Monday, July 8, 2024

WaPo lol: Trump Doesn't Want Us To Know What He Stands For


The French election commentary on right wing twitter has been as laughably apocalyptic as left wing

 Meanwhile, here are the final election results from France's most-watched news channel BFM-TV, slanted pro-business instead of pro-worker, shown below.

As you can see Le Pen's "right wing" alliance RN has overwhelming support in terms of votes with 10.12 million in the 2024 Second Round (left column) vs. 3.58 million in 2022, and now enjoys 143 seats vs. 89 in 2022. It's now arguably France's biggest party.

RN has grown its support phenomenally in just two years.

Its problem is that its support is more diffuse, so that its supporters are frequently outnumbered by enough voters from other parties to win seats. And this time leftist NFP and Macron's centrist ENS  cooperated in the second round to reduce candidates so that voters had to choose more often than normally between just two sides.

In the end no one got even close to 289 seats to achieve control in the 577 seat National Assembly.

And Macron could easily lose a vote of confidence in the wake of this within weeks and send the voters back to the polls again.

RN is obviously a growing threat to the status quo all while Macron has been just bleeding out seats since 2017, when he had a comfortable lead with 350.

Even CNN recognizes this:

The RN’s success should not be underestimated. In the 2017 elections, when Macron swept to power, the RN won just eight seats. In 2022, it surged to 89 seats. In Sunday’s vote, it won 125 – making it the largest individual party. That unity means it will likely remain a potent force in the next parliament, while the solidity of the leftist coalition remains untested. 

Stay tuned. The fireworks are not over, not in the least because the lunatics of NFP are even more divided than France as a whole, primarily because of the presence of the anti-semitic communist Jean-Luc Mélenchon. 

Joe Biden calls in to Morning Joe and defies the Democrats who say he should drop out

It's been a week since the awful internal polling broke and Joe remains defiant and dismissive of the facts.

Trump is +3.3 in the Real Clear Politics national polling average and 312-226 in the no-toss-ups Electoral College vote. Biden's approval/disapproval spread is back up and is almost as bad as his -20.7 point spread from July 2022.

I suppose because it's not worse than that the Biden campaign figures it's weathered the storm of the debate exposing his condition.

Meanwhile the cognitive flubs have become a daily feature so routine it's downright boring.




Sunday, July 7, 2024

Final results of French election: "far right" up 62%, adds 55 seats in National Assembly, Macron loses 88

 And now the final results have arrived with the left-wing NFP alliance on 182, Macron’s centrists on 163 and the far-right RN and its allies on 143.


Macron loses nearly 100 seats in the French National Assembly and Drudge calls it a win lol, Le Pen gains many seats despite Macron deal with left to pull hundreds of candidates


Macron has gone from 350 seats in 2017 to 251 in 2022 to a projected 160 now.

Macron calling this snap election in France when he didn't have to was just as dumb as Sunak calling one in the UK. Sunak had to resign as the left clearly won, but Macron will wish he had to resign as he faces three years of a hung parliament divided by left, middle, and right, each with 140-200 seats and no clear winner.

289 seats are needed for an absolute majority.

Le Pen's party increased its presence in the assembly from 88 seats to 140 to 160, depending on who you read tonight. Her influence is steadily growing while Macron's is withering.

The plot to sabotage Le Pen was hatched immediately in the wake of her party's stunning performance in the first round on Jun 30.

Everyone's pretending to be shocked by today's results because they don't want to admit what just happened.

Macron sold out to the left.



President Biden who is cognitively healthy just said Philadelphia helped him win his Senate seat from DELAWARE not just once but each time

 Someone should really look into that.

Two white guys named Castor and Pollux on Biden's speech writing team desperately work in the corner to light the fire of his presidency while the DEI hires mug for the camera


Friday, July 5, 2024

Holy cow, Biden's teleprompter told him Jackie Walorski was dead at the Sep 2022 event where he called out to her weeks after she had died



Gee, what could it be?

AXIOS here:

Other instances of trying to explain away Biden's lapses have gotten renewed scrutiny as potential evidence that top aides were covering up Biden slipping mentally.
  • In September 2022 at a speech on food insecurity, Biden tried to give a shout-out to Rep. Jackie Walorski (R-Ind.), who had worked on the issue — but who had been killed in a car accident weeks earlier.
  • Biden had issued a statement of condolences. The White House flew flags at half-staff in honor of her death.
  • "Representative — Jackie, are you here? Where's Jackie? I think she wasn't going to be here," Biden said at the event.

Biden's prepared remarks included a note that Walorski had recently passed away and thanked her for her contributions, two people familiar with the speech told Axios.

  • Biden didn't remember she had died, and either ignored the Teleprompter or had trouble reading it.
  • White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre deflected tough questioning the next day by CNN's Phil Mattingly, CBS's Steven Portnoy and others.
  • Jean-Pierre refused to acknowledge Biden made a mistake, and didn't commit to releasing the original version of the remarks.
  • She said at the briefing: "I don't think it's all that unusual to have someone top of mind, especially as there's a big event."
  • The White House didn't respond to questions about this incident.

James Carville to the rescue, reminds me of the pope lately


 Democratic culture has too many preachy females. Too much 'Don't eat Hamburgers, don't watch football, wear a condom'. Man, shit, leave me alone.     

Seen here.

Meanwhile in the US, full time employment as a percentage of population is in real trouble now

 The June level finally made it to 50.03% after six consecutive months below 50%, but the first half of 2024 averages a level now comparable to 1H2018, at 49.5%.

The total number of full time workers itself is down 1.36% in the first half, which is alarming, as in 2008 alarming. (I try to avoid comparisons to 2020 because it was a pandemic-induced anomaly.)

It's on the skids.

Jun 2024



down 1.36% in the first half of 2024

down 1.55% in the first half of 2008

I won 4.1 million votes and all I got was a lousy 0.6% of The House of Commons


Congratulations to Keir Starmer


Labour sweeps to UK victory on minor improvement to support as disaffected pro-Brexit and anti-immigration voters abandon feckless Conservatives for Nigel Farage's Reform Party

Keir Starmer to become PM. Have fun stormin' the castle!

Liberal Democrats and Greens made relatively huge gains while the Scottish National Party took it up the kilt. Sinn Fein utterly collapsed lol.

Turnout was low at 60%, the post-war low being 59.4% in 2001.

It's ludicrous. The UK Reform Party got all of four seats for all that damage done to Conservatives. Nigel Farage, 60, is gearing up to make his next big impact in 2029, when he'll be 65. Whoop-dee-doo. 


The UK Guardian

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Was it at The French Laundry?


Hey look, corporate profits are higher than ever under capitalist pig Joe Biden hehe


Biden gasoline prices are Obama gasoline prices


Speaking of mendacity, here's Buck Sexton insinuating that Kamala Harris deployed Christine Ford against Brett Kavanaugh when it was Anna Eshoo and Diane Feinstein

 But of course the lapdogs just lap up this rewriting of history, which is deployed now because Kamala Harris is on the cusp.

Kamala simply piled on the pig-pile after the fact and has never done anything notable either as a senator or as VP.

She's a Didn't Earn It hire who came in a distant fourth in November 2019 in presidential polling . . . in her own state of California. That's why she dropped out.

Not even California wanted her anywhere near the White House.