Tuesday, October 1, 2019

Joe Biden and son Hunter golf with Ukraine gas co. executive in 2014, on whose board Hunter made $850k between then and this year

Rush Limbaugh on Michael Bloomberg on China: "Nobody is this stupid to think communism is the equivalent of democratic or representative republican freedom"

Rush, winning this year's tin ear of politics award today of all days with Trump making communism acceptable and not threatening:

Now, all of this is designed to make communism acceptable. It’s all designed to make communism not be threatening. It’s all designed to advance the idea of really smart people controlling government — who are really autocrats — under the illusion that they have constituents that they have to listen to and keep happy and pleased. I think Bloomberg sounds a lot like Biden. Remember Biden said a couple of times, “Come on, man! China’s not a threat to the U.S.! Come on, man! China’s no threat!”

Did Ryan James Girdusky of One America News actually READ the latest Monmouth poll, on which he's 0-4?

Trump approve/disapprove is 41/53
Congress approve/disapprove is 21/68
Impeach Trump yes/no is 44/52
Biden pressured Ukraine to lay off Hunter yes/no is 42/37


Support for impeachment of Trump highest ever in Monmouth poll at 44%, up from 35% in August

At this time, 44% of Americans feel that Trump should be impeached and compelled to leave the presidency, while 52% disagree with this course of action. These numbers mark a shift from Monmouth’s prior poll in August (35% supported impeachment and 59% did not), but it is not the first time these results have been found in the two years Monmouth has been asking this question. This includes similar findings in March 2019 (42% for impeachment and 54% against) and July 2017 (41% for impeachment and 53% against). Current support for removing Trump from office comes from 77% of Democrats (up from 69% in August but similar to 75% in March), 41% of independents (up from 30% in August but similar to 40% in March), and 9% of Republicans (up from 2% in August but similar to 8% in March).

Read it all here.

This bad Greer take is like George W. Bush saying you're either with us or against us in his war on terror

Tariffs are especially called for against communists qua communists, but Trump would be just fine with free trade with the Chicoms as long as it were truly free. Trump has no there there.

Biden frontrunner status now down to 4.2 points in national average, smallest lead to date

Clueless leader of the free world congratulates Chicoms on the anniversary of their totalitarian tyranny

Sum ting wong.

Monday, September 30, 2019

Your next president, Elizabeth Warren, will give a blanket amnesty to every illegal alien in the country, and make them union members!

We need a pathway to citizenship for the people who are here and here to stay. They are our neighbors; they are our brothers and sisters. They are here. We need a path — not just for DREAMers — but also a path for grandmas, and for little kids, and for people who came here to work on farms, and for students who overstayed their visas. We need a path that is fair and achievable. Bring people out of the shadows. It is good for all workers, and we need to get them into our unions.
More here.

The stress in the aftermath of the Great Financial Crisis is showing up overwhelmingly in white women over 45

Sunday, September 29, 2019

The Intel community secretly changed the whistleblower rules to allow hearsay just days before the current Ukraine filing

Intel Community Secretly Gutted Requirement Of First-Hand Whistleblower Knowledge

Federal records show that the intelligence community secretly revised the formal whistleblower complaint form in August 2019 to eliminate the requirement of direct, first-hand knowledge of wrongdoing.

Justin Trudeau isn't just the face of liberal hypocrisy, he's the whole body

It's not a coverup: Susan Rice admits Obama also used top secret servers to store call transcripts

Drug degeneracy is bipartisan

A sea of white faces shows up for Elizabeth Warren at historically black Clinton College in SC

Where all the black people at?

Nope, she used a binder

LOL: Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for WaPo calls whistleblower's collection of hearsay facts

Heresay is not a word. Hearsay is a word, but hearsay is not a fact.

Quinnipiac poll: Unfavorable ratings for Warren and Biden are up bigly among non-Democrat voters since May

Both Warren and Biden have increased their unfavorable ratings among non-Democrat voters to 70% in September since May.

Warren's unfavorables are up 4 points from 66% to 70%.

Biden's unfavorables are up more bigly, 7 points, from 63% in May to 70% now.

Warren is up big with Democrats only over the period, replacing Bernie as the dog nipping at Biden's heels.