Maybe the non-Hispanic white people at PEW should try that on the African Americans. I'm sure that would go over well.
Thursday, November 4, 2021
LOL, PEW Research now distinguishes the Latino Darkies from the regular, lighter skinned Latinos
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
Case in point: This morning Glenn Beck had on the show the former CEO of Toyota North America and they both agreed that reducing atmospheric CO2 is critical to preventing future warming
It's not, but it sure as hell would be associated with another ice age.
Glenn Beck might as well be another AOC.
The new "conservatism": The Republican sweep of Virginia's top offices is a narrow victory for MLKJr-ism over critical race theory, which isn't saying much
The kooks on the left scared the normies.
It could have easily gone the other way.
Conservatism keeps redefining itself leftward.
Monday, November 1, 2021
Sunday, October 31, 2021
Friday, October 29, 2021
F is for Fauci: Lancet publishes study finding that vaccination does not prevent transmission of the India variant after elites blamed the August surge on the unvaccinated for months
... our findings suggest that vaccination is not sufficient to prevent transmission of the delta variant in household settings with prolonged exposures.
I turn on the radio just before the bottom of the hour, and what are Clay and Buck talking about?
Halloween candy.
Not a serious country.
Tucker Carlson chalks up new illegal immigrant reparations scheme to Biden just acting in keeping with his other craziness, but this widely misses the mark
And of course, pretty much every morning, what we had assumed was a joke turns out to be entirely real. It's actually happening. The Biden administration really is that crazy. They really are firing thousands of nurses in the middle of a pandemic, firing thousands of cops in the middle of a crime wave. No, they're not kidding, even in the slightest, when they tell you that's a genuine female four-star admiral standing right there. Joe Biden isn't giggling. He tells you Rachel Levine's promotion is a victory for women everywhere, and he means it when he says it.
Like the full court press by the federal government to exaggerate the January 6 debacle as an insurrection, the "reparations" scheme is designed to do just one thing: Paint the record of Donald Trump in the worst possible light.
One of the most distinctive features about America is how its leadership on both sides fails to take seriously the real problems facing the country while taking too seriously merely imaginary ones.
This is how a nation declines and falls.
Somewhere, out there, there's an iceberg, waiting for its moment.
Feynman lives: Ann Bauer believes in the ignorance of the experts because they helped kill her autistic son
I Have Been Through This Before:
In the end, what I believe doesn’t really matter. History will out. Ten or 15 or 25 years from now there will a reckoning, deep research, a spate of biographies and memoirs from the people who spent 2020-21 under the sway of gurus. News media that trumpeted their wisdom and methods will issue brisk, researched, documentary-style reports. People will swarm out of the shadows to claim they didn’t really believe the experts embodied science and were secretly resisting all along; even those who preached their gospel and strong-armed the public’s obedience will insist they actually did not.
Thursday, October 28, 2021
Wednesday, October 27, 2021
Tuesday, October 26, 2021
Whitey gonna be hearin' about this: Community college enrollments down 14.1% in two years, elite college enrollments are back up to pre-pandemic levels
There were roughly 17.5 million students enrolled as of the last tally.
Combined with last autumn’s declines, the number of undergraduate students in college is now down 6.5% compared to two years ago — the largest two-year enrollment drop in the last 50 years, the report found. ...
Only the most selective colleges notched enrollment gains — up 4.3% — to return to pre-pandemic levels. ...
Community colleges remain the most adversely affected sector, experiencing a 14.1% total enrollment decline since fall 2019. ...
Community college students likely are older, lower-income and often balancing work, children and other obligations — and they are also disproportionately students of color. These are all groups that the pandemic hit especially hard.