Separate! Separate! Dance to the music . . .
Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Saving feral cats is a fool's errand: Cats account for 90 percent of the domestic animal cases of rabies in New Jersey since 1989
Midland Park allows residents to have more dogs, raises household limit:
According to the New Jersey Department of Health,
between January and September there have been 142 cases statewide of
animal rabies, including five in Bergen County. Cats account for 90
percent of the domestic animal cases in the state since 1989.
Here's what's wrong with Chicago: 1,745 people there are trying to save feral cats from the cold
Memo to you lunatics: God sends cold weather like this to cleanse the earth of vermin. Don't get in His way. You are not doing His work. You are mentally ill. Shelter in place and seek medical attention as soon as it's safe to go outside.
Climate reality check: It's only -3.8F on my electronic weather station this morning in Grand Rapids
The record low for this date was -22F, January 30, 1951. That record was matched as recently as January 19, 1994.
The coldest reading ever in Grand Rapids was -24F, a twofer on February 13-14, 1899.
Meanwhile, Chicago's coldest temperature EVER was as recently as 1985, at -27F. It's -20F there at this hour, which will put this in the top ten lowest lows ever in Chicago.
It could be a lot worse, and has been in my lifetime.
Tuesday, January 29, 2019
True believers are piling on Cernovich in defense of Christianity much like defenders of socialism pile on its critics
True believers say Catholic pedophile priests, Catholic betrayals of its own supporters, and legalized licentiousness everywhere are not representative of Christian civilization, much in the same way that the left has said perennially that Stalin's crimes in Russia and Maduro's in Venezuela, et cetera, do not represent real socialism.
The true believer dies hard because ideology, whether it's religious or not, is the opiate of the people, blinding it to the reality staring it in the face.
And the reality of Islam is that it exalts servility to a religious principle.
George Washington, dear friends, would not take the Lord's Supper, nor kneel in church. The father of our country, first in the hearts of his countrymen for many reasons, including those.
The true believer dies hard because ideology, whether it's religious or not, is the opiate of the people, blinding it to the reality staring it in the face.
And the reality of Islam is that it exalts servility to a religious principle.
George Washington, dear friends, would not take the Lord's Supper, nor kneel in church. The father of our country, first in the hearts of his countrymen for many reasons, including those.
Monday, January 28, 2019
Trump 4/2011: If there is a shutdown I think it would be a tremendously negative mark on the president of the United States
VIEIRA: So if there were a partial shutdown of the government come Friday, that would be OK with you.
In my opinion--you know, I hear the Democrats are going to be blamed
and the Republicans are going to be blamed. I actually think the
president would be blamed. If there is a shutdown, and it's not going to
be a horrible shutdown because, as you know, things will sort of keep
VIEIRA: Well, it's a partial shutdown, right.
But if there is a shutdown I think it would be a tremendously negative
mark on the president of the United States. He's the one that has to get
people together.
VIEIRA: Right.
TRUMP: I'm a deal man. I've
made hundreds and hundreds of deals and transactions. He never did
deals before. How can you expect a man that's not a deal man that never
did a deal, other than frankly becoming president of the United States,
he never did a deal, how's he going to corral all these people to get
them to do a deal?
VIEIRA: So how would you do it now? Now you're in the Oval office right now, it's Wednesday.
TRUMP: I would get everybody together and we'd have a budget and it would get done.
VIEIRA: They've all gotten together.
Well, that's because they don't have the right leader. You don't have
the right leader. This is the President of the United States has to get
this done, and I think he probably will. Now, I don't say "he." But I
think he and the group probably will get it done, but it's pretty sad
because the whole world is looking at us and laughing at us.
Ha ha.
Forget the MAGA hats, are we sure the Covington Catholic teens weren't wearing Canada Goose jackets?
NYT Publishes Puff Piece On Hate Group That Harassed Covington Boys For Over An Hour:
A small group of Black Hebrew Israelites harassed and verbally
assaulted a larger group of Catholic students at the March for Life in
Washington, D.C. last Friday, slinging racial epithets at both the
students and a nearby group of Native Americans for nearly two hours. The media’s coverage of the Black Hebrew Israelites group, however, has all but ignored its role in the confrontation that occurred over the weekend.
Evidently they also believe the answer to everything is "42" |
Canada Goose,
Covington Catholic Kids,
Daily Caller,
3 black robbers in a stolen blue Audi target "people" wearing Canada Goose jackets
The suspects were described as three African American males, 18-26
years of age wearing dark hoodies and ski masks and riding in a stolen
dark blue Audi A5 with license plate No. X562250
Video shows blacks targeting whites wearing Canada Goose coats, headline says "people"
People robbed of Canada Goose coats at gunpoint in Chicago
But we're repeatedly told in the video that the (black) men were in a "white" Mercedes.
