Showing posts with label phony. Show all posts
Showing posts with label phony. Show all posts

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Phony Hamas death toll reports in the news

 UN seemingly halves estimate of Gazan women, children killed

 On May 6, the UN published data showing that 34,735 people had reportedly been killed in Gaza, including over 9,500 women and over 14,500 children. On May 8, the UN published data showing 34,844 people had reportedly been killed, including 4,959 women and 7,797 children. The new figures showed the number of identified deaths as of April 30, which total 24,686 people. ... Washington Institute for Near East Policy released a report in January that showed major discrepancies in the fatality reports. They concluded such discrepancies were most likely caused by manipulation.         

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

The orchestrated lawfare against Donald Trump is designed to make you forget Biden's five tyrannical anti-democratic COVID-19 vaccination orders

Not to mention to make you forget all Biden's other failures, starting with the fall of Kabul in August 2021.

This is the same political strategy used by Hillary and the Democrats after Trump's election, with their phony baloney plastic banana Trump-Russia hoax to hamstring Trump's tenure in office.


The five mandates were discussed here in April 2022:

Federal contractor mandate September 9, 2021 on all employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

Federal employee mandate September 9, 2021 on all employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

OSHA mandate November 4, 2021 on all employers of 100 or more COUNTRYWIDE to be vaccinated or tested weekly

Medicare/Medicaid provider mandate November 4, 2021 on all provider employees with no opt-out for testing or masking

Head Start mandate November 30, 2021 requiring vaccination of 300,000 employees at child care facilities AND masking of the children.

And let's not forget the vaccination mandates shoved down the throats of the US military and National Guard in August and November 2021. More than 8,000 service members who refused the jabs were forced out.

This is the real Joe Biden.

Friday, March 29, 2024

Insurance companies got rich because of Obamacare rules, now electric utilities are poised to get rich because of Biden climate rules

 Utilities are shutting down "dirty" capacity without adequately replacing it. The law of supply and demand means only one thing: higher prices. OK, two: blackouts.

Meanwhile, tax credits under Biden's phony Inflation Reduction Act are masking the true costs of renewables.

From a Wall Street Journal op-ed "The Coming Electricity Crisis: Artificial-intelligence data centers and climate rules are pushing the power grid to what could become a breaking point" here :

Obama Energy Secretary Ernest Moniz last week predicted that utilities will ultimately have to rely more on gas, coal and nuclear plants to support surging demand. “We’re not going to build 100 gigawatts of new renewables in a few years,” he said. No kidding.

The problem is that utilities are rapidly retiring fossil-fuel and nuclear plants. “We are subtracting dispatchable [fossil fuel] resources at a pace that’s not sustainable, and we can’t build dispatchable resources to replace the dispatchable resources we’re shutting down,” Federal Energy Regulatory Commissioner Mark Christie warned this month.

About 20 gigawatts of fossil-fuel power are scheduled to retire over the next two years—enough to power 15 million homes—including a large natural-gas plant in Massachusetts that serves as a crucial source of electricity in cold snaps. PJM’s external market monitor last week warned that up to 30% of the region’s installed capacity is at risk of retiring by 2030.

Some plants are nearing the end of their useful life-spans, but an onslaught of costly regulation is the bigger cause. A soon-to-be-finalized Environmental Protection Agency rule would require natural-gas plants to install expensive and unproven carbon capture technology.

The PJM report cites “the role of states and the federal government in subsidizing resources and in environmental regulation.” It added: “The simple fact is that the sources of new capacity that could fully replace the retiring capacity have not been clearly identified.”

Meantime, the Inflation Reduction Act’s huge renewable subsidies make it harder for fossil-fuel and nuclear plants to compete in wholesale power markets. The cost of producing power from solar and wind is roughly the same as from natural gas. But IRA tax credits can offset up to 50% of the cost of renewable operators. 

Baseload plants can’t turn a profit operating only when needed to back up renewables, so they are closing. This was the main culprit for Texas’s week-long power outage in February 2021 and the eastern U.S.’s rolling blackouts during Christmas 2022.

Friday, January 26, 2024

Core pce inflation is out and shows itself running ahead of the 10-year US Treasury yield for four consecutive years 2020-2023, which is unprecedented

Jerome Powell is the biggest phony inflation fighter the country has ever seen.

