Saturday, April 14, 2012

Safely Out of the Way, John Tamny Decides to Attack Rick Santorum

In the special pleading voice of one for whom conservatism is only conservatism when it is libertarianism:

"Santorum’s candidacy should have horrified conservatives."

Here, in Forbes.

The problem with libertarianism as argued by Tamny ("as human beings our natural rights are infinite and extend right up to when our freedom of action hurts others") is that both reason and nature tell us that it is not true.

Reason tells us that rights which extend only up to a certain point cannot be infinite.

And Nature teaches us that rights are not infinite. Otherwise the right to life would not end with the grave.

Thus the basic insight of conservatism is metaphysical: life has its limits, a man's got to know his limitations, government which governs least governs best, life is a mixture, into every life a little rain must fall, if it's got tits or testicles it's going to cause you trouble, simul justus et peccator.

Friday, April 13, 2012

115 Million Working Age Americans Have No Unemployment Coverage

According to the figures posted by Mish, here. That's roughly 126 million with such coverage.

Why no coverage? Either because these 115 million people have no job, have jobs which do not require the employer to provide such coverage, or are self-employed. With 88 million "not in the labor force," the part-time and self-employed in this category would come to 27 million workers.

Obama keeps boasting that 30 million people without health insurance are going to get it under ObamaCare. By 2020. How are they going to survive until then without jobs to get it? 

Hope. Change. 2012.

Massive Numbers of Americans Go Without Benefit of Unemployment Coverage

Mish has the charts and details here:

"[W]e need to add 17,598,279 to the work force with unemployment benefits coverage just to get back to equivalent coverage of 2001! ...

"[T]he number of people eligible for benefits is actually 911,000 lower than in 2001. ... 

"This does not imply an improving labor market but rather clearly demonstrates the continued deterioration of [the] workforce in the USA and probable pressure on those working to provide even greater amounts of their income to those not working.

"This 52.2% is a very scary number. It says 47.8% of those of working age are either not working or they are self-employed with no benefits."

Sweden Cuts Taxes and Spending, Wipes out Deficit, Achieves Highest Growth in Europe

All thanks to a conservative government with a libertarian finance minister with an earring and a ponytail:

‘Look at Spain, Portugal or the UK, whose governments were arguing for large temporary stimulus,’ [Anders Borg] says. ‘Well, we can see that very little of the stimulus went to the economy. But they are stuck with the debt.’ Tax-cutting Sweden, by contrast, had the fastest growth in Europe last year, when it also celebrated the abolition of its deficit. The recovery started just in time for the 2010 Swedish election, in which the Conservatives were re-elected for the first time in history. ...

His main advice to [the UK] is: ‘Keep on dealing with the deficit, because deficits destroy everything else.’

[O]n Reinfeldt’s 45th birthday, Borg presented him with a graph showing Sweden’s tax-to-GDP ratio dipping under the 45 per cent mark for the first time in decades.

Read the whole story here at the UK Spectator.

"We’re the best horse in the glue factory"

So says Gary Shilling, quoted here.

But he understands the fundamental fact that there's really no there there:

"Consumers have a lot of reasons to save as opposed to spend. They need to rebuild their assets, save for retirement. A lot of reasons suggest that they should be saving to work down debt as opposed to going the other way, which they have done in recent months. So if consumers retrench, there is not really anything else in the U.S. economy that can hold things up.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Maybe Obama Owes America The Results Of An MRI Of Joe Biden's Brain

“I am an internist by training. I believe that years ago Biden suffered a ruptured cerebral aneurysm. His life was saved by modern medicine. When aneurysms rupture they frequently lead to brain damage. Biden’s behavior suggests to me that he may have suffered frontal-lobe damage. The frontal lobe is sort of our censor — it allows us to inhibit our impulses so that we do not immediately utter everything we think. Biden behaves as if his cannot successfully carry out this function. An MRI might very well show residual damage to his frontal lobe which might explain his inability to control his mouth. Alternatively, he may just be a typical liberal idiot."

-- Peter Welch, MD, quoted here

Vice President Joe Biden's Idea of a Legal Scholar

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Two Years Later, Incompetent FBI Can't Return Acquitted Hutaree Property Yet Because It's Not Finished Doing The Inventory

The story is here, in The Detroit News:

Stone asked a federal judge to force the government to immediately return the wedding ring and other property, including the title to his vehicle. The FBI told Stone's lawyer, William Swor, the agency was still inventorying the property, which was seized in March 2010, according to the court filing.

