Monday, January 28, 2019

Finally, one for our side: Armed Antifa pulls gun on middle school cop, patriarchy shoots him dead

Drudge drunk-tweets after date with Rashida Tlaib

Forget the MAGA hats, are we sure the Covington Catholic teens weren't wearing Canada Goose jackets?

NYT Publishes Puff Piece On Hate Group That Harassed Covington Boys For Over An Hour:

A small group of Black Hebrew Israelites harassed and verbally assaulted a larger group of Catholic students at the March for Life in Washington, D.C. last Friday, slinging racial epithets at both the students and a nearby group of Native Americans for nearly two hours. The media’s coverage of the Black Hebrew Israelites group, however, has all but ignored its role in the confrontation that occurred over the weekend.

Evidently they also believe the answer to everything is "42"


For a second there I thought Steve Bannon was aging badly and had lost a lot of weight

Robert Redford
Steve Bannon

3 black robbers in a stolen blue Audi target "people" wearing Canada Goose jackets


The suspects were described as three African American males, 18-26 years of age wearing dark hoodies and ski masks and riding in a stolen dark blue Audi A5 with license plate No. X562250

Video shows blacks targeting whites wearing Canada Goose coats, headline says "people"

People robbed of Canada Goose coats at gunpoint in Chicago

But we're repeatedly told in the video that the (black) men were in a "white" Mercedes.

"Be on the lookout for a white Mercedes." 

LOL laid off HuffPo opinion girls' time has finally come: HuffPo 2016 Video "Girls Need To Learn To Code"

  3dits 4dits 2dits dah, 4chan 4chan rah rah rah!

Why We Need To Encourage Girls To Learn How To Code

Trump is practically run by Jews but French Jew Bernard-Henri Levy says Trump is bad, bad, bad for Jews

Well, Trump's bad for any Jew who isn't orthodox, maybe, like Levy.

Orthodox Jews absolutely love, love, love Donald Judas Trump, and are at the right hand of power in the White House, while Levy is not, which is his real complaint.

Meanwhile Levy has championed perverts like pedophile rapist Roman Polanski, but America First members John F. Kennedy, Gerald R. Ford, William Buckley, Walt Disney, Sargent Shriver, Gore Vidal, Frank Lloyd Wright and a host of others are somehow beyond the pale.

Levy isn't just Exhibit A for the self-hating Jew, but also for the America-hating variety. We are ALL Nazis to them.

Wake Up, American Jews: Donald Trump Is A Huge Threat:

Since his arrival on the scene, Trump has championed the legacy of Charles Lindbergh, the first architect of “America First” and a known anti-Semite. But this was only the first in what has become a long list of signs signifying how bad the President of the United States is for the Jews. ... the radiation given off by the words “America First” are on the Nazi spectrum.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Learn to code: 4chan running NPR and Bloomberg since 2016

When Joey Ramone sang "I need a nurse!" he didn't mean the guy on the right

Yeah. I wanna be well.

HuffPo to shutter German edition, enter "Selbstzerstörungsjournalismusheuchelei"

Trump can't run against Warren's wealth tax: Kooky idea was his in 1999 (also invented the Occupy Wall Street 99% meme)

A stewardess pulls Trump's strings, not Ann Coulter

CNBC Jews' Yoni Blumberg figured it would be best to showcase white people for this story

It would be racist to suggest POC save money by refraining from having children, right?

We'll never recover 10 years of lost pay because of Obama's war on old white people

NBC Jews and their anti-white lies: Using January to incessantly retweet Jan 2 anti-white Noah Berlatsky article

Ben Shapiro: Anti-white racist Sarah Jeong shouldn't be fired, "white supremacist" Steve King should be

No, Sarah Jeong Shouldn’t Be Fired. Yes, Non-White People Can Be Racist. And Yes, The Left Is Filled With Hypocrites.