He was appointed by Trump! So much winning!

Core pce inflation previously exceeded the ten year yield in 1974-75 and in 2012 (barely).

The Fed's primary inflation-fighting tool has been the Federal Funds Rate, but it let inflation run wildly out of control before even lifting a finger to stop it in March 2022 when the Fed finally acted and started raising the rate.

It is a shameful episode which has benefited businesses which hiked prices higher than inflation to goose profits, and the federal government which desperately needed to devalue its mounting debts, all at the expense of the average American.

The lack of outrage over this is a study in the depth of American servitude. Slavery didn't end in 1865 for African Americans. It became the common lot of us all.



Wednesday, October 18, 2023

Disgusting New York Times fans the flames against Israel: Simply repeated Palestinian claim of Israeli strike on hospital, changed it to strike on hospital, changed it again to hospital blast

 It was an errant malfunctioning Palestinian rocket, one of the thousands Hamas and Islamic Jihad have launched against targets in Israel but which the media do not report.

The number 500 dead is also phony. The claim was made almost immediately after the blast and just keeps getting repeated. There was no count. The place is in chaos. The missile exploded in the parking lot, not on the hospital.


Thursday, October 5, 2023

One mechanism was a foreign remittances tax, but Paul Waldman and Donald Trump just leave that out


When he ran for president in 2016, few of Donald Trump’s promises thrilled his supporters more than his pledge not just to build a wall on the southern border, but to force Mexico to pick up the tab. “And who’s going to pay for it?” he’d say at his rallies. The crowd would shout back joyfully, “Mexico!” It wasn’t about the money; the point was to conjure a fantasy of America standing tall and dominating our neighbor; their humiliation would be our glory.

A fantasy is just what it was, as Trump now admits. At a speech in Iowa on Sunday, he blurted out the truth. “When you hear these lunatics back there,” he said, pointing at the news media, “say, ‘Trump didn’t get anything from Mexico,’ well, you know, there was no legal mechanism. I said they’re going to help fund this wall, but there was no legal mechanism. How do you go to a country, you say, ‘By the way I’m building a wall, hand us a lot of money.’”

Of course it was about the money. Everything is about the money.

It wasn't a fantasy to neoliberal Bush 43 pal Vicente Fox, who took it seriously enough at the time when Trump first proposed to make Mexico pay that he wouldn't pay.

This is revisionist history by Trump and by Waldman, which pretends there was no Border Wall Funding Act of 2017, nor serious elite opposition to its provision for a foreign remittances tax.

Trump would simply like to erase the history of his phony immigration promises, and Waldman would simply like no one to entertain seriously the particulars, which show there is a giant pot of money easily taxed to pay for border security.

Foreign remittances to the Latin South reached $142 billion in 2022, and Mexico's share was $60 billion.

The government of the United States farts away billions of dollars every minute of every day. Funding a $25 billion wall is a flea on that elephant's back. The fierce opposition to it is the thing of real size.



Saturday, September 23, 2023

Saturday, December 10, 2022

The 39 House Republicans Who Voted for the Same-Sex Marriage Bill, annotated

 The New York Times :

  • Representative Kelly Armstrong of North Dakota

  • Representative Don Bacon of Nebraska [re-elected 2022 with 51.3% of the vote]

  • Representative Ken Calvert of California [re-elected 2022 with 52.3% of the vote]

  • Representative Kat Cammack of Florida

  • Representative Mike Carey of Ohio

  • Representative Liz Cheney of Wyoming [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative John Curtis of Utah

  • Representative Rodney Davis of Illinois [defeated in 2022 primary by fellow Republican in redistricting-forced battle]

  • Representative Tom Emmer of Minnesota [House GOP Majority Whip]

  • Representative Brian Fitzpatrick of Pennsylvania

  • *Representative Mike Gallagher of Wisconsin [flipped from Nay in summer to Yea now]

  • Representative Andrew Garbarino of New York

  • Representative Mike Garcia of California

  • Representative Carlos Gimenez of Florida

  • Representative Tony Gonzalez of Texas

  • Representative Anthony Gonzalez of Ohio [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • *Representative Jaime Herrera Beutler of Washington [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary, flipped from Nay in summer to Yea now]

