Tuesday, June 11, 2024

There's video everyday since late 2022 on the site formerly known as Twitter showing Joe Biden completely out of it, but this finally makes it up at Drudge lol?

 Video of Biden Appearing to Freeze at Juneteenth Event Raises Questions...

This is completely unfair. Watch the video and you'll see a black guy in the row behind Biden and to his left just about as stiff as Joe.

The alarming stuff is the gibberish coming out his mouth here here and here.

They don't want checks and balances, they want their way


Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Israeli and American hostages of Hamas are in the Palestinians' own homes and apartments in Gaza

 This one was a so-called journalist for Al-Jazeera and the US-based Palestinian Chronicle.

Beltway Republican David Winston for Roll Call wants 2016 to have been about the economy when it was about illegal immigration


This slight-of-hand reasoning is how Trump got co-opted by the GOP in 2017 in the first place, and it's how they're going to co-opt him again should he win. Beltway Republicans love, love, love immigration, so the top issue cannot, must not, be that.

 In 2016, the economy was the top issue, just as today . . ..


Trump's controversial 2015-2016 message was immigration, immigration, immigration for 14 straight months, until Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway got a hold of him in August 2016.

Trump barely won.

Trump's unfavorables were indeed high, but not because Hillary drove them there as Winston says. People forget that Trump did that all by himself. He ended up underperforming John McCain 2008 in 12 states and DC.

Trump was an insurgent candidate who exploited division within the GOP to capture the nomination. The 2016 primary popular vote for Cruz, Rubio, and Kasich exceeded Trump's 13.3 million.

That division has subsided, but it has never gone away, and Winston is one of the other side's smooth operators who still want to change the subject to anything else but the issue staring everyone in the face, from working class Americans now competing with 8 million new illegals for wages to upper class suburban denizens of Massachusetts being told to cope with hordes of new students in public schools they never designed to accommodate this flood.

That's the issue confronting voters, not Trump's Kangaroo Kourt Konviction, about which David wrings his hands.

If there's any vengeance in American politics about which we should be upset in 2024, Joe Biden's open southern border is surely it.

On Senility

 "You can tell it's still a completely male-dominated society because no one today ever speaks of anility."

-- Imam John

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Friday, June 7, 2024

Native born Americans aren't getting the jobs over the last five years, foreign born workers are

 Native born employment is up 0.97 million in 5 years in May 2024, foreign born employment up 3.21 million.


Full time employment appears to have stalled in May 2024

 Full time as a percentage of civilian population appears to have stalled in May 2024 at 49.73.

Jan-May average 49.43, lowest since 2021.

Level is 2.46 million down from Jun 2023 peak.


Thursday, June 6, 2024

The moment when you realize you gave the president too much fentanyl


Yeah no


Chicago Tribune Editorial Board wrings its hands over 450k Illinoisans with concealed carry permits now firing back, calls the right to self-defense "taking the law into your own hands"

 Worryingly, we’re seeing more signs of that phenomenon in Chicago, with three separate episodes over the last weekend in which would-be victims proved to be both armed and willing to fire at their assailants. Four people who police said were attacking these concealed carry holders were shot and wounded, all of them critically, according to a report by Block Club Chicago.


Yeah, citizens doing the job the cops and the courts won't do is horrible.

Hey, concealed carry holders, go back to the range and improve your aim, will ya?

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Breaking from AP Hamas: Biden to slow illegal immigration to 1 million a year from 2 million by executive order!


 The only true sentence in this story from AP Hamas:

Biden’s order is aimed at trying to head off any potential spike in border encounters that could happen later this year, closer to the November elections. 

Biden's scores of executive orders on Day One of his administration created this catastrophe of 10 million illegal aliens in the first place, as even AP Obama knows but won't say:

Administration lawyers have been planning to tap executive powers outlined in Section 212(f) of the Immigration and Nationality Act, which gives a president broad authority to block entry of certain immigrants into the U.S. if it is deemed “detrimental” to the national interest. It is the same legal rationale used by Trump to take some of his toughest actions on migration as president.