Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh 2020. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Sad to listen to Mark Steyn give know-nothings the golden EIB microphone today to blanket the country with bilge

We had a lawyer call in from Michigan, where I live, to complain about the governor's tyranny, failing to mention the 1905 Supreme Court precedent her lawyer cites which permits her actions to protect the citizenry. The lawyer must have gone to the same school as convicted Trump lawyer Michael Cohen.

Then we had a caller from Georgia tell us coronavirus infections are much more widespread according to results from several states using antibody tests, never mentioning that all of these antibody tests are unreliable and NONE of them are approved by the FDA.

That caller also said everything was improving in Sweden when the truth is quite the opposite. Sweden embarked on herd immunity early and is now reaping the whirlwind with 2,355 deaths and a mortality rate of 12%, more than twice that of the United States.

But yeah, let Georgia be Sweden.

I guess the Rush Limbaugh supporters in Georgia must know coronavirus will ravage the black enclaves of Atlanta, decreasing the surplus population.

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Remember how on Feb 24 Rush Limbaugh said there was nothing unusual about the coronavirus?

But now on Apr 21 this virus has become the complete opposite of the common cold and is quite unusual in Rush's estimation, really bad even, and so bad in fact it's a Chicom conspiracy to destroy the rest of the world.

"All I believe, the theory is that they saw how bad it was and they decided, we’re not gonna suffer this alone". 

Rush Limbaugh is a complete joke.

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Laugh of the Day: Limbaugh and Hannity in flames as advertiser Ruth's Chris Steak House gets $20 million bailout from Trump in four days while Main Street waits and waits and waits

The Wall Street Journal reports:

The company, which operates or franchises 159 restaurants, had a profit of $42 million on revenue of $468 million last year.

The owner of the high-end Ruth’s Chris Steak House chain is among the first public companies to disclose it has received a government-backed loan to keep people on its payroll.

Ruth’s Hospitality Group Inc., a company with more than 5,000 workers, received $20 million in forgivable loans on April 7, according to a securities filing. That is four days after the Small Business Administration opened the application window on its $350 billion Payroll Protection Program.

Many small-business owners are still waiting for their banks to process an application or hear back about whether they qualify or will receive financial assistance from the PPP fund. The SBA says 1.1 million applications have been approved for loans worth $263 billion as of Tuesday afternoon. The average loan size is about $239,000 so far, the SBA says. Banks say only small portions of approved loans have been disbursed to businesses. ...

The loans were intended for businesses with fewer than 500 employees, but language in the $2 trillion stimulus bill allows restaurants and hotel chains to participate regardless of how many people they employ.

The maximum PPP loan is $10 million. Ruth’s said two of its subsidiaries each received $10 million SBA loans from JPMorgan Chase & Co. and would use the proceeds primarily for payroll costs. ... As of Dec. 29, Ruth’s employed 5,740 people, of whom 5,216 were hourly staff.

Thursday, April 9, 2020

England is paying a heavy price for the seven weeks it wasted at the beginning of the outbreak as it unwisely flirted with herd immunity, which is what numbskulls like Rush Limbaugh want in the US

65,077 confirmed cases
7,978 deaths
Mortality rate 12.26%, nearly 3.5x worse than in the US

We'd have over 57,000 dead already at that rate.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

What Dr. Anthony Fauci really said today, contrary to Rush Limbaugh: Many, many millions could die

When pressed by lawmakers for an estimate of eventual fatalities in the U.S., Fauci said it will be “totally dependent upon how we respond to it.”

“I can’t give you a number,” he said. “I can’t give you a realistic number until we put into the factor of how we respond. If we’re complacent and don’t do really aggressive containment and mitigation, the number could go way up and be involved in many, many millions.”

Rush Limbaugh's ignorance is invincible

He doesn't grasp that a disease 10x more deadly than flu (0.1% vs. 1% in his example) means 10x more deaths.

If flu normally kills 30,000 in an average year in the US (30 million infections times 0.1%), that means 300,000 deaths (30 million infections times 1%).

But hey, no big deal to Rush Limbaugh, because 300,000 dead isn't the old higher estimate of 3% (30 million infections times 3% = 900,000 deaths).


Monday, February 24, 2020

Rush Limbaugh is a fool and an imbecile, says coronavirus epidemic is just the common cold, kills fewer than the flu

The coronavirus is the common cold, folks. ... The survival rate of this is 98%! You have to read very deeply to find that number, that 2% of the people get the coronavirus die. That’s less than the flu, folks. 

The maximum survival rate from the Spanish flu pandemic 100 years ago was 96.6% when at least 17 million died globally. The death rate was 3.4%. Coronavirus death rate on the Chinese mainland is nearly that right now.

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Rush Limbaugh today sees an idiot in the Mini Mike Mirror and backs away thinking "Yeah, I'm pretty dumb and look at all the money I've got!"

I just don’t think he’s very bright, and I know that cuts against the grain so strongly because most people say, “My gosh, Rush, he’s got more money than you, more money than we got. He can’t be dumb and have that happen.” Ehhh. I think there’s a lot of these rich people, folks, that when it comes to flat-out common sense are just idiots.

Friday, February 7, 2020

I don't mind if you steal my Trump/Limbaugh BFI Unemployment Rate chart, just don't call it the Big Fucking Idiot Unemployment Rate, PLEASE

Just think of all those girls 40 years ago: They were at home, eating but not working, and they just threw it all away (what WERE they thinking? and what on earth are they thinking NOW?)

Introducing the Trump/Limbaugh Big Fat Idiot Unemployment Rate, and the good news is in January 2020 we're back on track to more people not working but still eating, just like under the Carter Administration 40 years ago

LOL: Donald Trump's crackpot 35% unemployment in February 2016 is 37% today

Jeffrey Snider:

In February of 2016, then-candidate Trump deployed his typical grandiose, exaggerated style after his win in the New Hampshire primary.

“Don't believe those phony numbers when you hear 4.9 and 5 percent unemployment. The number's probably 28, 29, as high as 35. In fact, I even heard recently 42 percent.

[T]he once fake unemployment rate has become his primary campaign symbol.

Big Fat Idiot Rush Limbaugh 2/5/2016:

We have an audio sound bite here from Obama ... He was heralding first-time unemployment rate as being under 5% for the first time in seven years ... Well, there’s a reason he said it. It’s because it’s the only way you can ignore the 94 million Americans not working, not in the labor force ... This is an abject joke. It’s a total joke.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Rush Limbaugh's biggest lie yet: When Trump came down the elevator and gave that speech, I was all in

Just now.

Rush Limbaugh was Ted Cruz' best friend on radio in 2015 and 2016, just like Levin and Hannity.

These shape-shifting grifters flipped on the dime. They know a cash cow when they see it.

Rush Limbaugh, June 16, 2015:

And the Drive-By Media, by the way, they’re already scoffing, they’re already discounting it, already calling it a circus act and this kind of thing. And it was.... You know me, I’m not endorsing, haven’t endorsed. I’m nowhere near any of that. I’m not even jazzed yet, folks. I have to tell you that this is all so premature, and it’s all so early, that whatever polling numbers there are just do not interest me because where we are right now is nowhere near where we’re gonna end up. ... I just ask people to remember that when Trump gets going here today, because what if Trump goes third-party?