Wednesday, October 20, 2021

Tuberculosis bacteria spread through tiny aerosolized particles in the air, just like SARS-CoV-2

The report indicated scientists believe as much as 90% of the tuberculosis disease released by an infected person could be carried in the aerosol particles. ...

It was previously believed transmission primarily occurred through coughing, which sprayed heavy droplets containing the bacteria onto others, according to the New York Times report.

Research throughout the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic increasingly found the virus also spread through the air in tiny particles, though that mode of transmission was not fully appreciated in the early stages of the pandemic.


This Drudge headline from Oct 12 is utterly false and irresponsible and doesn't represent what the story or the Feds say about aspirin

"However, this Task Force recommendation is not for people already taking aspirin for a previous heart attack or stroke; they should continue to do so unless told otherwise by their clinician."

The word "stop" never occurs in the story.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

When liberty is gone

 When liberty is gone,
Life grows insipid, and has lost its relish.

-- Joseph Addison

Sunday, October 17, 2021

By the way, there was no fresh kale, or broccoli crowns, at the grocery store yesterday

Frozen green beans again tonight. 

This shortage business is really weird.

I'm thinking it's not a shortage of product but of help. The store manager was actually working the produce section, spreading out the cabbages where what I was looking for went so that the shelves didn't look so barren.

Checkout was handled by another store manager, who complained "no one wants to work on weekends".

Delaware has added over 300 deaths since achieving 52% fully vaccinated on July 22


Vermont was 66% fully vaccinated by July 4th, total announced deaths took off in August anyway


Climate Update for KGRR: September 2021






Climate Update for KGRR: September 2021

Max T 86, Mean 88
Min T 47, Mean 37 (tied for second highest minimum temperature on record with 1933; only 2019 and 2016 had higher minimums at 48; once again, so-called "global warming" is more a story of moderating at the cold end of the spectrum than of heating at the high end)
Av T 65.6, Mean 62.8 (actual to date is running 4.2% above mean to date)
Rain 3.34, Mean 3.59 (actual to date is down to just 0.69 above mean to date, or 2.6%; but October precipitation is already well ahead of normal to date, by 1.4; La Nina!)
Cooling Degree Days 70, Mean 75
CDD to date 870, Mean 691 (26% higher; the season will crack the list of warmest 20 summers on record; recall that the previous Heating Degree Day season was the 15th mildest winter on record)

Oceanic Nino Index shows a moderate La Nina in the 2020-2021 year just past



The anomaly at or below -0.5 persisted for 10 out of 12 overlapping periods in the 2020-2021 measuring season. For the first two periods of the 2021-2022 measuring season the anomaly continues in the negative at sum -0.9. The deepest anomaly in the last season was -1.3 in the October-November-December period, which is considered neither weak nor strong, but middling.

The trend toward lower ONI values since 1951 is consistent with wetter conditions in the Upper Midwest of the US, and greater incidence of tropical storms in the Atlantic from the 1980s. There is no need to adduce "global warming":

the historical tropical storm count record does not provide compelling evidence for a greenhouse warming induced long-term increase.


Thursday, October 14, 2021

Hi, I'm Matt Drudge and welcome to my site where I promote estrogen


WaPo: 4 women and a guy named Hasan from Canada say "country music bad" lol

Gina from San Jose, Christina from South Dakota, Candy from Oklahoma, and Jackie from San Diego.



Wednesday, October 13, 2021

LOL, supply shortage hits reporting: CNBC relies on Reuters, a blog, and FOX Business for shipping container transportation costs data


On Oct. 7, there were reportedly around 60 container ships waiting in open water outside Los Angeles and Long Beach for berths to dock in and unload their goods. Before the pandemic, it was unusual to see even one vessel waiting for a slip. ...

Skyrocketing costs are also part of the problem. Over the past year, the cost to have one container shipped by freighter from China to the West Coast has soared from around $3,000 in Aug. 2020 to more than $20,000 in September of this year.


