Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ann Coulter. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Spare us Mark Levin your comments on Ann Coulter, you were Never Trump for 7 months in 2016

Mark Levin endorsed Canadian citizen Ted Cruz in March 2016 as Trump was clinching the nomination, and openly sided with Never Trump in April out of spite.

Then Levin flipped again just before the election and became Trump's BFF.

Levin's a con-man just like Trump, just not as accomplished.

I've scratched so long now I wear bandaids up there all the time

[I]f you're a Trump voter, you're scratching your head wondering what happened to those campaign promises that set him apart from every other Republican.

Trump turns Coulter into a Never Trumper

Thursday, October 31, 2019

This Ann Coulter mistake usefully focuses attention on the fact that Rep. Tulsi Gabbard of Hawaii could have been Democrat no. 3 to vote against impeachment proceedings, but wasn't

Let the enthusiasm for Tulsi on the right end there.

Tulsi may carry herself like a senator, but really there's no there there if she cannot see that the Democrat alternatives for president are more insane than Trump.

Maybe Tulsi could learn something over a leisurely dinner with Mattress Girl.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ann Coulter: If Trump had really cared, he would have hired the right people


At the end of the video, here.

Ann is magnificent. The interviewer not.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The lawyers suck because their PROFESSORS are even worse

Claire Thomas is director of something called the Asylum Clinic at New York Law School

Smith is at DOJ, is adjunct at George Washington and George Mason Law, was a John McCain staffer

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Saturday, September 7, 2019

How soon they forget, even Ann Coulter: Trump squandered his victory momentum in the first six months on repealing and replacing Obamacare, and got BUPKIS, then took the Republicans' corporate tax cuts for his own because he needed a victory

It took Trump until the end of June 2017 to realize clean repeal should have been his gambit instead of repeal and replace, and by the end of July it was all over. The Senate went on summer vacay and came back to give Trump their own tax bill, not his (but did he ever have one?). Republicans hung Russia-conspiracy-embattled Trump out to dry, and played his hubris like a fiddle.

Having lost the House, Trump unwisely turned again, this time to trade war, which if he were going to fight one he should have saved for his second term. There are always casualties in war, as we're seeing with farmers and small businesses tied to the China supply chain. It's stupid to kill your voters.

Ann Coulter has repeatedly said solving immigration solves every other problem, including jobs, which is what Trump should have made his first term focus. But as we've come to see, Trump can't focus.

Infrastructure spending is a side show compared with all the money saved by fixing immigration. It seems Ann Coulter's forgotten this, too.

Thursday, August 22, 2019

The logic of thorough-going materialism: Since humans are nothing but animals, we might as well eat each other

Now that all objections to organ transplantation as a form of cannibalism have been effectively silenced, we're going all the way.

As Ann Coulter likes to say, Our new country's going to be great! 

Friday, July 5, 2019

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Trump is a fool to insist his hands are tied by bad immigration laws when the US Code already gives him the power to act

HAMMER: Trump Has The Unilateral Power To Stop This Migrant Influx. He Just Needs To Act:

If properly enforced, 8 U.S.C. § 1182(f) could single-handedly eliminate this Central American-originated, Mexican cartel-orchestrated, harrowingly physically dangerous assault on our nation's collective sovereignty. Here is the relevant statutory text (emphasis added):
Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Sunday, June 2, 2019

Erick Erickson is still too wet behind the ears to appreciate how National Review made purging conservatives from the movement its persona, Twitter just puts that on steroids

Catholics excommunicate. Protestants self-excommunicate. Get with it, Erick.






National Review’s Own Struggle With “Ideological Diversity”:

For Murray Rothbard, the history of National Review was largely a story of exclusion. “And so the purges began,” Rothbard recounted in a 1992 article. “One after another, Buckley and the National Review purged and excommunicated all the radicals, all the nonrespectables. Consider the roll call: isolationists (such as John T. Flynn), anti-Zionists, libertarians, Ayn Randians, the John Birch Society, and all those who continued, like the early National Review, to dare to oppose Martin Luther King and the civil-rights revolution after Buckley had changed and decided to embrace it.” 

That policy of excommunication continued to the present. Over the years, the magazine has fired or stopped publishing figures like Joseph Sobran (an editor who should have been fired for his anti-Semitism and racism but was not let go until criticizing Buckley in 1993), Peter Brimelow (an editor who was excessively anti-immigrant) and Ann Coulter (who was fired in 2001 after writing a column arguing saying that the United States should “invade [Muslim] countries, kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity”).

Sunday, May 19, 2019

Marijuana today reminds me of Lucy's "Vitameatavegamin" from 1952

The answer to all your problems is in this little bottle "Vitameatavegamin"