  • Representative Ashley Hinson of Iowa

  • Representative Darrell Issa of California

  • Representative Ch[r]is Jacobs of New York [retiring after flipping position on guns after Buffalo mass shooting and angering supporters]

  • Representative David Joyce of Ohio [leader of House Republican moderate caucus]

  • Representative John Katko of New York [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • Representative Nancy Mace of South Carolina

  • Representative Nicole Malliotakis of New York

  • Representative Peter Meijer of Michigan [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative Mariannette Miller-Meeks of Iowa

  • Representative Blake Moore of Utah

  • Representative Dan Newhouse of Washington [voted to impeach Trump]

  • Representative Jay Obernolte of California

  • Representative Tom Rice of South Carolina [voted to impeach Trump, defeated in 2022 primary]

  • Representative Mike Simpson of Idaho

  • Representative Elise Stefanik of New York

  • Representative Bryan Steil of Wisconsin

  • Representative Chris Stewart of Utah

  • Representative Mike Turner of Ohio

  • Representative Fred Upton of Michigan [voted to impeach Trump, retiring]

  • Representative David Valadao of California [voted to impeach Trump, re-elected with 51.5% of the vote]

  • Representative Ann Wagner of Missouri [Republican phony of the year LOL: “This district is home to me, and there is no better feeling than representing our conservative, Midwest values in Congress.”]

  • Representative Tim Waltz of Florida [LOL: NYT has Democrat Tim Walz, Minnesota Governor, on the brain; the actual name is Republican US Rep. Michael Waltz, who ran unopposed in FL-6 and was re-elected in 2022; the newspaper of record smdh]

Saturday, November 12, 2022

Four true words

 Trump lacked the discipline.      

Stated here.

That's still the fundamental problem, but that's been the case from the beginning.

Character counts. Trump has never had it and never will. I cut my losses with Trump in 2018 when he exposed himself as a phony on his chief plank, illegal immigration. He already did that in August 2016, so fool me once, shame on Trump. I am not ashamed to state it over and over again.

The rest of the party still hasn't come around, however, with so-called conservatives still yammering on about stuff like pOPuLiSm. But that's because opposition to illegal immigration was never a GOP value. The GOP would never be upset because he lied about that.

It's hard to imagine the GOP pointing to anything in particular which was a line too far. 121 voted in the House to object to the 2020 Arizona vote, 138 to the Pennsylvania vote. Not even three horrible elections in a row is proving to be decisive.

Meanwhile Democrats have exploited Trump's weakness, and therefore the GOP's, to consolidate power with extraordinary new depth. The new regime of mail-in voting everywhere changes everything. The chain of custody of ballots in voting precincts is broken forever.

It's the end run around representative government we only imagined the National Popular Vote Compact would be. It's the path to pure democracy. It's the end of legislatures, the end of republicanism, and makes the tyranny of the majority and the repression of the minority the new, terrible future.

A Supreme Court in principle deferring to the states on everything from election law to drugs, marriage, abortion, gender, etc. is no bulwark against what's coming, indeed, what's already here.

The people will decide by referendum.

The people be damned.

Monday, November 7, 2022

Under Joe Biden and the Democrats, border encounters are soaring since 2019 because illegal immigrants know they will likely be released into the US

 Encounters have exploded by 2.4 times under Biden.

It is estimated that well over 1 million of these illegal immigrants have simply been released into the US by the Biden administration using phony interpretations of immigration law.

This does not count the illegal immigrants who have snuck in because they were missed by the border authorities overwhelmed by the consequences of the Biden administration's lax border policies.


Monday, September 26, 2022

Phony boom narrative under Trump continues under Biden, only the lie is much bigger

 Factory Jobs Booming Like It's 1970s...

Well, it's the lying New York Times, of course, and drive-by repeater, Drudge.

The summer peak in 2019 was 12.905 million.

The summer peak in 2022 was 12.916 million, up . . . eleven thousand! Woo hoo!

Meanwhile in the 1970s, many MILLIONS more worked in manufacturing in the United States, and many millions more as a share of the population:

11.8% of the population in 1979 on average vs. just 4.9% in August 2022!

