The GOP nominee would end the Obama administration’s Deferred Action
for Childhood Arrivals immigration policy, better known as DACA, under
which roughly half a million young people brought to the U.S. as
children have received temporary legal status. Trump would also cancel
President Obama’s DAPA program, or Deferred Action for Parents of
Americans, which would give similar status to undocumented parents of
American citizens. That program has been frozen as it faces court
Serious? Are you kidding? The politics of immigration ended when we elected you. You are the president, idiot. You already have the power. We already showed that we are serious. Put it up or shut it up, pal.
Fellow tribalists Rashida Tlaib, Helen Thomas, Barack Obama, and friends: "Jews get the hell out of Palestine, go back to Poland, Germany and America."
He's been around a long time and has a Wikipedia page, which is up to date with the latest incident in Washington, DC where he gets in the face of some easy marks, a bunch of unsuspecting Catholic kids.
Just one previous example, at Eastern Michigan University in 2015 when he went looking for trouble: