Monday, February 11, 2019

Ilhan Omar is the Somali-American version of Hank Johnson, except she's armed with a dagger

The Weathermen blew themselves up, too. I'll take stupid over stupid and vicious anyday.

Rashida Tlaib, now a Democrat in the US House, wrote for Calypso Louie in 2006

Rep. Rashida Tlaib Wrote For Louis Farrakhan's Publication In 2006

LOL, George Soros says European Union may go away just like Soviet Union did, blames existence of political parties and freedom!

The disappearance of the Soviet Union was a good thing, but obviously not to George Soros.

The existence of political parties is a manifestation of freedom, but Georgie Boy obviously would prefer a one-party state, complete with police-state powers to impose its will.

This guy really is as awful as people say. The socialist mushrooms popping up in the Democrat-controlled US House must mean to him it's now an opportune time to say these things openly.

In his own words:

"Europe is sleepwalking into oblivion, and the people of Europe need to wake up before it is too late. If they don’t, the European Union will go the way of the Soviet Union in 1991. ... anti-European forces will enjoy a competitive advantage in the balloting. There are several reasons for this, including the outdated party system that prevails in most European countries, the practical impossibility of treaty change, and the lack of legal tools for disciplining member states that violate the principles on which the European Union was founded."

Lol, Limbaugh keeps trying to point everyone away from the Dec 20th transcript

He just claimed the instant message story was Dec 19th when it was Dec 20th.

Check your own archives, Rush!

Rush Limbaugh 12/20/2018: "Trump had better not sign that", 10 minutes later gets instant message

Lol, Rush is pretending again today that it's just a coincidence he got the instant message right after warning Trump on 12/20:

The President Tells Me It’s Money or Nothing

... If it’s that, then Trump had better not sign that. There has to be some serious appropriation. So, I mean, it’s time for applause. (clapping) Yes. This is a great, great first step. But it’s not a full-fledged veto. Not that we want a veto; don’t misunderstand. This is simply the president telling the Republicans, “I’m not signing this. There’s no border security in it.” So now the Republicans are gonna go back and put some border security in their version of the continuing resolution. We’ll know what that is soon enough.

Then when they finish doing that and they vote on it — and it will pass — they’ll send it over to The Turtle, Mitch McConnell in the Senate, and then they will deal with it. The Senate was very happy to have not a penny in this CR for border security. So it looks like the onus now is… It looks like it’s on the House, but it’s actually gonna be on the Senate, because we have to assume the House is gonna put something in this. Meadows was dead serious about this. Ryan? I don’t know. But it’s still his House. He’s still speaker for a while. So that’s where we are. But it’s great news that the president refused to sign this.

Now we have to keep our eyes on what they come up with as border security.


RUSH: Okay, folks, this is good. This is interesting. I just got a phone call. Well, I got an instant message. It’s the equivalent of you getting a phone call. That’s how people communicate with me, particularly during the program. It’s impossible to use the phone during the program. Anyway, I just said less than 10 minutes ago in my translation of what’s happened here, “The president told Republicans he’s not going to sign this. It’s not a veto yet, but he’s not gonna sign it until there’s border security in it.” ...

So I get this direct message: “You tell Rush that if there’s no money in this, it’s getting vetoed. If there’s no money — if there’s no money for a wall — I’m vetoing this, plain and simple.” This was the message that I just got, and I trust it and I believe it to be the case. By the way, it’s a legitimate question. I mean, the way the media reports this — and it was not just the media. It was Paul Ryan saying, “The president cares deeply about border security. So we’re gonna go back and we’re gonna get some border security in this thing.

Richard Spencer's cuckery is on display when he attacks Boomer morality when what he really means is Christian morality

Spencer is servile to the hegemony of the status quo just as much as anybody, where publicly attacking religion is still verboten, so he veils it by attaching it to an easier target, a demographic cohort, the new elderly. It's not a coincidence that the godless right and left view the most vulnerable in society as the prime enemies of the good life.