From the end of the story, lol:

Eight percent of the surveyed companies reported moving segments of their supply chain out of China to the United States in the past year, while another 16 percent had moved some operations to other countries. But 78 percent of the companies said they had not shifted any business away from China.



Sunday, September 25, 2022

Mike Lee is such a phony, advocating for a clean continuing resolution instead of a last minute omnibus, as if there's much of a difference

 Mike hopes you never hear of regular order again.


Last guy to mention it I think was Paul Ryan in 2015:

"We need to let every member contribute, not once they earn their stripes, but now," he said. "The committees should take the lead in drafting all major legislation: If you know the issue, you should write the bill. Let's open up the process." "In other words," he said, "we need to return to regular order."

Thursday, August 11, 2022

Phony Democrat SALT Caucus is out there today boasting it is going to vote for the Manchin bill anyway, which doesn't undo the Trump tax increases on the wealthy they promised to get rid of

  a group of House Democrats say they will still vote for the party’s spending package without SALT reform . . . members of the SALT Caucus ... have vowed to oppose a bill without SALT relief


From their website:


April 15, 2021  
Press Release 
32 Democrats and Republicans join

Today, April 15, 2021, Tom Suozzi (NY-3), U.S. Representatives Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5),  Young Kim (CA-39), and Andrew Garbarino (NY-2) announced the formation of the new bipartisan SALT Caucus to advocate for new tax relief from Congress. 


“Our effort to restore the SALT deduction is gaining momentum. Together, Democrats and Republicans alike, we will advocate for the restoration of the SALT deduction and highlight the middle class families who have been unfairly hurt by the cap,” said Rep. Tom Suozzi, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “The cap on the SALT deduction has been a body blow to New York and middle-class families throughout the country. At the end of the day, we must fix this injustice.”


“We’re formally launching a new bipartisan group — the SALT Caucus — because, for all our Members, and for the tens of thousands of middle class families we represent, it is high time that Congress reinstates the State and Local Tax deduction, so we can get more dollars back in to the pockets of so many struggling families — especially as we recover from this pandemic,” said Rep. Josh Gottheimer, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “This bipartisan group we’re founding today, with members from coast to coast and across the political spectrum, are all banding together to reinstate the State and Local Tax deduction, to find a way to get this done in Congress, and to actually get tax relief for the hard working middle class families we represent.”


“Hardworking Californians in the 39th District and across my home state have been burdened enough by high state and local taxes. It is estimated that in the 2022 tax year, California’s 39th District will pay on average more than $640 million due to the SALT cap,” said Rep. Young Kim, SALT Caucus Co-Chair. “I am proud to fight for lower taxes for my constituents as Co-Chair of the SALT Caucus and am looking forward to working together to ensure California workers and families can keep more of their hard-earned money.” 


“The SALT cap penalizes working class Long Islanders. From firefighters to police officers, to teachers, to nurses, and small business owners, I hear from people every day about what a crushing blow the SALT cap has delivered them. I’m proud to be a Co-Chair of the bipartisan SALT Caucus to fully restore the deduction once and for all,” said Rep. Andrew Garbarino, SALT Caucus Co-Chair.


“A critical component of our overall economic recovery must be the repeal of the state and local tax deduction cap that was imposed by the 2017 tax law,” said Rep. Mikie Sherrill, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “There is a misconception that the SALT deduction doesn’t help middle class families. But in high cost of living areas like my district, SALT does in fact make a critical difference in helping make ends meet for our middle class residents like teachers and law enforcement officers, who depend on this deduction to afford the high cost of living in our area. To be clear, the 2017 tax bill specifically targeted states and communities like mine that have prioritized key investments in our public schools, living wages for workers, environmental protections, the list goes on. I’m proud to be launching this bipartisan caucus to ensure we deliver a win on this issue for families in New Jersey and across the country.”


“The cap on the state and local tax deduction hurts middle class California families,” said Rep. Katie Porter, SALT Caucus Vice Chair. “During the coronavirus pandemic, our state and local governments have led public health efforts on testing and vaccines—a potent reminder of the important work they do. Restoring the state and local tax deduction, which has been in our tax code since its inception, gives taxpayers and communities the ability to invest in their priorities and levels the playing field across states for federal taxation.”


