Saturday, July 13, 2019

I'm only calling you "they" if you have multiple personality disorder

I mean, it only stands to reason.😏

WOW, good thing the House Democrats preserved this picture of the Capitol before they decided to burn it down last night, shows they really are conservatives at heart

LOL: You are NOT on the team unless you spell "goombah" correctly

LOL: Justice Democrats sniff out injustice wherever it may occur

LOL: AOC achieves immortality, becomes a goomba

LOL: House Democrats tell AOC chief of staff to shut the hell up

Protesters manufacture fake news at Biden event, claim there were deportations during the Obama Era of NO Scandals

The New Republic deletes homophobic satire, breaks the great democratic experiment

One of the rare instances in human experience where the answer to everything isn't 42

Ah yes, the Mazda RX-7, well known preferred vehicle of pharmacists everywhere

Happy Nathan Bedford Forrest Day to our countrymen down in Tennessee

Gomer Pyle, USMC, expert on the Armalite series of rifles

You know Armalite, the famous inventors of the AR-7, the .22 Long Rifle semi-automatic survival weapon designed for downed pilots to fend off invading hordes of squirrels at 50 yards.

Assault that, mutherfuckers.

Mayor of Carbon Hill, AL, has the line of the week

Friday, July 12, 2019

58% of total increase to employment level since Trump election has gone to minorities, level for whites up just 2.5%

4.2 million jobs for minorities, 3 million for whites, not seasonally adjusted.