Sunday, July 21, 2024

Neocon Trump is alive and well JD, lol

WaPo, May 28, 2024, here:

 . . . at one event, he suggested that he would have bombed Moscow and Beijing if Russia invaded Ukraine or China invaded Taiwan, surprising some of the donors.

Oren Cass: In JD Vance libertarian economics and neoconservative foreign policy are being excised from Republican conservatism

 But there is no Trumpism, only Trump.


Methinks JD Vance will be a very unhappy VP, seeking to rest a spell on his one-legged stool as reality bites.

Oren Cass for the Financial Times, here.

Friday, July 19, 2024

He's president already

 From tonight’s speech by Trump: "And to the entire world, we want our hostages back—and they better be back before I assume office, or you will be paying a very big price."

The wretched, envious Kevin Williamson drips with disdain for the kinder, gentler Kevin Williamson known as JD Vance, and for his kin

  I’d been writing about lower-class, mainly white dysfunction for a few years at that point, and Vance had just published his famous book, which I had reviewed in Commentary. I admired his work tremendously—and, naturally, envied him some, too. We had a good conversation. 

Watching his descent into … whatever it is he has become … has been dispiriting. ...

Vance did what poor white trash types who do not wish to remain poor white trash do: He got out, in his case by joining the Marine Corps, one of the great exemplars of American meritocracy. He went to a good state college and an Ivy League law school, he married a woman from an immigrant family with values superior to the ones exhibited by the Real Americans™ who brought him into the world, took a job that paid a lot of money, and made the kind of social and economic connections that give a man options in life.

Read the rest here.

Thursday, July 18, 2024

UK climate lunatics from Just Stop Oil jailed for years for blocking traffic in four-day incident in November 2022

 Five environmental activists who organised protests that brought part of the M25 to a standstill over four days have been jailed.

Forty-five Just Stop Oil protesters climbed gantries on the motorway in November 2022, forcing police to stop the traffic, in an attempt to cause gridlock across southern England.

Judge Christopher Hehir said Roger Hallam, 58, Daniel Shaw, 38, Louise Lancaster, 58, Lucia Whittaker De Abreu, 35, and Cressida Gethin, 22, had "crossed the line from concerned campaigner to fanatic".

At Southwark Crown Court, Hallam was sentenced to five years' imprisonment while the other defendants each received four-year jail terms. ...

Hallam, a veteran environmental campaigner, was described as the "ideas man" of the movement, while the judge said Shaw was "up to his neck" in the planning of the protest.


Biggest news of the day: Ford Motor bets Trump will win, scraps $1.3 billion investment in Canadian EV HUB, plans $3 billion Super Duty gasoline and diesel engine truck plant instead lol



 Ford to spend $3 billion to expand large truck production to a plant previously set for EVs

UBS’ Joseph Spak was among the analysts to applaud the additional investment in the highly profitable Super Duty models compared to money-losing EVs amid slower-than-expected adoption of electric cars and trucks.

“We believe this shows management’s confidence in more sustainable demand for Ford Pro vehicles,” he said Thursday in an investor note. “The [internal combustion engine] investment over EV investment should be viewed positively.”

Ford had previously announced plans to invest $1.3 billion into the Canadian plant for EV production. Those plans included a new three-row SUV, which the company recently delayed until 2027.

The announcement comes weeks after Farley said full electrification of “big, huge, enormous” vehicles such as Ford’s Super Duty trucks was “never going to make money.”


Joe Biden to Dem. Rep. Jason Crow, decorated for valor in combat in Iraq: "Tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son!"


 President Biden Says Beau Biden's Bronze Star Is Worth More Than Representative Jason Crow's Combat Award

In a leaked Zoom call with moderate House Democrats on Sunday, President Joseph Biden once again used his dead son, Beau Biden, this time, to insult and denigrate the military and combat service of Colorado Congressman Jason Crow (D). Biden was unhinged as he told Crow to "tell me who did something that you’ve never done with your Bronze Star like my son!" President Biden was attempting to convey the message that he was fit and able to continue on with his campaign and snapped at Crow when he politely expressed his concerns to the president. 

Instead of addressing Crow's and other moderate Democrats' concerns, Biden snapped at Crow and went on a full-blown assault, which ended with an attack on his Army and combat service and comparing it with his son Beau's service. Biden specifically ridiculed Crow's Bronze Star in a pathetic and out-of-bounds attack, which the campaign did not deny or dispute. ... A Bronze Star with "V" is the fourth highest award for valor in combat, with the Silver Star, Service Cross (Army Distinguished Service Cross, Navy, Air Force Crosses), and Medal of Honor preceding it. 

