Thursday, June 27, 2024

Biden let Equador man into the US as an asylee in 2023, now arrested for murdering 21-year old woman in 2024

 Her name was Joselyn Jhoana Toaquiza.

These quarterly inflation measures out this morning both exceeded consensus estimates, each by a tenth of a point, not a good sign for tomorrow's monthly measures


EMTALA from 1986 became an illegal immigration magnet, 5-4 Supreme Court decision now may make it an abortion magnet

The federal government sued, leading a federal judge in August 2022 to block the state from enforcing provisions concerning medical care that is required under the federal Emergency Medical Treatment and Labor Act, or EMTALA.

That 1986 law mandates that patients receive appropriate emergency room care. The Biden administration argued that care should include abortions in certain situations when a woman’s health is imperiled even if death is not imminent.

1Q2024 GDP, third estimate, up $1.455 trillion nominal year over year, US debt to the penny up $3.128 trillion


Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Justin Amash polling at 8%: I'm going to wipe the floor with Mike Rogers lol


As he campaigns, Amash said, he encounters few Michigan Republicans who support Rogers outside of his party affiliation or his relationship with Trump.   

“I’m just going to, you know, wipe the floor with him.”  

Quoted here, June 10th.

Peter Meijer wisely dropped out at the end of April.

Trump endorsed Rogers on Monday, March 11th.


New video clearly shows Russian beach was not targeted and was collateral damage after Russian defenses downed Ukrainian missile



Russia warns the U.S. to brace for retaliation after Kremlin blamed Washington for missile attack that killed four in Crimea


The Gaza Ministry of Health called the race early for Jamaal Bowman yesterday lol


Pennsylvania's Senator John Fetterman visits Netanyahu in Israel, wears his dress whites


 “We've been through dark times in these months of anguished war. During that time, I can say that Israel has had no better friend than Senator John Fetterman. Senator, welcome to Israel.”

Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Kamala Harris is Joe Biden's boat anchor


Tuesday Trifecta: Fire alarm puller Jamaal Bowman loses primary in NY, handsy Lauren Boebert wins hers in CO, and Joe Biden's student loan forgiveness was stopped by two Obama judges lol

 The Hill reports here on Boebert, who replaces Ken Buck, and on Bowman's loss here.

ABC reports here on the student loan decisions.

She lost the election and her wrinkles lol

 Hillary has a new book look.

Gen Z, the followers of Jahn and Miri

JAHN: Is this supposed to be a good thing, Miri?
MIRI: Of course it is.


Every day they navigate memes, photos, social media, chats with their friends, flashes of video, influencers influencing, news articles from a zillion places across the net. ...

"Within a week of actual research, we just threw out the term information literacy," says Yasmin Green, Jigsaw's CEO. Gen Zers, it turns out, are "not on a linear journey to evaluate the veracity of anything." Instead, they're engaged in what the researchers call "information sensibility" — a "socially informed" practice that relies on "folk heuristics of credibility." In other words, Gen Zers know the difference between rock-solid news and AI-generated memes. They just don't care.

Jigsaw's findings offer a revealing glimpse into the digital mindset of Gen Z. Where older generations are out there struggling to fact-check information and cite sources, Gen Zers don't even bother. They just read the headlines and then speed-scroll to the comments, to see what everyone else says. They're outsourcing the determination of truth and importance to like-minded, trusted influencers. And if an article's too long, they just skip it. They don't want to see stuff that might force them to think too hard, or that upsets them emotionally. If they have a goal, Jigsaw found, it's to learn what they need to know to remain cool and conversant in their chosen social groups. ...

They don't read long articles. ...

Instead of listening to stuffy old teachers, like CNN and the Times, they take their cues from online influencers — the queen bees and quarterback bros at the top of the social hierarchy. The influencers' personal experience makes them authentic, and they speak Gen Z's language.

Monday, June 24, 2024

Ukraine didn't target the beach in Crimea where Russians were collateral damage of Russian defense operations








  Video shows panicked beachgoers fleeing from falling shrapnel after Russian air defense intercepted the U.S.-supplied ATACMS missiles.

Don't sun on the beach in a war zone, unless you enjoy that sort of thing.


AOC's hundreds in the Bronx for Jamaal Bowman over the weekend vs. Trump's thousands in the Bronx last month LOLOL


Maybe that's the problem right there

 No human biologist now argues that violence is in our genes.


This new White House hire sure doesn't like wypipo very much


How is it that the United States has the most people dead from COVID-19 compared with every other country in the world when we invented the vaccines which supposedly saved so many lives?

 81.4% of Americans had received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine as of May 9, 2023 according to Our World in Data.

By April 2022, the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) data show that about 6 in 10 adults dying of COVID-19 were vaccinated or boosted, and that’s remained true through at least August 2022 (the most recent month of data).


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Meanwhile White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates is getting some much needed help from new hire Tyler Cherry who was communications director for Deb Haaland at Interior


 I'm sure Joe knows all about this guy lol:

"Praying for #Baltimore, but praying even harder for an end to a capitalistic police state motivated by explicit and implicit racial biases," Cherry posted in 2015 amid riots that were sparked following the death of Freddie Gray, a Black man, in police custody in Baltimore.

"Apt (sic.) time to recall that the modern day police system is a direct evolution of slave patrols and lynch mobs," he stated in a separate post months later.

In 2018, Cherry called for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Homeland Security Department agency tasked with preventing cross-border crime and illegal immigration, to be abolished.

Cherry was also posting support for "Palestine" on social media in 2014 during the Gaza War in which Palestinian forces, led by the radical Iran-backed terrorist group Hamas, launched hundreds of rockets into Israel, sparking a forceful Israeli response that involved airstrikes and a ground invasion.

"Cheersing in bars to ending the occupation of Palestine — no shame and f--- your glares #ISupportGaza #FreePalestine," Cherry said on July 25, 2014, in a post on X, formerly known as Twitter.

Cherry also has a history of criticizing Republicans on social media, including in 2017 when he said that conservatives in the Republican Party were focused on "white grievance politics."

"The Tea Party was never about the debt/deficit but about racism and white grievance politics," he wrote on X.



Very-Fine-People-On-Both-Sides Hoax of 2017 in the news: There was a change of ownership at Snopes in September 2022

Biden decided to run for president, he said, because Trump called neo-Nazis very fine people.

Funny what a change of ownership in September 2022 can do.

Trump and Biden have a debate scheduled for next Thursday, coincidentally.

Billionaire Mark Cuban is what Moe would call a very intelligent imbecile