Monday, January 17, 2022

A good day to remember that Boston University gave a Ph.D. to someone in 1955 who plagiarized his dissertation and a B.A. in economics "with honors" to someone in 2011 who esteems the famous economist "Milton Keynes"




Educational standards at Boston University are nothing if not consistent.

Ralph Northam was barely out of office for one day before Amazon started to run low on Kiwi black


Last time I checked, Ron DeSantis deployed to Iraq with SEAL Team One in 2007, but gutless Trump never deployed anywhere


If the Fed folks think raising the Federal Funds Rate will help control inflation, they are sadly mistaken . . . again

From 1983 through 2001, the Federal Funds Rate was aggressively high and averaged 6.27%, and the Consumer Price Index averaged 3.24%.*

From 2002 through 2020, the Consumer Price Index was much lower on average at 2.01%, as the Fed pursued an aggressive low interest rate policy, which averaged just 1.36%.

So, lower Federal Funds Rate, lower inflation, higher Federal Funds Rate, higher inflation, just the opposite of what the Fed says it intends.

But only a numbskull thinks these are correlated. The Fed is merely reactionary to complex existing phenomena, not pro-actively creating conditions.











* I used the average of the annual averages.

Happy National Plagiarists' Day


Sunday, January 16, 2022

At current infection rates in the UK and the US, we won't see "herd immunity", defined as 70% infected with Omicron, until sometime in November

The US is averaging roughly 720k infections per day, and the UK 147k, so far in January.

In the US you have to have roughly 232m people infected to get to 70%. At the current rate of infection, that's 322 days.

In the UK you have to have roughly 48m people infected to get to 70%. At the current rate of infection, that's 327 days. 

There is no way to predict if current rates of infection will persist, but current rates put us to mid-November.

One thing's for sure, however, the vaccines sure as hell aren't stopping it.

The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings

... by the middle of the Second Century ... there were few Greeks and Romans left. They had destroyed themselves by miscegenation, internecine wars, and that fatuous tolerance with which they permitted themselves to be displaced by their subjects and slaves. ...

-- Revilo P. Oliver, "By Their Fruits Ye Shall Know Them", Liberty Bell, August 1985

10.788 million breakthrough cases in the first fifteen days of January


The vaccine mandate for healthcare workers was decided by the Supremes in a 5-4 vote where Roberts and Kavanaugh voted with the three liberals

Tucker Carlson laughably says Kavanaugh voted with the liberals on this because his confirmation hearings broke him.

Ridiculous beyond words.

Saturday, January 15, 2022

Our Enemy The State wants to stop reporting COVID-19 case numbers entirely because Omicron breakthroughs are making monkeys out of them and their stupid vaccines

Omicron case counts are shattering all previous COVID-19 records. But the numbers don’t carry the same weight they used to. State and local health departments are preparing to explain that to the public and start reporting more meaningful data on the virus.


Remember when Donald 15 cases going to zero Trump wanted to stop testing to reduce case counts because they were making him look so bad? 


2021 saw a return of large earthquakes across the world


Elite privilege: The two guys who came from A&E Factory Service to fix my dishwasher were fully-masked, but the dermatologist and his assistant went without

In Ontario breakthrough cases currently outnumber unvaccinated cases by 5.8 to 1


10.36 million US breakthrough cases in the first fourteen days of January


Friday, January 14, 2022

Democrats won control of all the important levers of federal government in 2020, but "democracy is on life support"

I'll say.

9.4 million breakthrough cases in the first thirteen days of January