Saturday, January 27, 2018

Illinois legislature calls the market top, plans to borrow $107 billion and invest it to rescue failing pension system

From the story here:

(Bloomberg) — Springfield lawmakers are so desperate to shore up the state's massively underfunded retirement system that they're willing to entertain an eye-popping wager: Borrowing $107 billion and letting it ride in the financial markets.

He's got Calypso Lou, the anti-Jew, B...B...B...Benny and the Jets

Where the consequences of open borders politics are sitting right next to you, white high schoolers overwhelmingly chose survival in 2016

Friday, January 26, 2018

Annualized rate of economic growth slows from 3.2% in 3Q to 2.6% in 4Q 2017

Imports increased, a drag on GDP.

Expect more of the same if Trump & Co. (yeah, I'm talkin' to you Mnuchin) keep talkin' down the dollar.

DXY was trading above 100 as recently as last April, struggled to achieve 95 in November, and now this morning is trading around 89 after Mnuchin's loose lips at Davos.

It would be nice if this administration got its policy act together, on immigration, trade, the dollar, etc. instead of all these comments which imply they are winging it.

So much winging . . ..

Thursday, January 25, 2018

That would be "caffeinated" you numbskull

One of these days Trump may float a trial balloon on immigration we actually like, but the latest one is a nonstarter

The story here says he's now offering a pathway to citizenship to nearly 2 million Dreamers.

Trump needs to understand that his voters aren't going to show up for him if he actually signs an amnesty, and that an amnesty just guarantees that the problem won't go away.

Been there, done that. The country's full. They need to go back. All of them.

Trump is boring me to death with these endless iterations when he's not pissing me off with them.

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Andy McCarthy ties a nice little bow around his thesis that Hillary wasn't prosecuted because Obama was implicated in her felonies

The presidency long ago became a law unto itself. Occasionally the tyranny becomes more evident, depending on the level of the lawlessness in the heart of the man, or the woman. Good character, unfortunately, matters more than ever, but is increasingly in short supply, in each of us, in our neighbors and in our politicians.  

From the story here:

As his counselors grappled with how to address his own involvement in Clinton’s misconduct, Obama deceptively told CBS News in a March 7 interview that he had found out about Clinton’s use of personal email to conduct State Department business “the same time everybody else learned it through news reports.” Perhaps he was confident that, because he had used an alias in communicating with Clinton, his emails to and from her — estimated to number around 20 — would remain undiscovered. ...

[A]n agitated Mills emailed Podesta: “We need to clean this up — he has emails from her — they do not say” (That is, Obama had emails from Clinton, which he had to know were from a private account since her address did not end in “” as State Department emails do.)

Monday, January 22, 2018

The government shutdown was so boring

And in a few weeks prepare to be bored again.

Sunday, January 21, 2018

The problem with Mormon Utah is that it would be OK with having a senator who makes excuses for Antifa violence

A grandmother of Bolshevism over at The American Conservative is upset with her children

Hey, we are the chosen immanentizers of the eschaton, not you!

Kelly Marcum, here:

The left, which continues to decry the social faux pas of cultural appropriation with ever-increasing vehemence, is itself guilty of the very same crime. They, the proponents of a predominantly liberal post-Christian culture, have undertaken a great project of appropriating and reinventing orthodox Christian values. ...

The left has made it its mission to culturally appropriate Christianity and use it for its own ends; in too many cases, it has been allowed to do so and even aided in its efforts by Christians themselves. ...

If orthodox Christianity is to survive in an evermore hostile culture, its practitioners and leaders will need not only to withstand the pressure to accommodate and self-censor, but to repossess their own language and tenets that have been exploited by the left.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Current era GDP growth is underperforming Reagan era growth by 42%

Current era growth of GDP is averaging 4.3% vs. 7.4% during the Reagan era.

That was a boom. This is not.

Sorry, but even by recent standards 2017 was not a booming economy

Friday, January 19, 2018

If essential federal government employees will continue working in a shutdown, haven't we identified who ought to be eliminated?

The non-essential federal employees, who numbered about 850,000 in 2013.

But that would make too much sense for this farce in which we star.

We have the government we deserve.

Speaker of the House Paul Ryan says a government shutdown would be wisky, weckless and wong

Of course, when The State is all, and War is the Health of the State, it would be.

Quoted here:

“Sen. Schumer, do not shut down the federal government," Ryan told reporters after the House vote. “It is risky, it is reckless and it is wrong.” Ryan added: “The only people standing in the way of keeping the government open are Senate Democrats. Whether there is a government shutdown or not is entirely up to them.” In order to win Thursday's vote, Ryan struck a deal with Freedom Caucus conservatives shortly before a scheduled floor vote on a spending provision. The agreement, which promised the group a separate vote on military funding, is expected to yield enough votes to secure passage of the spending bill in the House.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Looks like Oprah has passed her sell-by date

It turns out Jeff Flake, easily melted by Donald Trump, really was born in Snowflake, Arizona

Jeff Flake's "free press" hardly covered Hillary's health problems but is obsessed with finding something wrong with Trump's

Laugh of the Day: Trump's new easy peasy weight loss plan

At least now we know that Senator Jeff Flake believes everything he reads in the newspaper

Speech here.

"Of course, a major difference between politicians and the free press is that the press usually corrects itself when it gets something wrong. Politicians don't."

Well har-dee har har har at the last person alive to believe in the free press. Check that. John Kasich was pretty darn moved to receive the endorsement of The New York Times. But, come to think of it, Kasich is another failed politician just like Flake. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.

Meanwhile The New York Post is still just a buck. Get 'em while they're hot.