Showing posts with label Donald Trump 2022. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Donald Trump 2022. Show all posts

Friday, July 22, 2022

The idea that Trump is going to get personnel right in a second term, and on a massive scale, is just preposterous

 Axios reports, in laborious detail, here.

The grifters are lining up from sea to shining sea, including Demented Jim, and Trump retreads Stephen Miller, Mark Meadows, and Michael Rigas who didn't get it right the first time.

Who the hell wants to go to work for just four years for a lame duck?

These people think we are fools.

Thursday, July 14, 2022

Who ya gonna believe: Law & Order: SVU, or Ann Coulter?

 Ann Coulter, December 14, 2019, here:

. . . according to “Law & Order: SVU,” the main demographic with a sexual fetish for pre-pubescent Hispanic girls is: handsome, married American white men. ... Reviewing my years of research on child sex crimes, I see that this has happened NEVER. It’s kind of the opposite. I ended up with so many immigrant child rape cases for “Adios, America!” that most of them had to be left on the cutting room floor — or the book would have been twice as long. ... But for William Edward Ronca, there would not be a single confirmed case of a white man in the Western Hemisphere impregnating a girl 10 years old or younger. 

A report from the Inter-American Children’s Institute explained that Latin America is second only to Asia in the sexual exploitation of women and children because sex abuse is “ingrained into the minds of the people." ... Incest and child rape are not native American habits. Nor is child rape common in Spain. This isn’t genetic. Bestial behavior toward women and children is a hallmark of primitive, peasant cultures — the cultures we are importing by the million. The hallmark of civilized cultures is to arrest and imprison child rapists. But the brain-dead writers of “Law & Order: SVU” invent little stories to demoralize the defenders of civilization, so we can let the incest and child rape flow!


Illegal alien arrested in rape of 10-year old in Ohio: Perverse newspaper calls him "Columbus Man"


A Columbus man has been charged with impregnating a 10-year-old Ohio girl, whose travel to Indiana to seek an abortion led to international attention following the Supreme Court's decision to overturn Roe v Wade and activation of Ohio's abortion law.

Gerson Fuentes, 27, whose last known address was an apartment on Columbus' Northwest Side, was arrested Tuesday after police say he confessed to raping the child on at least two occasions. He's since been charged with rape, a felony of the first degree in Ohio. ... believed to be undocumented ...

On Wednesday, once news of the arraignment of the Columbus man accused in the child's rape came, Yost issued a single sentence statement:

"We rejoice anytime a child rapist is taken off the streets." ...

Assistant Franklin County Prosecutor Dan Meyer requested Fuentes be held without bond. He said Fuentes is not believed to be in the country legally... 

... the Franklin County Public Defender’s office, said it was unconstitutional to hold Fuentes without bond, especially with DNA confirmation of the pregnancy’s father still pending. He said Fuentes had lived in Columbus for the last seven years and had a steady job at a cafĂ©.


This perverse newspaper has plenty of data about abortions in Ohio in children 15 or younger for 2016-2020, averaging 61 per year, but NOTHING about where the perps come from and how many child sex crimes they commit, except for little old "Columbus Man".

Meanwhile in North Carolina, the absolute SCOURGE of child rape by illegal aliens is so bad there's a LIST detailing HUNDREDS of illegal alien perps charged with THOUSANDS of child sex crimes going back all the way to 2009. 

But our perverse media want this to be about children's need for abortions.

Sickos, all of 'em.

Ann Coulter has been right about this since 2015:

There’s a cultural acceptance of child rape in Latino culture that doesn’t exist in even the most dysfunctional American ghettos. When it comes to child rape, the whole family gets involved. ...

Far from “I am woman, hear me roar,” these are cultures where women help the men rape kids. ...

In some immigrant enclaves, the police have simply given up on pursuing statutory rape cases with Hispanic victims. They say that after being notified by hospital administrators that a 12-year-old has given birth and the father is in his 30s, they’ll show up at the girl’s house — and be greeted by her parents calling the pregnancy a “blessing.”

