Monday, September 12, 2022

Dead Putin crony list, according to the US Sun

Ivan Pechorin, 39, fell off a boat

Ravil Maganov, 67, fell out a window 

Igor Nosov, 43, stroke

Yevgeny Zinichev, 55, in the Arctic Ocean

Yuri Voronov, 61, in his swimming pool

Alexander Tyulakov, 61, noose around his neck

Leonid Shulman, 60, multiple stab wounds

Alexander Subbotin, 43, heart attack

Vladislav Avayev, 51, murder suicide

Sergey Protosenya, 55, hanged

Yevgeny Palant, 47, multiple knife wounds


Speaking of Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, she was the one responsible for backing down on Hong Kong, giving it back to China in 1984

 She won in the Falklands, but folded on China.

Thatcher later recounted that Deng had told her directly "I could walk in and take the whole lot this afternoon," to which she replied, "There is nothing I could do to stop you, but the eyes of the world would now know what China is like."


In old global warming news, it turns out that it was Margaret Thatcher of all people who first funded the warmists

 As you can see, today's posts so far show a pattern: Elect women leaders at your peril.

The jury's in and the verdict is that Liz Truss is a complete lunatic


In LA, Karen Bass the candidate for mayor who wants to remove all guns from the community has hers stolen

 Ha ha.

Guns for me but not for thee.

In the UK you can call for an end to the monarchy and become Prime Minister, or get arrested


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Still there


Saturday, September 10, 2022

World mourns death of queen Elizabeth II

 That queen Elizabeth lived sixty-nine, and reigned forty-five years, means no more than that the duration of her existence was equal to sixty-nine, and the duration of her government to forty-five annual revolutions of the sun.

-- John Locke

The English flatter themselves with this delusion

Americans, Long Besotted by Royalty, Mourn Britain's Queen



Thursday, September 8, 2022

Here's hoping the new head of state of the Solomon Islands doesn't roll over and give it up to the Chicoms like the last one did Hong Kong


Trend for annual precipitation in Grand Rapids, Michigan 1903-2021


The mean annual has risen to 34.79 through 2021 from 31.45 through 1963 . . . an extra 3.34 inches annually, in keeping with a long term slightly cooling Oceanic Nino Index from 1951.

Through 2021 mean precipitation for the eight months Jan-Aug is 22.88, but for Jan-Aug 2022 we've got 27.61 inches.

Wet. Wet. Wet.

Meanwhile out West it's the reverse.

Dry. Dry. Dry.




LOL, climate change to hibernate, just like bears


Tune in next summer, when global warming returns for season 4,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 . . .