Showing posts with label Donald Trump August 2016. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump August 2016. Show all posts

Thursday, August 25, 2016

Trump has lost Mark Krikorian, says Trump is now the 9th member of the Gang of Eight, so it's over

Link repaired 1/14/24.
Quoted here:

Trump has also infuriated some of his supporters. Mark Krikorian, executive director of the Center for Immigration Studies, declared that Trump's latest remarks were the "last straw" for him, especially his statement that there would be "no amnesty," which he made just before saying that illegal immigrants will have to pay back taxes.

"Those are terms of art in the pro-amnesty, Gang of Eight crowd. Every politician pushing an amnesty says 'this version isn't really an amnesty because fill in the blank,'" Krikorian said, declaring Trump the "unofficial ninth member of the Gang of Eight."

"What he just did was make clear that even on his central issue, which is the only reason he's the nominee ... was immigration, and he now has shown that he can't be relied on, even on that," Krikorian said, who had previously considered himself a reluctant Trump supporter — until now.

"I'm done with Trump at this point," he said.

Trump's "near flip-flop" on deportation puts Ann Coulter on her heels, and Rush opens the show laughing about it


Rush feels vindicated in his "conservatism".

That four year contract he just signed will be spent trying to find a new patsy to run against Hillary in 2020. Meanwhile, ka-ching, ka-ching, ka-ching.

Tuesday, August 23, 2016

WaPo doesn't mention the minimum wage is too high and attracts cheaper illegal immigrant workers, displacing teenagers, which is just fine with them

There are all kinds of jobs not worth the minimum wage of $7.25, and we should abolish it forwith. Youth employment would surge, as would respect for a dollar and the value of capitalism. Maybe that's why liberalism keeps raising the minimum wage.

US teenagers used to do those jobs, and gained the valuable work experience and good habits employers look for in adults but often do not find any longer.

In the United States children who have reached 14 years of age may work limited hours in many jobs. 

There are an estimated 24 million kids aged 14 through 19.

In July 2016 just 6 million aged 16 through 19 were employed, about 38% of that slice of teenagers.

[A]t least 8 million unauthorized immigrants are employed, most have been in this country for 15 years or longer, and typically they do jobs — tending crops, washing dishes, mowing lawns — that native-born Americans do not want. In basic economic terms, illegal immigrants meet the labor market’s demand for lower-wage employees, for which there is a shortage of available legal workers.

Monday, August 22, 2016

You will search this New York Times Hillary Clinton health "conspiracy" story in vain for the words "blood clot", caused by dehydration, caused by, you know, alcoholism


Flashback here to the New York Times January 2, 2013:

Hillary Rodham Clinton, whose globe-trotting tour as secretary of state was abruptly halted last month by a series of health problems, was discharged from a New York hospital on Wednesday evening after several days of treatment for a blood clot in a vein in her head.

Mrs. Clinton, 65, was admitted to NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia hospital on Sunday after a scan discovered the blood clot. The scan was part of her follow-up care for a concussion she sustained more than two weeks earlier, when she fainted and fell, striking her head. According to the State Department, the fainting was caused by dehydration, brought on by a stomach virus. The concussion was diagnosed on Dec. 13, though the fall had occurred earlier that week.

The clot was potentially serious, blocking a vein that drains blood from the brain. Untreated, such blockages can lead to brain hemorrhages or strokes. Treatment consists mainly of blood thinners to keep the clot from enlarging and to prevent more clots from forming, and plenty of fluids to prevent dehydration, which is a major risk factor for blood clots. ...

Dr. David J. Langer, a brain surgeon and associate professor at Hofstra North Shore-LIJ School of Medicine, said that Mrs. Clinton would need close monitoring in the next days, weeks and months to make sure her doses of blood thinners are correct and that the clot is not growing. Dr. Langer is not involved in her care. ...

The fact that Mrs. Clinton had a blood clot in the past — in her leg, in 1998 — suggests that she may have a tendency to form clots, and may need blood-thinners long-term or even for the rest of her life, Dr. Manley said. ...

Sunday, August 21, 2016

How to know the WaPo/ABCNews poll showing Clinton +8 overpolled northeastern liberals

The poll here ("detailed" view), still included in the Real Clear Politics presidential average this morning, gives away its northern liberal pedigree in the ZIKA questions appearing at the end.

Apart from the fact that Republicans represented only 23% of the sample, by question 33 you start to get the feeling that this poll comes primarily from the Acela Northeast corridor where the denizens of the Establishment live and have a clear interest in seeing the status quo maintained: Fully 58% want an Establishment president in November, not an outsider like Donald Trump.

This feeling is confirmed by question 48: Just 35% are somewhat or very worried about a ZIKA outbreak personally affecting them. Well of course not, not if you live up north. What? Me worry?