“Counties are on the front lines of the COVID-19 pandemic, supporting nearly 1,000 hospitals, more than 1,900 public health authorities and other services essential to residents’ safety and well-being. The human and financial impacts of addressing this health and economic emergency are staggering,” said National Association of Counties Executive Director Matthew Chase. “We applaud the formation of this bipartisan caucus committed to repealing the state and local tax deduction cap, which would reinstate our local control of our tax systems and strengthen the ability of our counties and local communities to deliver essential public services, such as emergency response, public health and infrastructure.”


The SALT Caucus leadership consists of: 


Co-Chair Tom Suozzi (NY-3)

Co-Chair Josh Gottheimer (NJ-5)

Co-Chair Andrew Garbarino (NY-2)

Co-Chair Young Kim (CA-39)

Bill Pascrell, Jr. (NJ-9), SALT Caucus Vice Chair  

Katie Porter (CA-45), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Mikie Sherrill (NJ-11), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Jamie Raskin (MD-08), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Chris Smith (NJ-04), SALT Caucus Vice Chair

Lauren Underwood (IL-14), SALT Caucus Vice Chair


The other founding members of the SALT Caucus include: Reps. Danny Davis, Nicole Malliotakis, Julia Brownley, Judy Chu, Lee Zeldin, Michelle Steel, Mike Levin, Jimmy Panetta, Jimmy Gomez, Brian Higgins, Jerry Nadler, Tom Malinowski, Jeff Van Drew, Alan Lowenthal, Anna Eshoo, Andy Kim, Ted Lieu, Brad Schneider, John Larson, Eleanor Holmes Norton, Mike Garcia, and Gregory Meeks.


Wednesday, August 10, 2022

It's odd how this guy never mentions the post-election shenanigans which DEFINE the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which would REQUIRE faithless votes in the Electoral College

Time To Eliminate the Possibility of Faithless Electors :

In spite of the Supreme Court’s ruling in Chiafalo v. Washington that states can bind electors to the popular vote, only 14 states have laws in place to do so. This leaves open the possibility that as many as 420 electors across the country could still cast faithless votes with the only remedy being whether or not Congress would choose to count those votes in their Jan. 6 joint session. This is the type of scenario the ECRA is trying to avoid.  

He doesn't say anything about the National Popular Vote Compact here, either, which would potentially nullify the will of the people of a state who voted for one candidate but whose electors were forced to vote for another under the compact. That would be done legally by state signatories, but it would still be wrong.

As of June 2022, [the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact] has been adopted by fifteen states and the District of Columbia. These states have 195 electoral votes, which is 36% of the Electoral College and 72% of the 270 votes needed to give the compact legal force



All 50 states certified their results in Election 2020, making Joe Biden the winner. Rogue electors weren't recognized by Vice President Pence, correctly, under already existing laws.

Electors would be no less rogue under the NPV.

It would be less ambiguous to these people if the Supreme Court had ruled "shall" instead of "may", but the whole opinion is clear:

A State may enforce an elector’s pledge to support his party’s nominee—and the state voters’ choice—for President.

The Supreme Court on July 6, 2020 concluded by saying that

electors are not free agents; they are to vote for the candidate whom the State’s voters have chosen

which ought to settle the matter, but apparently can't in some minds.




Monday, August 8, 2022

LOL, watch for dozens of phony House Democrats who ran on repeal of Trump's 2017 SALT caps vote once again come Friday for a bill (Joe Manchin's) which doesn't remove them and adds more taxes on most Americans

Trump raising taxes on rich coastal elites and Democrats never doing anything about it after running on a promise to do so will never not be funny.

 House Dems Drop SALT Pledges To Back Manchin Bill

Democrats and Republicans have forcefully disputed whether the Inflation Reduction Act would raise taxes on middle-class households making less than $400,000, which would violate a core Biden pledge. The non-partisan Joint Committee on Taxation, found that the measure would raise $16.7 billion on taxpayers making less than $200,000 in 2023.

Josh Gottheimer NJ-5

Mikie Sherrill NJ-11

Tom Suozzi NY-3

Katie Porter CA-45

Mike Levin CA
Tom Malinowski NJ-7

Josh Harder CA-10

Julia Brownley CA-26