And yet, in the entire American media, there have been more stories about a rape by Duke lacrosse players that didn’t happen than about the slew of child rapes by Hispanics that did because Democrats want the votes and businesses want the cheap labor. No wonder they hate Trump.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

When both Donald Trump and Joe Biden are joined at the hip to Saudi Arabia's money and oil, you know everything is wrong


Later this month, Trump National Golf Club Bedminster in New Jersey hosts its first tournament for the new LIV Golf series, funded by Saudi Arabia, which is upending the sport’s establishment with a $2 billion investment and contracts with top players that reportedly reach $150 million or more. ...

The huge Saudi sums could not only benefit Trump financially as he mulls a comeback bid in 2024, but they also pose a mortal threat to the PGA Tour, which reacted to LIV Golf by suspending players from competing in its tournaments — a move that landed the tour in the crosshairs of a federal antitrust investigation, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. ...

Meanwhile, the survivors and families of the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks have lined up against LIV Golf and protested its first U.S. event last month in Oregon because of Saudi Arabia’s involvement and the kingdom’s multiple connections to the hijackers. ...

Trump’s decision to tee off with LIV highlights his close ties to Saudi Arabia; he made his first foreign visit there as president, and its wealth fund injected $2 billion into his son-in-law’s company last year.


Meanwhile, Biden is headed to Saudi Arabia, hat in hand, asking for more oil, which he could easily get here but for his idiotic war on carbon.

Biden heads to Saudi Arabia for what could be an ‘embarrassing’ climbdown — or a welcome reset

While campaigning in 2019, Biden vowed to treat the Saudi kingdom as “the pariah that they are,” and as president, he vocally criticized the country’s human rights abuses. He also insisted on viewing Saudi Arabia’s King Salman as his counterpart, rather than the 36-year-old crown prince, who runs the kingdom’s day-to-day affairs.

Crown Prince Mohammed in March reportedly refused to take a call from Biden, as the U.S. leader pleaded with Gulf states to increase oil production after banning Russian oil imports.

And in an early March interview with The Atlantic, when asked if he thought Biden misunderstood him, the crown prince replied: “Simply, I do not care. It’s up to him to think about the interests of America.”


Tuesday, July 12, 2022

On the ceaseless labor of the lying Democrats against Donald Trump

 There can be no greater labour, than to be always dissembling; there being so many ways by which a smothered truth is apt to blaze, and break out.

-- Robert South

Remembering Michael Moore on Donald Trump, the human Molotov cocktail who blew up in our hands

Moore: "On November 8, you Joe Blow, Steve Blow, Bob Blow, Billy Blow, all the Blows get to go and blow up the whole goddamn system because it's your right! Trump's election is going to be the biggest 'fuck you' ever recorded in human history. And it will feel good."  

-- Michael Moore: A Trump Victory Would Be "The Biggest 'F**k You' Recorded In Human History", Real Clear Politics, October 26, 2016, here
YouTube deleted the account with the Moore audio linked to at Real Clear Politics, but you can still find Moore's same perceptive take on Election 2016 here:


Elon Musk expresses uncommon good sense about Donald Trump

Writing on Twitter, where Musk has more than 100 million followers, the celebrity CEO said: “I don’t hate the man, but it’s time for Trump to hang up his hat & sail into the sunset. Dems should also call off the attack – don’t make it so that Trump’s only way to survive is to regain the Presidency.”

CNBC, here


Saturday, July 9, 2022

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel just lies right out of the box about "longstanding" use of ballot drop boxes in Wisconsin

Isn't that what Election 2020 was all about? Lying? Lying absentee ballots and the lying voters who cast them? And lying media?

It used to be a good newspaper, but those days are long over:

The 4-3 ruling, coming four weeks before statewide primaries Aug. 9, is a win for Republicans who now oppose the longstanding use of ballot drop boxes after their use proliferated during the coronavirus pandemic and was heavily criticized by former President Donald Trump, who alleged with no evidence that absentee voting was rife with fraud and led to his reelection loss in 2020.
The Wisconsin Supreme Court found that there was no evidence of longstanding use, presented by the Wisconsin Election Commission, or otherwise:

¶65 The record evidence WEC cited does not support its argument that ballot drop boxes have been in common and longstanding use in this state. 

Read the whole thing here.