"Be on the lookout for a white Mercedes."
Trump is practically run by Jews but French Jew Bernard-Henri Levy says Trump is bad, bad, bad for Jews
Orthodox Jews absolutely love, love, love Donald Judas Trump, and are at the right hand of power in the White House, while Levy is not, which is his real complaint.
Meanwhile Levy has championed perverts like pedophile rapist Roman Polanski, but America First members John F. Kennedy, Gerald R. Ford, William Buckley, Walt Disney, Sargent Shriver, Gore Vidal, Frank Lloyd Wright and a host of others are somehow beyond the pale.
Levy isn't just Exhibit A for the self-hating Jew, but also for the America-hating variety. We are ALL Nazis to them.
Wake Up, American Jews: Donald Trump Is A Huge Threat:
Levy isn't just Exhibit A for the self-hating Jew, but also for the America-hating variety. We are ALL Nazis to them.
Wake Up, American Jews: Donald Trump Is A Huge Threat:
Since his arrival on the scene, Trump has championed the legacy of Charles Lindbergh, the first architect of “America First” and a known anti-Semite. But this was only the first in what has become a long list of signs signifying how bad the President of the United States is for the Jews. ... the radiation given off by the words “America First” are on the Nazi spectrum.
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Ben Shapiro: Anti-white racist Sarah Jeong shouldn't be fired, "white supremacist" Steve King should be
Ben Cuckhero,
Sarah Jeong,
Steve King,
The Daily Wire
Friday, January 25, 2019
When is Hillary going to be arrested for making false statements to the FBI?
FBI: I'm sorry, we didn't make a record of those, and we destroyed the evidence.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
"Improper" drawing of congressional districts is not the problem, improper restriction of the number of districts is
Gerrymandering, the pervasive practice of drawing congressional districts for political purposes, owns a great deal of responsibility for the dysfunction of our government and the loss of trust among Americans in their government.
This story is a smokescreen obscuring the real problem, which is that Congress voted decades ago to stop the growth of representation. Gerrymandering is simply the problem you face after committing the offense of fixing the number of districts.
By 1930 the number of congressional districts had grown to 435, more or less naturally as required by the Constitution and the Census every ten years. The number would have kept growing, but the natural process was halted, by a bigoted, power hungry Congress.
The very people who are supposed to represent us stopped the growth of representation and fixed it at 435 in the 1920s, because they could.
The original First Amendment, never ratified with the rest of the Bill of Rights for want of but one vote, would have ensured the natural growth of representation with the natural growth of population in perpetuity by a formula. The argument was over the formula, so our forebears punted the problem, and the issue was never settled. Post-WWI, however, alarums began to sound over the expansion of the Congress to include lots of new representatives for America's burgeoning German-American population, so the Congress voted to fix representation at its then current level, 435, so they didn't have to sit next to the evil Hun in their own Capitol. (The Congress also effectively halted immigration, but that's another story).
So in 1930 one US representative held the power of the purse over 283,000 Americans, on average. Fast forward to today and a US representative can steal from 757,000 of us at a stroke, on average. How their power has grown, and how coveted the seats! Now you know why it takes $10 million to win one.
Just to get the ratio back down to 1930 levels, we'd have to have 1,163 congressional districts today instead of the 435 we do have.
Adding them would dramatically reduce the power the current 435 have over us, which is why it doesn't happen. Nancy Pelosi would have to herd 582 cats to get anything done instead of 238. And with 1,163 representatives, it's unlikely Nancy Pelosi would be the Speaker in the first place.
Redrawing the lines of this tyranny which they exercise over us isn't the solution. That's simply rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
The power hungry House is the biggest impediment to our democracy. Ironically, a bigger House is the answer, because it returns power to the people.
Wednesday, January 23, 2019
Beto Beto Beto, Foss was one thing, but a furry in The Sheeps? Really?
The Ramones would have beaten you with a baseball bat.
Here’s Video of Beto O’Rourke Singing “Blitzkrieg Bop” in a Sheep Mask and Onesie
You’re welcome, America.
Actually CNN allowed Nathan Phillips to claim he served in Vietnam without challenging him, which is why watching CNN is a complete waste of time; it's about advocacy, not news
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
AOC wants to rape and pillage the bedrock of American (white) wealth: housing
Ocasio-Cortez Compares America’s Past To Nazi Germany, Says US Should Pay Reparations Like They Did:
People think reparations is reparations for slavery, but really, economically speaking, reparations are for the damage done by the New Deal and redlining because that is where we saw a compounding of the existing inequity from the legacy of slavery, where we drew red lines around black communities. We said white communities will get home loans and they will get access to the basic bedrock of wealth in America and this will be your heirloom and we gave white America the heirloom that appreciated overtime — that people still benefit from today and we did not give to African-American and Mexican communities, Puerto Rican communities.
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