Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Black Dems in PA admit revulsion for Hillary made them not vote in 2016

More than a dozen African Americans who said they usually vote Democratic - but didn't vote at all in 2016 - blamed unease with Clinton's candidacy. They also expressed support for Biden, frequently citing his past as Obama's vice president as a major positive, and occasionally others. ... Jason Saffore, 43, an African American Democrat working in Philadelphia's Reading Terminal Market, said he couldn't bring himself to vote for Clinton in 2016 and so didn't vote at all. Next year, he said, will be different. "The guy we have in office now is not serving our country and it's time for a change," he said, as he arranged a stack of onions in a crate. "We need a president who is for all Americans. Last time I didn't really care for the Democratic field at all, so I stayed out of the mix. I think a lot of people did."

Drudge's latest weekend ignoramus must have been struck by "lightening"

The growth in retail was a one-off in late 2017, early 2018, and the long term trend remains down

At 1.6% year over year in July 2019, we're still nowhere near the high 2s of last year which actually still disappoint because those failed to match previous more robust growth spurts even under Obama.

The Trump tax cuts went to the wrong folks. Too bad they weren't really his, but his Republican handlers'. Think of them as NeverTrump's revenge: "We'll sandbag this guy with tax cuts which will help our friends but hurt his re-election chances".

The consumer is running on empty and emptier.

And then after your brief Gaffe-O-Rama of a presidency America would have been relieved to put Mitt Romney in charge and no one would have ever heard of Donald Trump again -30-

I'll tell you exactly what would have happened, Joe

Obama would have been buried, and beer sales would have gone through the roof from all the people celebrating and filling up to piss on his grave, that's what would have happened.

You could tell Biden to his face right now that he was Obama's bulletproof vest and he'd just smile at you

Biden lets the cat out of the bag, admits he was dreaming the whole time he was VP of replacing an assassinated Obama

Biden: 40 is the new 4

Just another moment when a Democrat witch doctor didn't begin to slow the rise of the oceans

How QAnon people think, illustrated: What do Brexit, Marxism, Maxine Waters, Mexico and New Mexico all have in common?

China, obviously.

One can go from being Trump's bestie to his enemy in like five minutes, right Ann Coulter?

Friday, August 23, 2019

Correct take: Exuberance about retail (AP) leaves out that consumers are borrowing big to finance it

Michael Anton rightly rejects birthright citizenship

Rick Scott's hat is too small

Clueless AP article calls US economy resilient when it's been in the rut they fear is coming since 2007

The compound annual growth rate of real GDP since 2007 has been WORSE than for the same time frame of the Great Depression, yet AP is completely oblivious. The upside is when things really go to hell they'll still be.

Barely a year after most of the world’s major countries were enjoying an unusual moment of shared prosperity, the global economy may be at risk of returning to the rut it tumbled into after the financial crisis of 2007-2009. ...

The U.S. economy, now enjoying a record-breaking 10-year expansion, still shows resilience. American consumers, whose spending accounts for 70% of U.S. economic activity, have driven the growth.

Retail sales have risen sharply so far this year, with people shopping online and spending more at restaurants. Their savings rates are also the highest since 2012, which suggests that consumers aren’t necessarily stretching themselves too thin, according to the Commerce Department.