Thursday, June 30, 2022

The New York Times says "places with higher vaccination rates have suffered many fewer Covid deaths", but those places are also much less densely populated

 The New York Times, David "masks work and mandates often don't" Leonhardt, May 31, 2022, here: 

After all, the effect of vaccines on severe illness is blazingly obvious in the geographic data: Places with higher vaccination rates have suffered many fewer Covid deaths. The patterns are clear even though the world is a messy place, with many factors other than vaccines influencing Covid death rates.
This is correct, as far as it goes.
The 21 US states in the lower 48 with the lowest daily new deaths per 100,000 of population to date have a vax rate averaging north of 69%. The 21 with the highest daily new deaths per 100k to date have a vax rate averaging not quite 62%. 
The death rate to date in those more vaxxed states averages more than 36% lower per 100k of population, 0.28 vs. 0.44/100k.
But is that caused by the almost 12% higher vaccination rate?
What if it's something else?
Population per square mile in those higher vaxxed states with the lowest death rates averages 24% less dense than in the ones suffering the highest death rates, 185 vs. 243/sq.mi. Those states enjoy, for whatever reasons, a pre-existing condition of "social distance" which the highest death rate states do not. 
I say 24% trumps 12% in the debate over cause.
"Many factors other than vaccines", or masks, mask mandates, or mask compliance rates, influence "Covid death rates".

Wednesday, June 29, 2022

LOL, "bombshell" testimony against Trump is mere hearsay, says her own lawyer in this tweet

 You're not hearing THAT reported today.

What a bunch of frauds and losers.


Sunday, June 26, 2022

Mark Levin had Senator Mike Lee on the show on Friday, called him a national treasure

 You remember Mike Lee, libertarian open borders squish.

He's the guy who shepherded through the Trump crime reform bill, otherwise known as the get out of jail free card, which Trump signed in December 2018, about 18 months before the country blew up in a wave of rioting, looting, and violent crime.

He's also the guy who proposed Merrick Garland for FBI Director, who as Attorney General is responsible for investigating moms and pops going to school board meetings for terrorism, among other excesses at the behest of demented Uncle Joe.

I turn on the show for the first time in weeks and that's what I get. It's like never playing darts but hitting the bullseye every time I do.

Levin is nothing if not consistently wrong.

Friday, June 17, 2022

What rot from AP Obama: "Watergate and Jan. 6 are rooted in the same ancient thirst for power at any cost"

 "Two presidents tried an end run around democracy."

Give me a break.

Presidents are term-limited by the constitution. Even if by hook or by crook one of them managed to steal his reelection, out he goes after that because it says so. Everyone agrees with this. No one questions it. No president would get away with staying in office one day longer than the second term permits.

If you want to see the ancient thirst for power, look at the Seniority list for the US House. 

Some of those placeholders have been holding on to power there for decades.

Seven go back to the 1980s.

Thirty-eight go back to the 1990s.

Sixty-eight go back to the 2000s.

They've watched presidents come and go since Reagan, Bush 41, and Clinton.

Of the top fifty by seniority, just eleven are Republicans.

Of the top 113, just thirty-eight are Republicans.

75 remaining senior Democrats are the foundation in the House of the people pressing their power hungry vendetta against the private citizen, Donald Trump. They are also the foundation in the House of the people robbing Americans blind and putting the country $30 trillion in debt.

What we have is a tyranny of the legislative. An imperial presidency isn't even in sight.

The only coup in view is the cuckoo who wrote this story.

Monday, June 6, 2022

Methinks NeverTrump Separatist Kevin Williamson doth protest too much

 Donald Trump is an idolator and a heretic, a blasphemer and a perpetrator of sacrilege, and much more.   

And much, much more.


Our modern separatists pronounce all those heretical, or carnal, from whom they have withdrawn.

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

As of May 4 Paul Bedard puts Trump at 55-0 for Election 2022, no endorsements lost


According to an early tabulation of his betting on the 2022 primaries, his endorsed candidates have all won or moved into runoffs.


Democrat Manchin-endorsed Republican Rep. McKinley loses to Trump-endorsed Republican Rep. Mooney in West Virginia redistricting shootout

After redistricting, both members chose to compete in the 2nd District. Trump endorsed Mooney in the race, but the consolidated district, spanning the northern half of the state, includes more areas currently represented by McKinley. But Mooney’s Trump endorsement appeared to overcome McKinley's structural advantage in the district. 


Senator Manchin, call your office.