Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh 2019. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rush Limbaugh 2019. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Rush Limbaugh just reassured us that telling someone to go back to the country of origin isn't racist


Well, I guess Donald Trump, Helen Thomas, Barack Obama, Injuns, Abbas Hamideh, Rashida Tlaib and the rest of The Squad are all off the hook then.

Monday, July 8, 2019

Rush The Ridiculous must be reading online again, claims Aristippus of Cyrene was the first to say "Eat, drink and be merry, for tomorrow we die"

The line quoted here is not actually attributed to Aristippus as a quotation, but rather as a conclusion of his philosophy, which in its turn goes too far. As usual Rush reads the first hit on Al Gore's amazing internet, reads it badly, and believes it.

Skull full of mush much?

Epicurus is traditionally credited with the idea because we have an actual line which is similar, but it is so widespread in antiquity it is difficult to know who first came up with it.

At any rate the ethical hedonism taught by both Aristippus and Epicurus involved self-mastery, not license.   

Not that the licentious sense was unknown in antiquity.

The Greek geographer Strabo (64BC-24AD) knew it, purportedly from an Assyrian inscription on the tomb of Sardanapallus, legendary last king of Assyria, who was legendarily decadent:

Sardanapallus, the son of Anacyndaraxes, built Anchiale and Tarsus in one day. 'Eat, drink, be merry, because all things else are not worth this,' meaning the snapping of the fingers. -- Strabo, Geographica, 14.5.9f.

Isaiah the prophet knew it in the 8th century BC, antedating any Greek knowledge by hundreds of years:

And behold joy and gladness, slaying oxen, and killing sheep, eating flesh, and drinking wine: let us eat and drink; for to morrow we shall die. -- Isaiah 22:13.

And of course Paul of Tarsus knew it in the middle of the 1st century AD, which is how most of us in the Christian West know the lines:

If after the manner of men I have fought with beasts at Ephesus, what advantageth it me, if the dead rise not? let us eat and drink; for to morrow we die.  -- I Corinthians 15:32.

Here endeth the lesson.

Sunday, June 23, 2019

Delusional Rush Limbaugh completely ignores how Javanka has co-opted MAGA, focuses on deep state straw men

RUSH: Back to the phones we go to Cedar Rapids, and this is Matt. Welcome, sir. Great to have you with us.

CALLER: Hi, Rush. My question is, is it possible that people are pushing and egging President Trump to strike Iran not so much because they’re anti-Iran but because they’re anti-Trumpers or they’re Never Trumpers and they know that if they kill scores of people in return for the downing of an unmanned UAV, that that will negatively impact his reelection bid?

RUSH: Well, in the first six months to a year, I would have said no question that there are possibly saboteurs up close and personal in the Trump administration. I guess it’s still possible that people like that are there. Whether they’re in the very close orbit now? (sigh) I would think that they’ve been weeded out by now. Now, don’t misunderstand. There are people around Trump who want to hit Iran because they personally want to hit Iran, because they personally think Iran deserves to be hit and wiped out.

And whether it hurts or helps Trump, that’s of secondary importance to them.

I’m not making this up. I’m not gonna name any names, but there are people who believe they’re citizens of the world and that Iran is a troublemaker and it’s gotta go. No matter what, no matter who the president is, they would be advising this. Your question: “Are there saboteurs there who want Trump to do this precisely because it would hurt him?” I can’t flat-out say “no” to that ’cause I know that in the first year of the administration, there were saboteurs there. They were all over the place. There are all kinds of Obama holdovers still there, like Sally Yates. There was a ton of ’em in there. But I would think most of those have been weeded out by now.
RUSH: I think by this time Trump has the lay of the land. I think Trump knows who’s who. Even if they are there, and even if they were advising Trump to do this — because they wanted Trump to do something that would inflict great harm on his presidency — he didn’t do it. So if they were advocating it, they bombed out. Now, Trump is gonna appear on Meet the Depressed on Sunday with F. Chuck Todd. The interview’s already been taped. NBC released an excerpt of the interview as a promotional technique, and we have the sound bite. It’s about 42 seconds, and it’s Trump explaining why he pulled back at the last minute in deciding not to hit Iran.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

Wow, pro-amnesty Zuckerberg funded fwd dot us is running an ad on Rush Limbaugh's show asking me to thank Fred Upton for protecting the dreamers

They're taking the battle to the enemy, folks.

Republican turncoat Fred "lightbulb" Upton represents MI-6.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Thursday, May 23, 2019

There Rush goes again, lying about Republican retirements in 2018, blaming them for loss of the House

Just 13 House districts out of 52 flipped parties, 3 Dem to Rep and 10 Rep to Dem. Rush could have used Al Gore's amazing internet and found the correct information in seconds, but he's too damn lazy and stupid.

Here's Ballotpedia's article on the subject:

A total of 52 representatives did not seek re-election to their U.S. House districts:

18 Democratic members of the U.S. House [10 retired from public office]
34 Republican members of the U.S. House [23 retired from public office]

In total, 13 of the 52 districts changed party hands. Ten seats flipped from Republican to Democrat. Three seats flipped from Democrat to Republican.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

People keep repeating the myth of "no immigration from the 1920s-1960s" because Rush Limbaugh spread it in 2014

Every time I tell people that there was no immigration in this country for over 40 years, from the 1920s to the 1960s, seventies, they’re shocked. You’d be amazed at the number of people that do not know we totally closed the borders after the wave of European immigration in the 1920s. And we did it for one reason. That mass arrival of immigrants needed to be assimilated.

