said on Twitter on the Thursday before by reliable people on our side calling for a veto of this pig of a bill but didn't and sat silent when he should have called for a veto like Laura Ingraham and Ann Coulter]. ... You can say goodbye to anything we or Trump wants coming out of Congress from the moment the Democrats win the House, over [Funny how Ronald Reagan got tax cuts passed without control of Congress]. ... But, you know, elections have consequences, and there are a lot of Republicans that retired [Still blaming less than 10 retirements which flipped for what was a 40+ seat catastrophe because Trump and Republicans failed to deliver on the campaign agenda]. ... Fifty-five Republicans quit! They resigned [total lie].

National Review discovered to be on G@@GLE'S payroll

Bokhari: How Many Other Establishment Conservatives Are Funded by Google?

Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Finally, an article from the right which tells the truth about Trump's immigration betrayal

Trump Promised a Wall and Delivered an Amnesty:


The president who was elected by the forgotten middle of the country on promises to build a wall, enforce immigration laws, and protect their economic interests just signed into law a bill that betrays all of those promises. ... Trump just signed a law that makes the wall, even if it is finally constructed, less useful because it provides a large, ongoing, uncapped amnesty. Further, the law expanded legal immigration by doubling the cap for H2B unskilled, non-agricultural workers. This is slap in the face to the working and middle class workers who President Trump repeatedly has promised to protect and whose wages he says he wants to see increase.


Trump says tyrannical, socialist government will never happen to us

My health insurance plan costs me $15,520 a year before I even use it, and that's the cheap one.

There's profound meaning in Rush Limbaugh's incessant advertizing for sex drugs on his show

It reflects the impotence of the Republican brand to achieve anything since Rush has been on the air. Republicans have utterly failed to advance conservatism or restrain liberalism for thirty years.

Nobody's criticizing John Wayne for his unfounded optimism about minorities

"I believe in white supremacy until the blacks are educated to a point of responsibility".

-- John Wayne, Playboy, 1971

Americans of that generation were generally more optimistic about everything, to a fault. Instead of responsibility, irresponsibility has spread in the interim, and infected the wider white majority.

Right, that's what we elected Trump to spend his time doing

Anthony Weiner still has political aspirations

So-called "target" on Amy Jackson Berman is a registration mark used in the printing industry or an aerodrome reference point

Profiles in fakery

Trump wants more bollard fence (National Emergency), and more legal immigrants than ever before (SOTU address)

Two main themes of every Trump rally in 2015-2016: More Bollard Fence! More Legal Immigrants!

Yeah, that's the way it was.

Kamala Harris wants us all in jail, also ran Amy Klobuchar just wants to throw stuff at us

Crime-ridden 2nd city can't get no respect, only makes national news for a fake crime

Monday, February 18, 2019

Trump and Republicans make total public debt soar

We've gone from $19.8 trillion in the hole on Nov 8, 2016 to $22 trillion on Feb 14, 2019.

Up $2.2 trillion!

Up 11%!

Up $81.5 billion per month!

Up $2.7 billion per day!


Rush Limbaugh puts in relief pitcher Ken Matthews so no one has to talk about the immigration debacle

Smollett! Smollett! Smollett! Amazon! The Weather! Talk about anything but immigration, please!

Campaign finance reform for the people

Under an expanded US House of Representatives, wouldn't current campaign finance laws still be a problem?

Well, duh.

But there is a simple solution.

Your man or woman in Congress should represent YOU, not Freedom Works, The Club for Growth, People for the American Way, Planned Parenthood or any other national organization, including his or her own political party. It is not right that the RNC collects contributions for Kevin Yoder in Kansas-3 and spends them on the US House race of Maria Elvira Salazar in Florida-27.

Your representative should represent YOU, and the money that elects him or her should represent you, too, and therefore all campaign contributions must come from his or her congressional district, from people and businesses actually domiciled within district boundaries. That's it. No other limits.

Nancy Pelosi can raise all the money she wants from tuna companies domiciled in her district who exploit workers on Pacific islands. Let the actual residents of her (much reduced in size) district decide if they're still OK with that. And Fred Upton of Whirlpool fortune fame in Michigan can find out for himself if his much reduced number of constituents are OK with making their lightbulbs more expensive or unobtainable.

Power to the people.

