Monday, September 16, 2024

President Joe Biden incited the violence against Trump on June 28th: He should be removed from office by his cabinet

 The assassination attempts on Donald Trump occurred on July 13th and September 15th.

If Trump were president and had tweeted this shit about Joe just imagine the mayhem in this country against Trump, because this country is FULL of ugly liberal people who support violence against Republicans in politics.


The party calling for violence is the Democrat Party and their surrogates in media and entertainment



Nancy Pelosi
Ayanna Pressley
Eric Holder
Joe Biden
Maxine Waters
Kamala Harris
Johnny Depp
Robert De Niro
Kathy Griffin
Don Lemon
Donny Deutsch
Rick Wilson
et alia

Sunday, September 15, 2024

You remember the wonderful Vindmans, right?


NBC's Lester Holt says Trump had it coming for expressing fierce views about Haitians


The suspect had anti-semitic views, allegedly


Missed me again haters


LOL, Tim Walz actually tells supporters to go to Ground Zero for Inflation and campaign for votes for more of it



Minding your business: When Tim Walz has that hard conversation with you in the produce section and asks if you've voted yet

That'll Do It: Walz Says Have That 'Hard Conversation' With a Stranger 'In the Produce Aisle'

Strict culinary policy of Haiti: Whatever there is to eat at the house, you have to eat it

OMG: Haitian chef tells USA Today the strict policy of Haitian cooking is "Whatever there is to eat at the house, you have to eat it"

 Nobody in Haiti today can afford the fancy Haitian dishes this chef describes, so they eat . . . you know.

Don't listen to Trump's lies. Haitian chef explains country's rich culinary tradition.



Something funny going on here: Reuters says 63% of blacks plan to support Harris according to NAACP survey, The Hill says 51% of blacks would vote for her today based on the same survey


Both stories published Friday the 13th.

 One in four US Black men under 50 support Trump for president, NAACP poll finds

Most Black voters, 63%, plan to support Harris, compared with 13% for Trump, according to the new NAACP survey, which interviewed 1,000 registered Black voters across the U.S. from Aug. 6 to Aug. 12. 
Black voters, buoyed by Harris, more excited to vote in 2024 than in 2008: [NAACP] Poll
Fifty-one percent of Black voters said they would cast their ballots for Harris if the election were held today. Only 27 percent said the same of former President Trump. 



Harris has plenty of policies Jonathan, you ridiculous goof, 26 of them, and all to the left of Hillary Clinton

Saturday, September 14, 2024

James would like a word


The song of my people


Orange cat for the win


This is purrfect


Doordash Ohio lol


Diversity tried to eat me


Real return from stocks since the August 2000 top after 24 years now underperforms the pre-2000 eras by ONLY 33.7% per annum, nominal by 21.3%, yippee! What a great country!

Pope Francis meddles in US election, says choose the lesser evil between Trump and Harris but can't say which is which

It's really amusing how the pope says everyone has to think and decide for themselves about such a weighty matter, but when Luther did it he was excommunicated for it.

Between 1972 and 2008, the percentage NOT voting in US elections averaged 47%.


“Not voting is ugly,” the 87-year-old pontiff said. “It is not good. You must vote.”

“You must choose the lesser evil,” he said. “Who is the lesser evil? That lady, or that gentleman? I don’t know. Everyone, in conscience, (has to) think and do this.”

American Catholics, numbering roughly 52 million nationwide, are often seen as crucial swing voters. In some battleground states, including Pennsylvania and Wisconsin, more than 20% of adults are Catholic. ...

“Whether it is the one who is chasing away migrants, or the one who that kills children,” said the pope. “Both are against life.”


The pope made the remarks on a flight returning to the safety of his walled-off city-state, population 764, after a visit to Singapore.