The truth is between 1920 and 1965 inclusive we let in 10.1 million, 4.5 million of which came in between 1920 and 1930. It was the Great Depression and World War II which brought immigration down to a trickle. There were no jobs for the people already here in the 1930s for cying out loud, and we didn't want any Nazty Spies comin' in in 1940 either.

You can examine the data for yourself here:

Tuesday, April 23, 2019

Rush Limbaugh can't remember shit about shit, says impeaching Clinton reelected him when Clinton was impeached on 12/19/98, two years after his 1996 reelection

Impeachment Will Be Different for Trump Than It Was for Clinton:

A lot of people on our side — I just quoted Lindsey Grahamnesty 2.0 — are saying, “Go ahead. Go ahead, House Democrats, impeach Trump. You’ll just end up reelecting him, just like impeaching Bill Clinton reelected him.”

Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Rush Limbaugh wonders how people can call a Jewish person a white nationalist

Good point, El Rushbo!

They are innoculated against everything.

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Ann Coulter shows her hubris here, opining about unemployment which she understands little better than Rush Limbaugh

Yes, there was an effort in 2010 and 2011 to track Americans unemployed "260 weeks or longer", but that is irrelevant to the unemployment rate, which has declined so much because so many are no longer counted in the labor force, that's all. That would include the long term "unemployed", who aren't really unemployed because those people get kicked out of the labor force according to the definitions used by the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

You may not like that. You may not agree with that. But that's what happens. If you haven't looked for work in 4 weeks but have in the last year, you'll still be in the labor force, but after a year you are out if you've given up looking. And presto, when millions can't find work in this shrunken economy, they drop out by not looking any longer, so the labor force shrinks, and thus fewer people get counted as unemployed. It's as simple as that.

A better way to look at it is, How many people have full time jobs?

Since 1968 the average percent of the civilian noninstitutional population employed full time at peaks has been 51.2%. At troughs it has been 48.6%. In February 2019 49.9% had full time jobs.

At 51.2% in February 2019 instead of at 49.9%, however, we'd have about 3.46 million more working full time than we actually have.

That's what is wrong with the Trump economy inherited from Obama.

There remains no economic driver for a jobs boom.

Ann is still right, however. Why on earth would you import more people to America in a situation of labor slack like this?

It's insane, and perverse. It does active harm to people already here who can't find full time work.

Unfortunately, Donald Trump hasn't got a clue about this.

Like I said, we are well and truly screwed.

LOL Incompetent WOOD Radio 1300 in Grand Rapids has run Wednesday's weather report today at 1230pm, 100pm and just now at 130pm

And then "Want to hear it again?" they advertize right after that.

Can't make this stuff up, but hey, it's the station of Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity in Grand Rapids.

Wednesday's weather report was better anyway, sunny and windy. Today it's cloudy and less windy. I like how they help me remember yesterday.

Update 203pm: We're tracking a sunny but very windy Wednesday!

Update 232pm: We're tracking a sunny but very windy Wednesday!

Update 303pm: Fixed it! Chucky took over the microphone from Megan at 230pm and didn't like the tape he was hearing! "Hey, this is Thursday! Why are we playing yesterday's weather?"

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Even when correcting himself Rush is wrong: Beto won election to the Texas House and quit after a year

Oh. I erred, folks. I said Beto O’Rourke had never won an election. He did. He won an election to the Texas House and then quit after a year to run against Cruz in the Senate. What I meant to say was that Beto O’Rourke’s biggest life achievement is losing to Ted Cruz in the Senate race, not that he’s never won an election. Because he has.

Beto was elected to the US House three times, in 2012, 2014 and 2016, representing TX-16.

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

When Republicans like Rush Limbaugh keep blaming loss of the House on "retirements", just remember Republicans didn't even run candidates in 38 districts

Republicans ran no one against the Democrat in 38 districts in 2018:

Democrats meanwhile abandoned the field in just four districts:


Like lotto, you gotta be in it to win it.

It also helps to have a message.

Do Republicans have one anymore, except more freedom?

You know, freedom to ship your jobs overseas where the labor is cheaper and safety, health, and environmental regulation is next to nonexistent, freedom to cut the taxes of the businesses that won't give you a job, freedom to spend your tax dollars on defense of "US interests" abroad which are really the interests of those businesses not yours, freedom to keep bringing in millions of cheaper laborers to compete for your jobs and drive down your wages, and freedom to keep charging 4.45% for federal students loans in a 2.49% 10-yr note economy.

Yes, we need freedom all right. Freedom from Republicans.

Unfortunately that means Democrats.

Which is why we are well and truly screwed.

Saturday, March 23, 2019

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rush Limbaugh doesn't know what he's talking about when he says there are more job openings than workers

A: Unemployment level: 6,235,000

A is the official unemployment level. To be counted in it you have to be counted in the labor force.

B is the number of people in addition to the unemployed who are unemployed but aren't counted as such because they are not in the labor force. These are the people unemployed longer than one year who say they still want a job when they are surveyed.

C is all the people of prime working age who aren't in the labor force and aren't counted as unemployed. Some of B are included in this number. This group averaged 21.3 million in both 2006 and 2007, before the shit hit the fan, and got as high as almost 24 million in 2015. It averaged 22.7 million last year. The data goes back only to 1982 but shows that in the 1980s and some of the 1990s that this group shrank during jobs recoveries just as it is shrinking now. There is lots of potential labor here sitting on the sidelines.

In any event, A + B means at least 11.5 million jobless with 7.6 million openings.

Advantage: employers.

P. S. I have seen the very same jobs with the very same companies advertized for years on end. How do they never get filled, hm?