Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wikileaks. Show all posts

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Rasmussen shows Hillary going from +7 on Monday to Trump +2 today


The latest Rasmussen Reports White House Watch national telephone and online survey shows Trump with 43% support among Likely U.S. Voters to Clinton’s 41%. Yesterday, Clinton still held a four-point 43% to 39% lead over Trump, but that was down from five points on Tuesday and her biggest lead ever of seven points on Monday.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Clinton to Brazilian bank in 2013: "My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders"

Hacked comment revealed here (private position), which is consistent with her pro-TPP stance while Secretary of State, but inconsistent with her opposition to it now that she is the Democrat nominee for president (public position):

The speech transcripts, a major subject of contention during the Democratic primary, include quotes from Clinton about her distance from middle-class life (“I’m kind of far removed”); her vision of strategic governing (“you need both a public and a private position”); and her views on trade, health care, and Wall Street (“even if it may not be 100 percent true, if the perception is that somehow the game is rigged.”) ... "My dream is a hemispheric common market, with open trade and open borders,” Clinton is quoted as telling a Brazilian bank in 2013. “We have to resist, protectionism, other kinds of barriers to market access and to trade.”

Saturday, August 20, 2016

DNC finance director Jordan "no homo" Kaplan is out, returns to full time consulting

Story here, which of course doesn't mention his Wikileaks "no homo" fame.

Monday, July 25, 2016

Mark Levin is cracking up: Somebody, please help him

Mark Levin is talking like a certifiable nutcase tonight.

OK, maybe every night, but honestly I haven't been paying attention very much since Ted dropped out after Indiana, if only because I don't enjoy the venom while I'm cooking dinner for my family.

Tonight Levin is embracing the Democrat talking point in response to the Wikileaks e-mails that Putin and Trump are somehow working together against Hillary, evidently because Levin can't stand the idea that Trump might come to an understanding with old Vlad. Never mind somebody hacked the DNC and exposed all their hypocrises and Levin is thus participating in . . . oh look! a deer!

And I guess George W. Bush's infamous high estimation of Vladimir Putin's character has somehow conveniently fallen out of Mark's now aging memory. He looked deep into his eyes and saw . . . what exactly?

Next we learn Reince Priebus' treatment of Ted Cruz is morally equivalent to Washerwoman-Schultz' treatment of Bernie Sanders. ... Uh huh. Gotcha Mark.

And finally, at least that's as far as I got because I turned Levin off after this one, Mark Levin attacked Ron Radosh because Ron had the temerity to point out Bernie's Judaism got attacked by a DNC anti-Semite in one of the e-mails.

Now conservatives, you know, people with long memories like elephants, hence the symbolism, know that Ron Radosh has done yeoman service for DECADES in this country exposing the Stalinist sympathizers on the left in the United States, and they are legion.

That last one is utterly despicable coming from Mark Levin, so fade to black.

Get some help Mark.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Drudge Is Just A Sensationalist Tabloid, Not In The Grocery Story Aisle But On The Internet

Everyone who reads the stories Drudge links to can perceive instantly that Drudge's headlines often are purely sensationalist and sometimes down right misleading, often in the extreme.

Today is a good example.

The story Drudge links to here via Reuters clearly states up front in the second paragraph that the US knew in advance of today's test. The test was not an exclamation point added at the end of the sentence about the Crimean invasion:

A U.S. official said the United States had received proper notification from Russia ahead of the test and that the initial notification pre-dated the crisis in Crimea. The Russian Defence Ministry could not be reached for comment.

Russia performs due diligence and informs us of these tests well in advance. Today's test was a good example. But Drudge plays it up differently nevertheless, as if Russia were sending us a message.

Wikileaks proved Russia has been warning the West about expanding NATO too closely to Russia's borders since at least 2008. Russia's action in Crimea should not have come as a surprise to anyone who has a sense of history or pays attention to the long record of Russian protests against European encroachments on its borders since the fall of the Soviet Union.

The sad part of this is that the radio talkers like Laura Ingraham, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and even Michael Savage take their lead from Drudge's headlines. At least Savage often brings a critical perspective to bear upon these stories, as does Ingraham to a lesser extent. But overall the tyranny of Drudge over the news cycle on the right is plain for anyone to see. Its memes become the fodder of the juggernaut of uninformed opinion to which we are all now hostage in the age of instant everything.

Monday, March 3, 2014

The Russian Invasion Of Georgia In 2008 Was A Warning To The West To Stop Expanding NATO Into Russia's Backyard, But We Ignore This Up To The Present Day

US foreign policy under Bush and Obama has ignored Russia's intentions to reassert its influence and control in regions populated with Russians.

Bloomberg reports here:

Putin has been warning the U.S. and other North Atlantic Treaty Organization states for at least six years not to impede Russian interests in Ukraine, particularly in Crimea, where the Black Sea Fleet has been based since its founding by Catherine the Great in 1783 after the Ottoman Empire ceded the peninsula.

Putin told a closed NATO summit in Romania in 2008 that the military alliance was threatening Ukraine’s very existence by courting it as a member, according to a secret cable published by Wikileaks. Putin said Ukraine’s borders were “sewn together” after World War II and its claims to Crimea, which belonged to Russia until Nikita Khrushchev gave it to Ukraine in 1954, are legally dubious, Kurt Volker, the U.S. ambassador to NATO at the time, said in the cable.

Four months later, Putin demonstrated his willingness to back up words with actions by sending Russian troops to war against Georgia, another former Soviet state, over two Russian-speaking regions seeking independence.