Democrat pollster Pat Caddell found the feeling of lack of representation drove Election 2016

The solution, as I've been saying for years now, is to expand representation. America has become a pressure cooker without a relief valve and is about to explode from a lack of representation.

We will not get "better" representation from the same old, same old limited number of Democrats and Republicans where the Speaker of the House gathers a majority of 218 votes to shove a shit sandwich down the throats of the American people. One man or one woman cannot adequately represent the interests of 750,000 people in a Congressional District. Neither can one man or one woman chief executive sitting in the White House adequately represent the interests of 329 million people. Senators elected by the people only complicate matters. They are supposed to represent their States, and their popular election only subverts the representation provided by Representatives to the US House.

The same old, same old stands in the way of expanding representation.

Americans should make more representation in Congress their number one objective and put the elites on notice that unless they expand representation in Congress, they are history. They can keep their seats in an expanded Congress with far less individual political power and influence for themselves, or they can have no power at all.

It's their choice. Give it up, or it's the guillotine.

1.  The power of ordinary people to control our country is getting weaker every day, as political leaders on both sides, fight to protect their own power and privilege, at the expense of the nation’s well-being. We need to restore what we really believe in – real democracy by the people and real free-enterprise. AGREE = 87%; DISAGREE = 10%

2.  The country is run by an alliance of incumbent politicians, media pundits, lobbyists and other powerful money interests for their own gain at the expense of the American people. AGREE = 87%; DISAGREE = 10%

3.  Most politicians really care about people like me. AGREE = 25%; DISAGREE = 69%

4.  Powerful interests from Wall Street banks to corporations, unions and political interest groups have used campaign and lobbying money to rig the system for them. They are looting the national treasury of billions of dollars at the expense of every man, woman and child. AGREE = 81%; DISAGREE = 13%

5.  The U.S. has a two-track economy where most Americans struggle every day, where good jobs are hard to find, where huge corporations get all the rewards. We need fundamental changes to fix the inequity in our economic system. AGREE = 81%; DISAGREE = 15%

6.  Political leaders are more interested in protecting their power and privilege than doing what is right for the American people. AGREE = 86%; DISAGREE = 11%

7.  The two main political parties are too beholden to special and corporate interest to create any meaningful change. AGREE = 76%; DISAGREE = 19%

8.  The real struggle for America is not between Democrats and Republicans but between mainstream American and the ruling political elites. AGREE = 67%; DISAGREE = 24%

For years, the political elites have governed America for their own benefit and to the detriment of the American people – this election is the best chance in our lives to take back our government. AGREE = 63% (with 46% strongly agreeing); DISAGREE = 31%

Voters were then asked the same two questions of each candidate: Which is closer to your opinion if (Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump) wins: the political elites and special interests win; the political elite and special interests lose.

By 65 percent to 35 percent voters said that if Hillary Clinton wins the political elites WIN.  And by an opposite margin, the majority of voters said that by 57 percent to 43 percent the elites LOSE if Trump wins.

Significant numbers of Clinton’s own voters believe that her win is a victory for the unpopular elites and special political interests.

Did Billy Cunningham discuss Trump's immigration cave last night?

If he did I must have missed it. It wasn't in the first hour.

Expect nothing but spin from conservative talk radio on this, if they talk about it at all.

Everywhere I turn it's the bleating sheeple of MAGA, even as the Trumpster has been completely co-opted by the Swamp, on Obamacare, taxes and spending, and now immigration, his so-called priority issue.

Simply voting Republican will not do under these circumstances. Elected Republican officials either go along to get along, or they do the right thing and stop spending us blind. You can only vote for individuals who do the latter and call yourself a true born son of liberty.

The direct result of spending money we do not have is an exploding debt which must be serviced. To get away with this they must continue to suppress the natural rate of interest to keep the payments on the debt from exploding and tying our hands on the annual budget, crowding out spending on legitimate items. That's already happening, as interest payments soared to $523 billion in fiscal 2018, up 14% from 2017. The consequence of that reverberates throughout the economy, making it unattractive for anyone to lend, and that means poor economic growth with the knock-on effect of the fixed income side in every portfolio returning less and less to retirement portfolios, pension funds, insurance companies, lotteries, you name it.

In other words, more of the same shitty Obama economy we elected Trump to fix. It ain't happening.

You can put lipstick on this pig all you want. I ain't askin' her to dance. 

