Monday, April 1, 2019
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Democrats should man-up and go full socialist and back Bernie: They're gonna lose anyway, might as well pick someone whose lunacy at least has some gravitas
Don't want no gaffe machine!
Don't need no furry queen!
Can't have no renegade cop!
Or a fake Indian tomahawk chop!
Just give us that Bernie man,
And his hurdy-gurdy socialist plan.
Wow, I missed this one: Michael Morell, former CIA director under Obama, in March 2017 said Chris Steele PAID Russkies for dossier info
Clinton Ally Says Smoke, But No Fire: No Russia-Trump Collusion:
About the dossier, Morell said, "Unless you know the
sources, and unless you know how a particular source acquired a
particular piece of information, you can’t judge the information — you
just can’t." The dossier "doesn’t take you anywhere, I don’t think," he said. He continued: "I had two questions when I first read it. One
was, How did Chris talk to these sources? I have subsequently learned
that he used intermediaries. "And then I asked myself, why did these guys provide this
information, what was their motivation? And I subsequently learned that
he paid them. That the intermediaries paid the sources and the
intermediaries got the money from Chris. And that kind of worries me a
little bit because if you’re paying somebody, particularly former FSB
officers, they are going to tell you truth and innuendo and rumor, and
they’re going to call you up and say, ‘hey, let’s have another meeting, I
have more information for you,’ because they want to get paid some
more. "I think you’ve got to take all that into consideration when you consider the dossier." Another former CIA officer in the room pointed out that the CIA also pays its sources. "But we know who the source [i]s and we know how they got the information," Morell responded.
Sad to see Glenn Greenwald retweeting the spitting-on-Vietnam-vets-is-a-myth crap
The left-wing standard for doubting the veracity of the claims continues to be the inability to find corroborating news accounts at the time of the alleged spitting incidents, as if Vietnam vets were such whiny weenies that they ran like babies to the papers to complain "that hippie spit on me!" See the 1998 book by Jerry Lembcke which depends on this line of reasoning to argue the spitting incidents are a myth.
In our own time there has been a virtual news blackout on assaults against Trump supporters, especially during 2015 and 2016, which partisans point to as evidence those also are myths.
"If we don't report it, it's not news."
The problem with this analysis, now standard, is that libertarianism co-opted conservatism
The three-legged stool of "conservatism" in the age of Reagan consisted of a libertarian leg, a social conservative leg, and a foreign policy hawk leg. The libertarian leg came to dominate (the money interest), as is typical, which discarded the conservative leg except when it needed it, at election time (traditional values agenda), and put the foreign policy leg to work in its interests (global free trade).
This has happened before. The proponents of the professional, managerial state in the early 20th century similarly co-opted the rural Christian farming population to pass the "progressive" agenda, in the name of Christian fairness, of women's suffrage, popular election of senators, the corporate and income taxes to make business and the rich pay their fair share, and Prohibition, in exchange for political power.
The gulls in this game have always been the core Christian population. They are being replaced now, however, by a new class, the Latinos.
The 3-D chess masters will have to run the future scenarios. Yo no hablo espanol. But I expect them to be less charitable when jilted.
Current illegal immigration surge totally predictable but Trump botched the response
The Border Patrol has been facing a record influx of migrant families since fall, but in recent weeks the numbers have begun to escalate substantially, thanks to the annual surge before the arrival of the deadly summer heat.
For months, the federal authorities knew that this spring was likely to set records, but only now is it becoming apparent how big the numbers will be. Apprehensions already dwarf the numbers of five years ago and echo those of the spring of 2014, when the arrival of the first migrant families from Central America transformed the nature of immigration along the southern border.
“The current surge was totally predictable and the Trump administration chose not to prepare for it. Instead it launched a raft of harsh deterrence measures that were totally ineffective,” said Wayne Cornelius, a migration scholar at the University of California, San Diego. ...
In the 2018 fiscal year, which ended Sept. 30, nearly 400,000 migrants were apprehended at the border, a low figure compared with the peak of 1.6 million in 2000. But experts predict that arrivals this fiscal year could hit one million, a level not seen since the record numbers in the 1990s and early 2000s.
Trump's incompetence combines with Congress' inaction on immigration resulting in human traffickers confidently overwhelming the asylum system with hordes of illegals
Border Patrol officials were on pace in March for more than 100,000 apprehensions and encounters with migrants – the highest monthly tally in over a decade, he said. Around 90 percent of those – or 90,000 – crossed the border between legal ports of entry. ... Increasingly, smugglers are bringing larger numbers of families together and delivering them across the Rio Grande, knowing they’ll overrun facilities and be released until their immigration court date, she said. Under U.S. law, Border Patrol is not supposed to hold any migrant for longer than 72 hours. Usually, Border Patrol hands them over to Immigration and Customs Enforcement, which can detain families for up to 20 days. But all of those facilities are overcrowded, [Theresa] Brown [of the Bipartisan Policy Center] said, leading Border Patrol to skip the transfer to ICE and release migrants to shelters en masse. “This is a system-wide collapse,” she said.
Saturday, March 30, 2019
No, not The Onion: New political party forms in the realm which gave us rum, sodomy and the lash, calls itself CUK
Short for Change UK, formed on the day when Brexit was finally supposed to occur.
Apparently their idea of change is no change, as in no Brexit.
Looks like the woman in the center realizes their mistake, but that's probably just wishful thinking.
Any seat in Parliament kept by one of these in the next election one wag says will constitute a CUK-hold, but they all already have made cucks of the people of the UK they represent. It is an odd fetish, thankfully, enjoyed by but few, less than 2% of the UK's constituencies.
Friday, March 29, 2019
67% of Democrats think Russia tampered with vote tallies to get Trump elected in latest Economist/YouGov poll
Democrats also believe in reincarnation,
yoga, astrology, spiritual energy and the evil eye by 2 to 1 over Republicans in a Pew Research study from 2009.
The same goes for being in touch with the dead, ghosts and fortune
Independents are almost as bad at 1.8 to 1 on average.
Ding dong.
Thursday, March 28, 2019
Gee what a shock, millions of older Americans get fired in the Great Recession, and their homelessness soars
Welcome to libertarian hell.
UCSF researchers estimate that half of the single homeless adults are age 50 or older, compared to 11 percent in the early 1990s — a 354 percent uptick. This data is emblematic of a graying homeless population across the nation: America’s homeless elderly population is projected to nearly triple by 2030, according to new research encompassing New York City, Boston and Los Angeles County. And this problem spans the globe: A 2017 report on the U.K.’s homeless population found that the population of homeless people over 60 had increased 111 percent since 2009, and for those over 75 it had increased by 155 percent — compared to an increase of 48 percent in the general population.
Wednesday, March 27, 2019
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