Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Eggs are up again to $3.08 from $1.24 five years ago: 148%


Core CPI inflation is 3.2% year over year in July 2024

Core inflation has been below 4 and above 3 for eight months now.


C'mon man, we haven't made any progress on inflation in over a year now

 Overall CPI inflation was 2.96% year over year in . . . June 2023.

In July 2024 it's 2.89%.

What a joke.


The price of real money

 Gold prices hovered near record highs on Wednesday, steered by hopes of U.S. interest rate reduction and persistent Middle East tensions, while the spotlight shifted to U.S. inflation data. Spot gold was up 0.2% to $2,469.35 per ounce, shy of the record high of $2,483.60 scaled last month. U.S. gold futures steadied at $2,508.40.


The gold price averaged $612.56 in 1980 according to Kitco. Adjusted for CPI inflation that would be about $2,327.10 in June 2024. So . . . gold is holding its value . . . relative to the high prices of 1980.

But there were more opportune times to buy gold than now.

See an inflation-adjusted price chart here.

Core producer prices, aka wholesale prices, were up 2.4% year over year in July 2024, overall prices up 2.2%

The little guy at the end of the chain is still getting screwed, just less hard than before.

Reported yesterday:

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Kamala Harris denied Time Magazine's request for an interview, but they put her on the cover anyway lol

 Craven bastards.

It's odd how Minnesota Public Radio News to this day says Tim Walz is a Command Sergeant Major and served in Afghanistan when neither is true

Tim Walz is a conventional California lefty on immigration who rammed through his radical policies in Minnesota once Democrats got control of its legislature

Kamala Harris picked him because she went with her gut.

As the Democratic governor of Minnesota, Tim Walz signed into law initiatives allowing immigrants in the country illegally to apply for driver’s licenses, qualify for free tuition at state universities and enroll in the state’s free healthcare program for low-income residents. Walz’s actions on immigration—nearly all taken in the last two years, when Democrats had control of the state Legislature—put him squarely in the mainstream of his party. ...

Allowing those without a legal immigration status to drive legally, go to college at in-state rates and enroll in health insurance are pieces of a two-decade project by Democrats ...

“He’s more in line with what we’re seeing in states across the country led by a Democrat,” said Victoria Francis, deputy director of state and local initiatives at the American Immigration Council, a liberal-leaning national advocacy organization.


Monday, August 12, 2024

People forget that in this clip from Nov 20, 2019, Harris pledged herself as the candidate who would "rebuild the Obama coalition", that's who you're getting

 Kamala Harris dropped out of the race on Dec 3, 2019. Tulsi Gabbard stayed in.

Tim Walz implies he stood at Bagram Air Base in Afghanistan as a member of the national guard

 He didn't. He was in Congress when he did that, on January 9, 2008:


It's all so vivid in his mind on 9/11/2021 right? So vivid he puts Bagram in Iraq.

The period between the words "national guard. I stood" is 2005-2008.

His guard service ended in 2005. The Middle East trip was in January 2008.



These aren't serious articles about Kamala Harris, just attempts to tone down her leftism to make her seem more palatable

The left is thrilled with her.


Joe Biden confirms Anita Dunn: He was bullied out of the race by Nancy Pelosi and her allies

 Biden admits he was pushed out of presidential race, name-drops Pelosi in first interview since exit

“Nancy made clear that they could do this the easy way or the hard way,” one Democrat who had knowledge of the private conversations told Politico. “She gave them three weeks of the easy way. It was about to be the hard way.”



Sunday, August 11, 2024

Rural Minnesota is not happy with Tim Walz, so he's ignoring them this year


As I said


36 Hamas Wing delegates and members to DNC convention in Chicago welcome "progressive" Tim Walz, call for mass demonstrations

“Vice President Kamala Harris has finally heeded the voices of thousands of pro-Palestinian delegates, activists and allies,” the Muslim Delegates & Allies Coalition said in a Thursday press release. “This decision highlights the importance of staying engaged with the political system and actively participating in the Democratic Party’s processes.”

To that end, “we encourage mass demonstrations at the Democratic National Committee this month to confront this foreign policy debacle,” said the organization. ...

“The progressive Tim Walz’s selection over Shapiro, following a weekend frenzy of social media activism and media campaigns, marks a significant setback for the American Israel Public Affairs Committee,” the release said. “The American Muslim electorate demands an immediate and permanent cease-fire and arms embargo on Israel.”


Both the alt-right and the NeverTrump Christians want Kamala Harris, not Donald Trump


It is alleged that while Joe Biden was on the beach yesterday at 315pm, his 20-something Tweeter was responsible for this one


AP Democrats: When we steal your idea it's echoing, not stealing


Kamala Harris is a main purveyor of disinformation on the site formerly known as Twitter


Like Scrooge, Kamala Harris wants to reduce the surplus population