Sunday, February 17, 2019

George W. Bush abandoned free market principles to save banks and companies the free market was about to destroy, but hey, we can't have that! That's capitalism!

"I've abandoned free market principles to save the free market system" - George W. Bush

Meanwhile, millions of homeowners were destroyed, along with their jobs, their savings, and their hoped-for futures, never to return.

Updated link:

Peggy Noonan is blind about conservatism

Republicans Need to Save Capitalism:

I’ll go whole hog here. We need a cleaned-up capitalism, not a weary, sighing, acceptance-of-man’s-fallen-nature capitalism.

Weary sighing acceptance? Try the eager jubilant over being given free reign to exploit man's fallen nature capitalism.

Reagan "conservatives" preached that the Reagan tax cuts and free-trade would usher in a period of investment at home, in a word, that if you just let people have more of their own money they'd know what to do with it and they would do the right thing.

They didn't.

"Conservatives" exported our jobs and invested abroad, creating middle classes in poor countries where there were none before, at the expense of the middle class at home. They drove the opening to China, enriched it and created a monster which now robs us blind and threatens world peace. The libertarians have sold China the rope the communists hope to hang us with.

If Republicans and conservatives had properly understood human nature they wouldn't have made this mistake. The doctrinaire among them showed themselves to be liberals, not conservatives, possessed of a foolish optimism based on the idea that people are basically good. They are not. People do what's best for number one, as they always have. Screw thy neighbor, and thy country if necessary. Are we not a nation of immigrants?

Only conservatism with its roots in the transcendent moral order has been able to curb this false individualism and mistaken enthusiasm. Both were routinely attacked in church in former days, but nobody seems to go there anymore, and when they do go the preacher turns out to have joined the wrong side.

The "conservative" rubes out there still believe this stupid myth of libertarianism, while the billionaire class of both parties which got rich off it only hopes they continue to do so.

They care about nothing but themselves and their right to privacy, the penumbra of our collective deviancy.

People who rushed to judgment on the Smollett "hate crime" shouldn't have access to the nuclear codes

Here Are All The Politicians Who Rushed To Judgement On The Smollett ‘Hate Crime’

Cory Booker

Kamala Harris

Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House becomes president if president and vice president cannot)

Remember "legitimate rape"? Only the left gets to speak of "legitimate attacks"

Joe Biden Gaffe Machine: Tells Germany we're embarrassed by kids in cages, too bad it was under his watch

Yep, we're embarrassed alright, by Joe Biden. Not getting off to a good start there, Joe, if you really want to win the White House. Be yourself, not Obama. And please refrain from the skinny dipping, and no more groping, either. Sheesh.

Biden cages children:

Saturday, February 16, 2019

Trump admits to "a little disappointment" for the first 1.5 years, but for the remaining 2.5 we're getting A LOT

He promised over and over again, "I will never disappoint you". Should have been a red flag that he would major in it.

If the Angel Moms story of the last few days is true, it's more evidence Trump is fenced in (!) and manipulated

It only takes a spark to get a gaslight glowing ...

Or does he just not know what he has signed into law?

He signs two major pieces of legislation which do the opposite of what he wants?

And then there's the case of the Angel Moms . . ..

Tim Burchett, TN-2, voted no for the border deal and its orgy of foreign spending

One of the good guys.

Yesterday showed us that Trump is in fact 25th Amendment material

He didn't remember he let the drug dealers out of prison by just recently signing the criminal justice reform bill when he was riffing on executing them in the Rose Garden yesterday.

That means even if he read what was in the border deal, it didn't penetrate, didn't register, and didn't matter to him. Nothing was going to get in the way of signing the bill.

This denial of reality is religious fanaticism level stuff, courtesy of Norman Vincent Peale but grown especially virulent in this unique DNA combination known as Donald Trump.

What he needs is deprogramming, but the best thing we can do is depend on the sturdiness of our institutions, the separation of powers and the ensuing gridlock to sequester him until the voters do the intervention in 2020.  This is the gift of the founders and we should embrace it and thank them for it.

Unfortunately, expect Democrats to have no mercy, but to press their advantage against crazy King Ludwig. If Republicans know what's good for them, they'll refrain from any more big compromises, but they should work with Democrats to give Trump some nice shiny objects to stroke his vanity in the meantime and keep him distracted.  