Breakthrough hospitalizations climbing in Minnesota "could reflect waning immunity"

Breakthrough COVID-19 cases in fully vaccinated Minnesotans have been increasing amid the rise of the delta variant, which is responsible for more than 99% of new infections in the state.

The rise could reflect waning immunity in the earliest vaccine recipients, which include seniors and people with underlying illnesses who tend to have weaker immune system responses to the shots. ...

Minneapolis-based Allina Health reported 249 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 on Monday, and that 77 (31%) were fully vaccinated. Among 51 patients receiving intensive care, six (12%) were fully vaccinated. ...

Bloomington-based HealthPartners similarly reported that it cared for 424 COVID-19 patients in its hospitals over the past 30 days, and that 25% were fully vaccinated. Among the 74 requiring intensive care, 19% were fully vaccinated.


Monday, October 11, 2021

Yale History Department Chair pretends 800 years of Muslim plunder, domination, Sharia Law, persecution and violence in Spain didn't exist to inform ANY of Christopher Columbus' presuppositions about his world


Al-Andalus in 1000 A.D.


 You have to be a total loser to buy this history by omission.

For safe, conventional opinion, it's hard to beat Joe Concha @joeconchatv: If mommy says wear a mask outdoors, we wear a mask outdoors


The idea that Steve Scalise is some right wing nut with his hair on fire about Election 2020 is crazy

Scalise thinks several states did not follow their election laws existing at the time and that state legislatures were by-passed in the process of changing such laws, which is prohibited by the constitution,  in the fit of coronavirus hysteria gripping the country in 2020.

These things are demonstrable but blacked out by the powers that be, which could care less about following Article 1, Section 4.

Scalise has a good voting record when it comes to immigration issues, but he can hardly be described as Trumpian. His voting record has helped maintain the status quo on spending and he is frequently bemoaned as just another RINO.

He joined with most Republicans after all, including Liz Cheney, to pass a resolution condemning the QAnon wackos in October 2020.

The effort by the media to make Republican reasonableness look radical is outrageous, but that is where we are.

The problem for Scalise and for those who make the same argument, however, is that no Republican state legislature had the gumption post-election to do anything about it. They all acquiesced, just as they had acquiesced to allow state bureaucrats to whom they had delegated authority usurp their prerogatives in the first place.

This abdication of responsibility is what is killing the country, all over the place. Into the vacuum sweep the radical forces which would overturn everything.

We're screwed.

Saturday, October 9, 2021

How come US C19 cases EXPLODED in August even though the country was 49% fully-vaccinated by Aug 1?

Anthony Fauci, The Wall Street Journal, Apr 28, 2021:

"When you get to somewhere between 40 -50%, I believe you’re going to start seeing real change, the start of a precipitous drop in cases”.

Obviously cases exploded because Fauci was wildly mistaken about the vaccines and 165 million fully-vaccinated Americans were as capable of spreading C19 from Aug 1 as were the fewer than 500 fully-vaccinated but infected Provincetown, MA, revelers on Jul 4. Half of those revelers were vaccinated only 6-86 days before they became infected there.

The CDC reversed itself on masks far too late, on Jul 27, after it realized that Provincetown showed that the vaccines do not stop the spread.

This is the dirtiest little secret of the year, too dirty to be repeated in public.



Why isn't The Vaccine Church declaring victory?


US C19 deaths from big bad UK and India variants over the last six months are still DOWN almost 28% from Apr-Sep 2020: 146,330 vs. 202,548.
Why isn't The Vaccine Church declaring victory?


Friday, October 8, 2021

Brendan O'Neill is worth reading because he knows about the clerisy, not to mention Luther

 Chappelle won’t be cancelled. He can’t be. ... He values the truth and just being funny more highly than the shrivelled respect you win when you succumb to the diktats of the clerisy.
