Friday, July 5, 2024

Meanwhile in the US, full time employment as a percentage of population is in real trouble now

 The June level finally made it to 50.03% after six consecutive months below 50%, but the first half of 2024 averages a level now comparable to 1H2018, at 49.5%.

The total number of full time workers itself is down 1.36% in the first half, which is alarming, as in 2008 alarming. (I try to avoid comparisons to 2020 because it was a pandemic-induced anomaly.)

It's on the skids.

Jun 2024



down 1.36% in the first half of 2024

down 1.55% in the first half of 2008

I won 4.1 million votes and all I got was a lousy 0.6% of The House of Commons


Congratulations to Keir Starmer


Labour sweeps to UK victory on minor improvement to support as disaffected pro-Brexit and anti-immigration voters abandon feckless Conservatives for Nigel Farage's Reform Party

Keir Starmer to become PM. Have fun stormin' the castle!

Liberal Democrats and Greens made relatively huge gains while the Scottish National Party took it up the kilt. Sinn Fein utterly collapsed lol.

Turnout was low at 60%, the post-war low being 59.4% in 2001.

It's ludicrous. The UK Reform Party got all of four seats for all that damage done to Conservatives. Nigel Farage, 60, is gearing up to make his next big impact in 2029, when he'll be 65. Whoop-dee-doo. 


The UK Guardian

Thursday, July 4, 2024

Was it at The French Laundry?


Hey look, corporate profits are higher than ever under capitalist pig Joe Biden hehe


Biden gasoline prices are Obama gasoline prices


Speaking of mendacity, here's Buck Sexton insinuating that Kamala Harris deployed Christine Ford against Brett Kavanaugh when it was Anna Eshoo and Diane Feinstein

 But of course the lapdogs just lap up this rewriting of history, which is deployed now because Kamala Harris is on the cusp.

Kamala simply piled on the pig-pile after the fact and has never done anything notable either as a senator or as VP.

She's a Didn't Earn It hire who came in a distant fourth in November 2019 in presidential polling . . . in her own state of California. That's why she dropped out.

Not even California wanted her anywhere near the White House.



There's plenty of mendacity afoot on both sides, including from the isolationist click-farmers


The American Way: In order to save the owls we have to kill the owls


Tuesday, July 2, 2024

"Second bucket" Democrats say Biden's gotta go: 1 in 3 Democrats say Biden should step aside

A Reuters/Ipsos poll, published Tuesday, found 32 percent of Democrats think Biden should give up his reelection bid just days after he squared off against Trump in the first debate of the 2024 general election season last week. ...

The Reuters/Ipsos poll was conducted online July 1-2 and surveyed 1,070 U.S. adults nationwide. It has a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points, per Reuters. 


Marine Le Pen won 39 seats of 577 outright in the first round on Sunday

 Thirty-nine National Rally candidates have already been elected to parliament after winning over 50 percent of first-round votes -- a tour de force by a movement that never before managed to win a parliamentary seat in the first round of voting of a two-stage election before.

They include the party's longtime leader Marine Le Pen and party vice-president Sebastien Chenu. ...

Among the losers was Communist Party leader, Fabien Roussel, who lost his seat to an RN candidate in a constituency that had been held by the Communists for over 60 years. ...

The party's [NR's] worst scores were in Paris, where all its candidates were eliminated in the first round.


The panic in Democrat circles this afternoon is palpable, showcased by Trump judge Juan Merchan postponing Trump's sentencing until Sep 18th, which gives them time to figure out what the hell is going on


I'll be surprised if Joe Biden is still the Democrats' candidate a week from now


Joe Biden 2018 in his own words: Voters should judge me on my vitality, can I still run up the steps of Air Force Two, am I energetic, am I in good shape, do I have all of my faculties?

Joe couldn't run up those steps already in March 2021 and humiliatingly switched to the shorter, lower stairs used by the help:



Hear Joe in his own words starting after the three minute mark in this clip:


The Party wants to assure you that Joe just has a cold


Brezhnev, 75, died in 1982, followed by Andropov, 69, in 1984, Chernenko, 73, in 1985, and the whole Evil Empire, 72, in 1989.