Thursday, December 12, 2019

Michigan's version of the devil Rashida Tlaib wants you to think the Black Hebrew Israelites who killed these people are white supremacists

Consort to the Father of Lies.

Unfit attorney general calls attorney general unfit

Liberals are cheapskates

The U of C has 2859 academic staff, so that's less than $68 a head, about 0.10% of the average salary. 

Scold of the Year

Needs a good spanking.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

There's a thing called a channel selector button, recommend you use it and put MSM out of business, same as newspapers

Inspector General Report vindicates Republican Nunes vs. FBI, confirms Democrat Schiff full of it

Democrats just can't win: Top aide to president Zelensky of Ukraine contradicts Sondland testimony (you know, the third time's a charm testimony)

TIME exclusive.

Hey Bozo, agreed, but Wray is another one of your "we will have the best people" appointments

Speaking of poor, Obama's new house cost $12 million, Jimmy Carter's is worth $200,000

Obama has to sell Obamacare this Christmas because none of the Democrat candidates for president believe in it anymore

Poor fella.

The Swamp is trying to kill Trump but he's going to give their women paid family leave


Things Obama should have been impeached for, except Democrats are in favor of selling us out to Russia and imitating their thug state

Yeah right, media in the 1980s was a golden age

America was so innocent in the 1950s.

The Greatest Generation was like no other.

The American Founding was a miracle.

We have to get back to the authentic Christianity of the first century.

Oh the glory that was Greece and Rome.

Democrats really just want to impeach the constitution with its checks and balances: Obstruction is baked into its cake and prevents them from imposing their full dictatorship on the other two branches

And these assholes rob us blind day in and day out and have the temerity to claim "abuse of power". The president with his veto pen is supposed to protect us from them. It's well past time he started and gave them something real to complain about.