Friday, February 15, 2019

This is a reversal from earlier: Still possible Trump did not know even if White House did

Fact of the matter is the contents of the spending bill are counterproductive of stated Trump goals. If no one told him that directly he wouldn't know it otherwise. He didn't read the bill, neither did the Representatives who voted on it. It was too long and there wasn't enough time. But it does suggest Trump doesn't really care enough about the issue to warrant it being his signature issue.

No way to run a country, except that's how it always is with these giant bills.

Regular order ought to involve funding one department only, every month on a schedule, but fat chance.

No one wants the responsibility of the hard work required. Everyone in Washington shoves it off on whomever they can and then blames whomever they can. Same in Michigan, where all controversial issues go to referendum.

Smoking pot isn't healthy, but now it's decriminalized here.

Trump 2020 is toast: He's screwed the immigration agenda pooch and has no icky Hillary to run against

Hillary doesn't register on any of the polls, where its Biden, Sanders and Harris in the top three with Biden in front by 18 points and Harris trailing Sanders by 6 at Real Clear Politics.

Recent California poll by Change Research has Biden tied with Harris in her own state and Sanders in third.

Joe can be the affable, non-threatening candidate of a return to "normalcy" if he works at it. But it will take work, especially by refraining from taking Trump's non-stop baiting while eschewing an extreme agenda.

So far though Democrats can't seem to help themselves in the extremes department.

Happy to see Ann Coulter is up and around and can function again after such a terrible shock

I'm at Devil levels today

Mike Lee of power hungry Legislative ignores power ceded by Trump to localities and courts in border spending deal

Plus presidents are term-limited. Senators and Representatives are not. Power of Legislative over individuals only grows with growing population because representation is fixed at 435 in the House, 100 in the Senate.

Stupid president just ceded more power and Legislative complains! GTFO! The people have to hope for one Saviour to fix everything in eight years, which is impossible, especially when we get a Trump who doesn't know what the hell he is doing.

It's why we hate you!


Trump's relationship with Coulter lasted almost three years, which was . . . longer than his fingers?

"Are you sure no one saw you with the gas can, Mike?"

Forget the media, Trump doesn't know that poison pill stuff is in there

LOL, The Gaslighter in Chief says he doesn't know Ann Coulter, who introduced him to Dubuque, IA, in August 2015

Ann Coulter appeared just now on The Savage Nation

Savage took the Trump bait and is focused only on the Emergency Declaration and knows nothing about the spending bill.

Mr. National Disaster totally chokes like Mitt Romney, signs border bill instead of using veto POWER

I mean he’s so blatantly stupid. 
He’s a punk. 
He’s a dog. 
He’s a pig.
He’s a con. 
A bullshit artist. 
A mutt who doesn’t know what he’s talking about. 
He doesn’t do his homework.
He doesn’t care.  
He thinks he’s gaming society.
Doesn’t pay his taxes. 
He’s an idiot.
Colin Powell said it best. “He’s a national disaster.” 
He’s an embarrassment to this country.
It makes me so angry that this country has gotten to this point that this fool. This bozo. Has wound up where he has.


Well, that's it, Donald Judas Trump has signed the border deal according to AP

Keep calling, melt those phone lines

And how about a veto message from Mr. Borders, Language, Culture, himself, Michael Savage?

Not even Mark Levin, Mr. Constitution, can bring himself to tell the president to veto this damn bill

What the hell is political power for, photo ops?

Are you starting to see a pattern here folks?

None of these so-called conservatives have the fire in the belly.

Hey Trump, we'll see who's off the reservation . . .

. . . in 2020.

Rush is full of it, saying Trump has no leverage

Trump has POLITICAL POWER. It's called the veto. He should use it! Make the Congress own this piece of shit border deal.

WAKE UP AND SMELL THE CONSTITUTION you boob, you dog, you spineless weasel, you limp dick sex drug profiteer.

Twice the man of either Hannity or Limbaugh says "don't sign it"

Little boob on the right can't say "veto" either

Limbaugh can spend most of the opening telling us how bad this bill is but can't say "veto"

He's useless. The big mouse on the right.

The border deal bill's not yet there for Trump to sign--keep calling 202-456-1414

The plan here must be to spin and spin and spin until Limbaugh comes on at noon

Then Rush can 'splain it to you, Lucy.

Like he says, "I'll tell you what to think".

Just like conservative talk radio, Trump doesn't want to talk about signing this shit sandwich