Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Trump digs coal's grave

Mayor Bloomberg once was a Republican, then he became a Democrat, now he's just a meatball

Better be a turkey meatball, mister.

One good thing you can say about Democrat Rep. Adam Schiff, he does love him some maracas

The idiots at Vox don't know that the constitution specifies a minimum congressional district size of 30,000

"Literally nothing in the Constitution prevents Congress from admitting the Obama family’s personal DC residence as a state — a state which would then be entitled to two senators, one member of the House, and exactly as much say on whether the Constitution should be amended as the entire state of Texas."

Article I, Section 2.3:

The Number of Representatives shall not exceed one for every thirty Thousand, but each State shall have at Least one Representative;

You can't have two per thirty thousand, that is, one per fifteen thousand, let alone one representative for just four people.

It doesn't occur to the idiots at Vox, nor Harvard Law whence the idea comes, that the main problem with the federal government is that the US House concentrated power in its hands decades ago by stopping the growth of representation. It's been on a spending spree ever since, picking the taxpayers' pockets.

Why do you think we have a $23 trillion debt?

Giving Obama his own representative just makes the Obama family more like Wyoming, our least populous state, which already has too much representation relative to California according to these liberals.

The feds grabbed this power by fixing the number of representatives at 435 way back in 1929, contrary to the intent of the constitution, which required a census every ten years in order to add representatives to the US House as the country grew in size. The original First Amendment to the constitution would have fixed the formula at one per fifty thousand, giving us over 6,000 representatives by today. It failed ratification by just one vote. The bastards finally realized this loophole in 1929 and pulled a power play.

Yes, maybe some mega states like California, Texas, Florida, New York, Pennsylvania, Illinois and Ohio should be carved up to add states to the union and increase representation that way. Northern Californians and Southern Illinoisans already feel this way.

But carving up DC into a bunch of states? Really? It has about 705,000 residents total, less than the current average size of one US congressional district. If it were a state, the most representatives it should have today would be fourteen, but under the current way it's done, just one.

And the Obama family doesn't get its own private Representative to the US House, not while we're alive anyway. He got to be president for eight years. He can cast his useless vote now like everyone else.

What a farce is Vox. 

Meghan needs a head of state who looks more like her occasionally

Trump is the bad dad Matthew 7:9 warned you about

Trump administration servility to the courts is appalling

Monday, January 13, 2020

The death yesterday of British conservative Roger Scruton reminds us why conservatism in America is such a fraught enterprise

Scruton was what American conservative and fellow Burkean Russell Kirk might have styled a conservative of enjoyment, a person wedded to the vicissitudes of a local history come what may, with all the comforts, misfortunes, oddities and delights bound up in it, to whom it would never occur to be separated from it.

To be sure many Americans have been and still are people of such places, lovers of their new! ancestral homes, their communities, their churches and all the other institutions which over time they have come to make and make their own. This has been true especially in rural America, the bastion of Republicanism.

But this has always been in conflict with the idea and the reality of immigrant and industrial America, whose people are traitors to their birthplaces, homes and communities not just whence they came, but also here. Coincident with modernity's forces, these Americans willingly and happily move frequently for employment and new experiences, and abandon old places, old laws, old books, old boots and old friends whenever the winds of change blow strong enough in whatever direction. The great problem now is most never even bother to learn the old ways before they abandon them.

These libertarians now have the upper hand in America, making a sorry spectacle of the cause once known as conservatism. Most know nothing of what conservatism even means. Reading Scruton could teach them, but they would recoil in horror.


Black Lives Matter protests against Indiana's Pete Bootyjudge, shouting he's anti-black and anti-poor

He's not too fond of the ladies, either.

Bernie's brilliant strategy to win in 2020 is to make a chump out of every voter who ever repaid a student loan

Go Bernie!

Abolish the FISA Court system along with the FBI: It put a fox in charge of investigating the henhouse crime

Man arrested for stabbing to death Britain's worst paedophile in prison, unclear if suspect had visited Jeffrey Epstein

The snowflakes follow their leader: Showing two signifies extra loyalty


Donald Trump, the Trojan Horse of the white replacement party

Richard Spencer's a snowflake now, despite no nuclear winter from WWIII

Yeah, you know, the same neoconservatism invented by Lincoln in 1861

Trust me, stupid State Farm Insurance agents are a thing now, so they might as well go with it

Democrats in flyover Iowa are as nutty as the candidates

I wouldn't eat that corn.

Wacky Bernie wants prisoners to be able to vote, wacky Pocahonky wants to put the tranny women in with the women, where I'm sure nothing bad will happen to the women

Right Chief, we'll protect the women-men by endangering the women-women. Got it.

Democrats are insane.