These are the folks who want to run healthcare.

Yeah right. Into the ground.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Seven Days After Wisconsin Primary Loss, Santorum Packs It In

See the primary results to date here.

The New York Times here suggests that pressure was mounting from evangelicals for Santorum to quit in order to unite the party.

Newt Gingrich and Ron Paul remain in the race but cannot muster enough delegates in the remaining contests to deprive Romney of the nomination.

Folding like this before the contest in his home state of Pennsylvania suggests that Santorum knew he would suffer an embarrassing loss there. One can imagine not wanting to have to explain why Pennsylvania voters decided to reject him like they did in 2006 and have to quit the race in the wake of that anyway.

Breivik Ruled Not Insane by Court in Norway, But What About the AUF?

The UK Telegraph reports here:

"The experts' main conclusion is that the accused, Anders Behring Breivik, is not considered to have been psychotic at the time of the actions on July 22, 2011," the Oslo district court said in a statement which reopens the debate on whether the self-confessed killer can be sent to prison.

The real unanswered question in this case is not whether Breivik is or was nuts. He's confessed to his crime and should be punished.

No, the real question is whether the rabidly anti-Semitic AUF, which he attacked, and the rest of the Norwegian left, is nuts.

Why else would an isolated, low-population, prosperous and frozen country of the north go out of its way to befriend Muslims and the PLO, and send ships to invade the sovereign waters of a Mediterranean country hated by them thousands of miles away?

Romney's Uphill Battle to Presidency: Must Win Over 70 Percent of Toss Up States

Based on the map and analysis here.

Pretty grim.

This is the legacy of George W. Bush: unable to repudiate his past, unable to pick up the torch of the possible bright future signaled by the Tea Party revolution of November 2010.

They deserve what's coming to them, but the country doesn't.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Full-Time Jobs Still 6.6 Million Below 2007 Peak

See the data here

The level in the range of 115 million full-time jobs last prevailed in 2004-2005.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

AIG, GM and Ally Financial Still Owe TARP Repayments to Feds has the story here from Reuters:

The government pumped $68 billion into AIG . . . $50 billion in[to] GM . . . and $17 billion in[to] Ally Financial to save them from collapse during the 2007-2009 crisis. ...

Don't look at me. I just work here.
AIG has reduced its obligations to the U.S. government by more than 75 percent, while Treasury has recovered nearly half the TARP funds it put into GM and close to one-third of the money that went to Ally Financial.

America Punished With A Baby

Friday, April 6, 2012

Yep, You Guessed It . . .

. . . the light at the end of the tunnel has been turned off.

Unemployment Down: Persons Not In Labor Force Climbs To New High Of 87.897 Million

Data here:

Total Non-Farm Jobs in 132 Million Range Similar to 2000-2001 Level

See the data here:

Labor Force Participation Rate at 63.8 Was Last Matched in April 1983

The data are available here.

The percentage of people working relative to the total population has consistently and decisively fallen under Obama:

Headline Unemployment Falls to 8.2 Percent, Forecast Jobs Miss By 40 Percent

The report is here.

Jobs fell short of the forecast 200,000 by only 80,000.


Markets are closed for Good Friday. Futures are sharply lower:

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Prof. Stephen Presser Says Obama Should Be Ashamed Of Himself About Activism Charge

For no less, here:

"[I]t is the task of the Supreme Court to rein in majoritarian legislatures when they go beyond what the Constitution permits.

"This is not, as Obama implies, judicial activism, or political activity on the part of the justices. This is simply, as Hamilton explained, fidelity to the Constitution itself, fidelity to the highest expression of "We the People of the United States," the body whose representatives ratified that Constitution. ...

"Judicial review is not usurpation -- it is the manner in which the rule of law is preserved in this nation. It is certainly true that sometimes courts, and even the Supreme Court, have erred in their interpretation of the Constitution, and some legislative acts that clearly were permitted by the Constitution have been struck down. But if the ACA's individual mandate is rejected, this will be fully within the legitimate exercise of judicial powers. ...

"If, as it should, the Supreme Court declares the individual mandate unconstitutional, it will be reaffirming our traditions, and not usurping them. The president, a former constitutional law teacher, should be ashamed of himself."