Read the rest here.

Beau Biden's Bronze Star lacked the V-device which Crow received on his.


Vilifying wypipo ain't got no end


JD Vance deletes things from his past, which is . . . troubling

For example, that he voted for Evan McMuffinhead in 2016, that he thought Trump was reprehensible, and now . . . pro-life sections of his Senate campaign website.


deleted sometime on July 15 or July 16, 2024

Coup attempt against Joe Biden by democracy worshipers Adam Shifty Schiff, Nancy Big Guns Pelosi, Chucky Schumer, and Hakeem Jeffries isn't working lol


  • WH Says Biden 'Unmoved' By Discussions With Schumer & Jeffries
  • CNN: Pelosi Told Biden He Can't Win
  • Biden Campaign Sees No Change In Odds of Him Being Nominee
  • Schiff Calls on Biden To Drop Out
  • Biden was apparently last vaccinated against COVID-19 last October but has come down with it anyway for the third time














    The Hill reports here:

    President Biden tested positive for COVID-19 on Wednesday, marking the third time in the past two years the president has tested positive for the virus. ... Biden was seen boarding Air Force One, not wearing a mask, and told reporters he feels “good.”

    One law for me, another for thee.

    Wednesday, July 17, 2024

    Devastating AP-NORC poll of Democrats shows 65% now say Joe Biden should drop out, completely reversing from two weeks ago when Reuters/Ipsos showed 66% said "don't drop out"

     26% of Republicans now say Trump should drop out in the the AP-NORC poll, up from 11% in the Reuters/Ipsos poll two weeks ago (below).

    Apples and oranges, but still.

    The AP-NORC poll is here.


    So, we won't have Democrat Senator Bob Menendez to kick around anymore

    NEW YORK (AP) — U.S. Sen. Bob Menendez was convicted of all charges Tuesday in a sweeping corruption trial in which he was accused of accepting bribes of gold and cash from three New Jersey businessmen and acting as an agent for the Egyptian government.

    A jury in Manhattan deliberated for parts of three days before finding the Democrat guilty of 16 crimes, including bribery, extortion, honest services fraud, obstruction of justice and conspiracy. ...

    Two co-defendants were also convicted. The New Jersey businessmen, Wael Hana and Fred Daibes, were accused of paying bribes. A third businessman, Jose Uribe, pleaded guilty prior to trial and testified against the others. ...

    Prosecutors said serial numbers on the gold bars and fingerprints on tape that bound together the stacks of cash were traced to Hana and Daibes.

    Complete story here.

    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    Michael Moore, 4th of July: Biden not fit to serve 4 more days


    Daniel McCarthy has to assert that JD Vance is loyal because he isn't really

    Does a loyal man run to be your senator and turn around and dump you after less than two years in office?

    Really, he said he was NeverTrump in 2015-2016. He wasn't loyal to that either.


    NeverTrump J. D. Vance in 2016 was a small sea of confusion whose options were his dog, Hillary, and Evan McMuffinhead lol


    VANCE: My current plan is to vote either third party or, as I joked to my wife, I might write in my dog because that's about as good as it seems. But, you know, I think there's a chance, if I feel like Trump has a really good chance of winning, that I might have to hold my nose and vote for Hillary Clinton. But at the end of the day, I just feel like she is so culturally disconnected from the people that I grew up around that it would be very, very hard for me to cast my ballot for her. So ultimately I think I'll probably vote third party. I might vote for this new guy who I really like, Evan McMullin, who I actually met the other day. But I think that I'm going to vote third party because I can't stomach Trump. I think that he's noxious and is leading the white working class to a very dark place. And ultimately I just don't share Hillary Clinton's politics.


    I would like the name of his dog NOW.

    J. D. Vance is the kinder, gentler version of National Review's Kevin Williamson about the hopelessness of his own people

    The truth about these dysfunctional, downscale communities is that they deserve to die. Economically, they are negative assets. Morally, they are indefensible. 
    -- Kevin Williamson, March 2016

    And it's interesting that all of the people that I talk about in my book that grew up in this chaos that ended up having successful home lives and successful marriages - they married an outsider.

    They married someone like I did who didn't grow up with these lessons, who didn't grow up with these experiences, and because of that, knew how to manage the people that they were married to and knew how to not respond in kind. As I write in the book, you put two of me in the same marriage, and I don't think it works.

    But you put one of me, who's maybe a little self-reflective, in a marriage with somebody who hasn't faced that trauma - then I think you have a good chance. And that's one of the lessons of my life.

    -- J. D. Vance, from the NPR interview, August 2016, here