Saturday, December 14, 2019

Bernie unfarts

Isn't Unfarts a German-Jewish name?

Good old Bernie Unfarts.

Works for me.

But watch out for Burnie Unfarts. Ouch!

I too have visions dancing in my head this Christmas: Jane Fonda and Sally Field thrown in the cooler together for thirty days with nothing but bread and water

Child of his time doesn't realize killing baby Churchill might have prevented World War One

Obamacare bankrupts the state of New York less than 10 years after Democrats shoved it down America's throat

At Christmas time Scold of the Year Greta Thunberg has visions of firing squads dancing in her head

What a POS Kentucky's Matt Bevin is

Yes, the Attorney General should let all Americans see how the thug FBI lied to the FISA court

First thing lying thug FBI did after learning Steele Dossier was crap was turn on General Mike Flynn

Horowitz IG report shows lying thugs of the FBI knew Steele Dossier was crap in January 2017, used it to get FISA warrant renewals against Trump anyway throughout 2017

Conservatism is reduced to a few irritable mental gestures in Trump's America

Thursday, December 12, 2019