Monday, August 19, 2019

Trend for precipitation in Grand Rapids, Michigan, has been much wetter since the 1960s

Mean annual precipitation up to 1960 had been 31.76 inches, but since then is 37.33 inches.

Marianne Williamson follower thinks her politics is inconsistent with her own stated religious beliefs

Though most of the local study group expressed support for Williamson and her ideas, political scientists are skeptical that she has much of a chance at the presidency and at least one student of the course has reservations.

“I do not agree with her politics,” said Jeff Stephens, 54, of Kingston in Ross County. “I hope people don’t come to our group or ‘A Course in Miracles’ hoping to find that agenda because it’s not political.”

Stephens feels that some of Williamson’s views don’t fit with the teachings of the course. For instance, her plan to pay restitution to the descendants of slaves is about going back to the past and correcting an error that happened decades ago, whereas the course teaches forgiveness and not living in the past, said Stephens, who has been studying the course for a few years.

“I don’t think she’s making a good representative (of the course) as I understand it,” he said. “She’s not telling people about the course, she’s talking politics.”

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Self-hating, America-hating liberal Peter Fonda finally gets his death wish: of lung cancer at 79

Peter Fonda has wanted to die at least since 1969, when a loose-triggered good ole boy decided he had to kill the witness too, and blow Fonda's character Wyatt away with a shotgun off his motorcycle in the final scene of Easy Rider. Wyatt's partner Billy had the wrong hair cut, you see, and the bad Yankee manners of the wrong hand gesture to go with it, while Wyatt had the wrong flag painted on the gas tank of his chopper and helmet. The Yankee fu was answered with the rebel yells of a twelve gauge. 

Fonda repeated the performance in 1974's little-remarked Open Season as the character Ken, when the father played by William Holden hunts Ken down and kills him. Ken is a sick-in-the-head Vietnam vet who otherwise appears to lead a normal life but abducts and abuses, then releases and hunts and kills humans two weeks every year for sport with his buddies. As young men before the war they had raped Holden's daughter. She had had a child as a result, raised by the Holden character, and ended up in a mental institution. The Yankee fu was answered with the rebel yell of a vigilante's hunting rifle. 

What Fonda couldn't bring himself to do with a gun in real life, he did to himself with drugs. For one reviewer of his 1998 Don't Tell Dad: A Memoir, too much of it "is a catalog of dope smoked". All along the real fu was to himself.

Friday, August 16, 2019

If it's a number and it comes out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth, it's probably wrong

Today Rush Limbaugh corrected a caller about the Summer of Love, saying it was in 1968, not 1969.

Actually it was in 1967.

Rush also said the Beatles had already broken up by the summer of 1969, the summer of Woodstock, the 50th anniversary of which is happening right this very minute.

The break-up of the Beatles actually occurred Dec 31, 1970, when the band members John, George and Ringo first publicly confirmed it. The last photo of all of them together with Paul as a band was taken August 22, 1969, just after Woodstock had ended.

I know these things because I'm younger than Rush Limbaugh. The Beatles were YUGE to my segment of the Baby Boom generation, but not to his to the same degree.

But Rush gets lots of numbers wrong, about far more consequential things than these, as my readers know.

The only ones he doesn't get wrong are the ones that go in his pocket.

Trump last night: Eject the fat guy from our movement of love!



Hoo boy, Kamala Harris has a live one here, thinks she's named after the capital of Uganda

Throw in AOC and you've got a deal, bud

" . . . 'cause it's too hard for us"

That's why we bought Alaska, dummy, firing from Greenland puts you down wind from the fallout

These damn Yankees haven't learned anything since McClellan.

. . . and then he cries when they call him Fredo!