Saturday, June 29, 2024

The entire Democrat and media establishment, but I repeat myself, has been lying to the nation to protect one man, Joe Biden, and they trot out Obama with this liberal projection to gaslight the voters one more time

Biden Fights for Ordinary People While Trump Is Out for Himself -- Barack Obama, X



Friday, June 28, 2024

Joe Biden's rape comments from last night's debate are . . . disjointed

He went to the funeral. The idea that she was murdered by an immigrant. But here's the deal, a lot of young women are being raped by their inlaws. By their spouses. By their brothers and sisters. It's just ridiculous.

The main line of interpretation seems to be that Biden was referring to the rape culture of migrants, sisters being a slip of the tongue.

Which begs the question, Why bring them here? Just so they can get an abortion? Is that what America boils down to?

The New York Times loses its mind, pretends it hasn't been gaslighting the country on Joe Biden's fitness for office as recently as a week ago


Nobelist Paul Krugman flips on Biden in a New York minute

Paul Krugman used to say illegal immigration hurt poor Americans, but not anymore.

Biden's other big whopper last night was that no troops died under his watch: He's forgotten Afghanistan, and probably the debate itself


The left is having an apoplectic fit over the dagger the Supremes just put into the unaccountable administrative state, aka The Swamp: A massive blow

 What about our careers?!


This Biden word salad last night ended with the death of Medicare

 "We’d be able to help make sure all those things we need to do, childcare, elder care, make every single person eligible for what I’ve been able to do with the, with the COVID. Excuse me, with dealing with everything we have to do with. Look. We finally beat Medicare."


Biden to Trump: You Had Sex With A Porn Star, "You Have The Morals Of An Alley Cat"


LOL, Supremes overturn obstruction charge against Jan 6er who was in the Capitol for a whole four minutes, count 'em

It was 6-3, with Barrett defecting to the liberals and Jackson defecting to the conservatives.

Fischer was accused by prosecutors of charging at police guarding a Capitol entrance. Fischer, at the time a member of the North Cornwall Township police in Pennsylvania, got inside the building and pressed up against an officer's riot shield as police officers attempted to clear rioters, according to prosecutors. He remained in the Capitol for four minutes before police pushed him out, they said. ... Federal prosecutors estimate that about 250 of the roughly 1,400 people charged in the Capitol attack could be impacted by the ruling. ... about 50 Jan. 6 defendants were convicted and sentenced on the obstruction charge with no other felony. Of those, about half are currently serving a sentence of incarceration, less than 2% of all charged cases. [Right, like that makes it OK, Reuters?]


Supremes overturn 1984 "Chevron deference" to federal agencies, forcing Congress to either give teeth to regulatory ambiguities and so pay the political consequences they otherwise avoided, or defer to judges deciding for them from now on

 My guess is they'll tend more to let the judges decide, because Congress is, in fact, timid, lazy, phony, tiny, and small.

It's complicated, but it's a good thing because it restores accountability to the political sphere. No one elects the agencies. But that will cut both ways, seeing how politicized the judiciary has become.

It's also a BFD. The New York Times is in a panic over it.

An attorney for the commercial fishermen said Chevron deference "incentivizes a dynamic where Congress does far less than the Framers (of the U.S. Constitution) anticipated, and the executive branch is left to do far more by deciding controversial issues via regulatory fiat."

Your reminder that Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi owns the two worst episodes of federal spending in excess of tax receipts in the history of the country

 Spending originates in the US House by law.

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi owns the two worst episodes of federal spending in excess of tax receipts in the history of the country, by 310% in 2009 and by 309% in 2020, under Obama (Great Financial Crisis) and then under Trump (Pandemic).


Roseanne Roseannadanna knows why David Axelrod was all wet on CNN last night


You know how a guy goes into the bathroom and takes out his comb and sticks it under the faucet to get it wet so he can try to get his hair to behave before he comes out of there but the water mostly goes all over the place instead of on his hair? And those teenie tiny little curls just won't stay down no matter how many times he does it! That's why.


Yeah that's the ticket, let's let the people who covered for Joe Biden all the way to this point pick somebody else


Bad news for Biden: Energy inflation reasserts itself for a third consecutive month, 4.8% year over year in May 2024


Good news for Biden: Core pce inflation in May 2024 falls to 2.57% year over year