Friday, January 28, 2022

Michigan deaths exceed births by 12,921 in 2020 due to pandemic: Births down 50% from peak Baby Boom year 1957

There were 104,166 births in 2020 in Michigan, 50% fewer than in 1957 when there were 208k, the peak year of the Baby Boom in the USA.

There were 117,087 deaths in 2020 in Michigan.

And ~ 99,000 deaths occurred annually in Michigan, pre-pandemic.

Story here.

Therefore ~ 18,087 deaths in 2020 are possibly attributable to the pandemic according to this accounting (117,087 minus 99,000), except NYT data shows only 13,010 pandemic deaths in Michigan in 2020, which is very close to the 12,921 net deaths minus births.

The 5,077 (18,087 minus 13,010) difference in deaths represents 39% more deaths.

Due to what, exactly?