Friday, February 8, 2019

Trend for lowest minimum temperature in Grand Rapids, Michigan, continues to show cooling, not warming

Trend for highest maximum temperature in Grand Rapids, Michigan, continues to show cooling, not warming

Joe Biden 1975: Thanks to me anti-busing is no longer a racist position

“The pro-busers and the civil rights lobby were dumbstruck … although I had put them on notice months earlier,” said Biden in the interview. “I think I’ve made it possible for liberals to come out of the closet … If [anti-busing] isn’t yet a respectable liberal position, it is no longer a racist one.”

Read my lips: No second term

Trump Reverses Wage-Boosting Campaign Commitment, Demands More Legal Immigration: ‘We Need People’

The statements are a break from the president’s commitment in 2015, 2016, 2017, when he continuously advocated for reducing overall legal immigration to raise the wages of American workers.


Thursday, February 7, 2019

Ten years from now when there's no more jet travel the flight attendants' union won't be able to end Emperor Trump's shutdowns

The Green New Deal aims to expand high speed rail "to a scale where air travel stops becoming necessary"

Air travel stopped being necessary for me in 1996.

Haven't flown since.

Just Say No To Air Travel.

Hm, Ja Rule and Congressman Justin Amash together on vaycay


It's OK when Joy Behar does it because, you know, two lesbians goin' at it is . . . wow!

Joy Behar in Rachel Dolezal-face, age 29.

WaPo's Jennifer Rubin thinks soft pedaling your blackface as brown makeup is more credible

Guilty Ann Coulter goes full normie, says we still owe blacks, esp. an immigration moratorium


Trump is a liar.

Coulter is a loser.

Whites must fight or die.

White supremacists stage ugly appearance at State of the Union address

Last week we nearly had no natural gas in Grands Rapids, Michigan, this week an ice storm took out the power

Another one-two punch for us here in western lower Michigan from Mother Nature, where it's now 45F and the ice storm has melted away. Going down to 17F by midnight, though. Been there. Doin' it again.

Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Happy to see The New York Times still follows "Darkies" from the style sheet my dad followed 45 years ago to avoid offense

Elizabeth Warren's chickens . . . have come home . . . to roost!

Lyin' liars gonna lie.

More "peak capitalism" from the Democrat Party's Marxists

The Marxists have been waiting for peak capitalism since Marx himself, just as the Christians have been waiting for the end of the world since Christ himself.

So they're good, then.

Virginia turns into political Chernobyl, now attorney general admits, sort of, to blackface

The governor's med-school yearbook shows somebody in blackface on his page, for which Democrats everywhere have said he must resign.

Next in line is the Lt. Gov., a black man accused of sexual assault by a woman about whom the Lt. Gov. is reported to have recently said, "F*ck that bitch".

Next in line is the Attorney General, who has come out admitting to appearing in "brown make-up" when he was 19, reporting which the NYT is taking flak for underreporting the facts of blackface, nevermind the Attorney General is.

Not sure who is next in line, but from the look of things, this might take a while.

 And to think a chink started it all.

CFPB head Richard Cordray had multiple meetings to craft policy with Joe Alcoff, Antifa leader arrested for violence

CFPB Worked With Exposed Antifa Leader on Payday Loan Rule

Kellyanne Conway baldly lies on The Rush Limbaugh Show, claims over 7 million jobs created

You don't lose control of the US House after creating over 7 million jobs in just over two years.

These people are blind, but the voters are not.

There is NO measure which comes even close to over 7 million new jobs.

Total nonfarm payrolls (Establishment Survey) between Nov 2016 and Jan 2019 are up 5.3 million, seasonally adjusted, 1.7 million not seasonally adjusted.

Civilian employment (Household Survey) is up 4.5 million seasonally adjusted, 2.6 million not seasonally adjusted.

The sum of usually full time and usually part time (Household Survey) is up net 4.5 million seasonally adjusted, 2.6 million not seasonally adjusted (mirrors civilian employment level).

The employment-population ratio is up from 59.8% to 60.7%, an increase of 4.6 million jobs from 152.2 million to 156.8 million.

And 78% of these new jobs have gone to minorities, not to the white majority.

CONWAY: . . . He’s going to talk about the booming economy, and it is the Trump economy. Over seven million jobs created, wages are up, unemployment is down, small business formation is going well. People are just… They’re back to work. We’re a country that works.

Bill Clinton kept having bimbo eruptions, Elizabeth Warren keeps having these

Trump has done little for white America since 2016: Just 22% of new jobs have gone to whites