Pace Spencer, the chief impediment to the success of race identity in America isn't ideology. It's capital, stored by the 78 million who own and occupy their homes (73% of whites, 58% of Asians, 47% of Hispanics, 42% of blacks). They don't want violence in the streets in front of their homes no matter what color it takes, whether it comes from Black Lives Matter, Antifa, MS-13, the KKK or Unite the Right. They want law and order. Republicans win when they run on that.

Sunday, February 10, 2019

Yeah, everybody does it (Black Lives Matter where are you?)

Virginia isn't a one-off. Here's a (growing) list of celebs and lawmakers who got in trouble over blackface

All these stories of people "coming out" in blackface almost seems like an effort to make it OK, like being gay

When Joni Mitchell wore blackface for Halloween


Move over Caligula, Trumpzilla's in town

Bad karma: Democrats can't find one normal candidate, Trump to win in a landslide

Ah yes, the old Green New Deal FAQ mystery trick

By the way, electricity from renewables is up 268% in 2017 from 2007, but . . .

renewables still provide less than 10% of total generation.

Unfortunately, America produced less total electricity in 2017 than it did in 2007, too, by 3.1%.

And the price of a kilowatthour is up 14.8%.

Reducing energy production and making it more expensive is no way to grow an economy, son.


Attention jobless communist journalists, Apple has a message just for you: Learn to code

Condescending racism, NYT's style: People in black face can go back to being white, but not black people!

OMG! Black people have to be black ALL THE TIME. The horror, the horror.

AOC can't hide her laughably grandiose, pie in the sky, Green New Deal FAQ Launch from the cloud, either

AOC probably got an "A" on this paper in college, lol.


Move America to 100% clean and renewable energy

Repair and upgrade U.S. infrastructure. ASCE estimates this is $4.6 trillion at minimum.

Meet 100% of power demand through clean and renewable energy sources

Upgrade or replace every building in US for state-of-the-art energy efficiency

Build charging stations everywhere

Build out high-speed rail at a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary

Replace every combustion-engine vehicle

Retrofit every building in America

It’s unclear if we will be able to decommission every nuclear plant within 10 years, but the plan is to transition off of nuclear and all fossil fuels as soon as possible

Protect right of all workers to unionize and organize

Economic security for all who are unable or unwilling to work

Yes, we are calling for a full transition off fossil fuels 

Simply put, we don’t need to just stop doing some things we are doing (like using fossil fuels for energy needs); we also need to start doing new things (like overhauling whole industries or retrofitting all buildings to be energy efficient).

Ensure that all GND jobs are union jobs that pay prevailing wages and hire local

Create economic prosperity for all

Create millions of high-wage jobs and ensure prosperity and economic security for all

Clean air and water, climate and community resiliency, healthy food, access to nature, and a sustainable environment for all

Create affordable public transit available to all

Provide job training and education to all 

Provide high-quality health care, housing, economic security, and clean air, clean water, healthy food, and nature to all

[Free coffee and toilets 24/7 at Starbucks]  

The communist Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez can run but can't hide her utopian schoolgirl fantasies from Al Gore's amazing wayback machine

Green New Deal FAQ

A 10-year plan

A World War 2 scale mobilization

Upgrading all our buildings

Economic security to all who are unable or unwilling to work

We also need to start doing new things (like overhauling whole industries or retrofitting all buildings to be energy efficient)

Upgrading virtually every home and building for energy efficiency

We will finance the investments for the Green New Deal  . . . with public money appropriated by Congress

The Green New Deal will prioritize creating high-quality, family wage-supporting union jobs

A federal jobs guarantee ensures that no worker is left behind

We aren’t sure that we will be able to fully get rid of, for example, emissions from cows or air travel before then

Retrofit every building in America

Make new fossil fuel infrastructure or industries untenable