In question 49, the last in the poll, fully 69% are somewhat or very convinced that the Feds can handle anything ZIKA throws our way. The Federal Government is nothing if not competent, you see. We ought to know. We work there. Please keep sending your tax dollars to Washington.

Oh yeah, and 56% of them love Bill Clinton.

Once again, this is polling to shape opinion, not measure it. Otherwise known as the Democrats using all means at their disposal to suppress the Republican vote by demoralizing it, trying to get them to believe the election is already over, so you might as well give up now.

Saturday, August 20, 2016

Bribery: Hillary approved Russian uranium deal, her foundation got $2.35 million, and she accuses Trump of being pals with Putin

From the San Diego Union-Tribune editorial, here:

[Special interests] are not paying hundreds of thousands of dollars [to the Clintons] to hear shopworn speeches because they expect to obtain profound insights. They want the Clintons’ help, and they’re willing to pay for it.

That is the obvious conclusion to draw from The New York Times’ 2015 bombshell about how a Russian firm obtained control of one-fifth of all U.S. uranium production capacity from 2009-13 — which required approval from then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton — while the company’s owner used a Canadian partnership to surreptitiously convey $2.35 million to the Clinton Foundation.

Friday, August 19, 2016

Mark Belling's right: Hillary's a lying liar and will only continue to lie to you as president

And Donald Trump isn't going to stop being who he is, either.

Better bookmark his Twitter feed.

Thursday, August 18, 2016

Michael Warren of The Weekly Standard is convinced the polls are right because they are "scientific"

The guy probably believes the Arctic is ice-free, too.


Cohen's obstinate challenge to the plain fact that scientific polls show Trump is losing indicates this head-in-the-sand mentality has permeated the culture in Trump World. Remember, it's not spin if you believe it.

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

The McLaughlin Group is history: John McLaughlin dead at 89

Reported here.

The show was a singular venue for decades to hear weekly the "old right" point of view as understood by Patrick J. Buchanan, long-time friend and associate of John McLaughlin going back to the days of Richard M. Nixon.

Some of those ideas now find expression in the candidacy of Donald John Trump.

Doofus Joe Biden, VP, exposes the guy with the nuclear codes while saying Trump can't be trusted with them

“There’s a guy that follows me right back here, has the nuclear codes,” Biden said, turning and pointing. “So God forbid anything happened to the president and I had to make a decision, the codes are with me.” 

Video here.

Saturday, August 13, 2016

Why it's not a coincidence the polls now favor Hillary

Because Trump touted his poll successes throughout the primaries. So, poll now to make him look like a failure. A simple strategy. Don't measure opinion, shape it!

Pick the target . . . easy, there's only one in this circumstance.

Freeze it . . . attack him from all sides, media, academia, Congress, Hollywood, donors, Democrats, Republican establishment. Keep up constant pressure from every angle.

Personalize it . . . never talk about the issues he talks about, about all the people thronging his appearances, only talk about the man, how "unfit" he is, what a clown he is, how inarticulate, offensive and classless!

Polarize it . . . caricature him as if he didn't belong, like he was beneath us, you know like Mar-a-Lago Club didn't belong in Palm Beach. Treat him like people who work for a living, not like one of us. Accuse his movement of being violent, outside the mainstream, while having your thugs do actual harm to his supporters.

Make him and them feel all alone, like strangers in their own country. 

Friday, August 12, 2016

Trump thanks Gen. Hayden and the fifty for coming forward so everyone can know who the foreign policy fuck-ups are

From Spengler, here, who points out that it's bad enough that the emperor wears no clothes, but the empire has no tailors, either:

Trump responded, “The names on this letter are the ones the American people should look to for answers on why the world is a mess, and we thank them for coming forward so everyone in the country knows who deserves the blame for making the world such a dangerous place.” That is exactly correct. He might have added that they are incapable of learning from their mistakes and doomed to repeat them if given the opportunity.

But humorless liberal dipshits really do believe this claptrap that Trump is an ISIS recruiter

Here, last December.

Only dipshit liberals pretend anyone took Trump literally

Thursday, August 11, 2016

Anti-Trump Macy's closes 15% of stores (about 100) after sales decline six quarters straight

From the story here:

Neil Saunders, CEO of research firm Conlumino, said the Macy's store closures are "sensible," but largely the result of a "self-inflicted defeat."

Not a conservative A. Barton Hinkle complains Trump is not a conservative

What he means is Trump is not a libertarian. To Hinkle, Republican Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois is a "leading intellectual light" of conservatism.

There he goes again, Bogarting that joint.

Wednesday, August 10, 2016

The Hill saves Trump the trouble of compiling an enemies list

If Rush Limbaugh had done this good of a job defending Trump during the primaries, maybe the GOP would be more unified today

I'm referring to Rush today playing the audios of both Clinton and Biden actually talking about Obama being shot, either during the 2008 primary, in which case Hillary would have been the last man standing, or if Obama came for Biden's guns.